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Last 2 survivors holding the killer hostage.

Hello, I just had one of "these" matches with 2 survivors constantly being chased and seen by the killer, other 2 are hiding 80% of the match, they not unhooking, not being chased, they touching the gen and go hide again.

In this match: Me as a Hag, Ash, Mikaela, and 2 Fengs. Map - Garden of Joy.

As I was saying... Through 10-15 min of the match, I've seen only 2 Fengs, they were in chase with me, they were unhooking eachother, and the gens were not being even touched. When 1 Feng died, and the second one were on death hook, I actually stopped the chase with Feng and tried to find Ash with Mikaela, unfortunatelly I've not been able to, coz I'm playing hag without any aura reading perks. So I found Feng again and killed her. I was already frustrated with Ash and Mikaela for playing like that.

I'm playing this game very chill and calm, but this match actually got me raging the hell out, since after second Feng dies, I've spend 26 minutes trying to find Ash and Mikaela, who's happened to be crouching by the edges of the map.

These 2 jerks, were not "surviving" since they didn't touch a single gen for all match, they were trying to make me DC. How pathetic and low could survivors get? So after 26 minutes, I've finally found Mikaela, and Ash were by the 3 m away from her, I downed them and didn't hooked them out of insane anger. The match at whole was more than 40 min.

In the end-game chat, they were having fun of me playing a Hag (which I don't understand), and I'm not gonna lie... I've said some messedup things to them, a lot of things, due to frustration and anger. I calmed down, apologise to them, and proccedes to report them for holding a killer hostage and trolling.

Dear survivors, please don't play like this, killer have nothing to do to deserve being hold hostage, if you do play like this, it's a reportable offence. Do not hold anyone hostage, play the game normally and have fun.

For the Developers: Make the "Afk crows" more reasonable. These 2 guys clearly didn't even touched any gens, they were only hiding by the lockers and corners of the map. To me, it was a clear Afk with intension the killer will DC.


  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230

    Or they could make a match lasting 30 mins max with a timer on top of your screen.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Holding the game hostage means the other side can't do anything BUT dc ,,at your case they were being immersed and hiding very well but you as killer weren't unable to do anything about it,,you just took ages to find them ,boring as it is it's not holding anyone hostage

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,115
    edited September 2022

    I had a Yui hide in the basement of the garden of Joy and literally not move for the entire match. I held on as long as I could from first hook till sacrifice to get the killer to find her, but annoyingly they didn't go in the basement. They still got sacrificed but its just annoying as I was unhooking, healing and doing gens and they did nothing. Didn't even go for the hatch. Why play?

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,902

    These 2 guys was in discord (or other), they might saw me and just decided to hide untill I DC. In the end-game chat they clearly told me that they don't like hag, they were making fun of ME as a player for playing her, and actually told me that I "stubborn F-k" for not DCing. How F-ing pathetic is that?

    I'm sorry but Garden of joy is not the map, that you can find them fast with hag (low profile and 4.4 speed) without any aura reading perks.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    stealthy survivors are hard to find anyway in most maps without auras,sucks hard when people do it ,,i'd honestly slug both for 4 minutes and give them smth like " hope you enjoyed kissing the ground for 4 minutes" and move on with it

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    At that point, they're playing against each other, not you. Just equip some on-demand tracking and you're good. Whispers is amazing in a situation like this, no activation requirements and you can easily pinpoint their location.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,902
    edited September 2022

    As I did tho, I haven't hooked them, just left on the ground. I was actually angry as hell, I've never been so angry by the 1 match of this game for a really long time.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm ok with survivors hiding, it's their work to avoid the killer. But I was thinking, what is the logic or point of their hiding?

    I'm not a baby hag, not a single gen completed or being worked, 2 survivors are dead and I have a full web of traps with 4 generators in it. This match was clearly over, why would you prolonging the lost game anyway?

    The answer is - frustrate the player and make him DC, coz "We don't like this killer", "Ha-ha imagine playing boring hag", "You such a stubborn F-k, why don't just leave".

    The toxicity of some survivors in this game is just insane. And why it mostly survivors?

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    I find Hag obnoxiously boring to play against as well as survivor but i'll never complain in post game lobby,,at the end of the day you should play whatever you want ,,If they find it really unbearable they can run at you and give up on hook,they were trying to make u mad but u showed them

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,902

    Yes, unfortunatelly, I haven't any aura reading perks, but whispers on hag?=) I mean, if it's only against such situations, I'd rather report them over a good perk slot. Besides, (off topic) imo hag don't need any aura reading, due to chase only in your web.

  • Metronix
    Metronix Member Posts: 226

    The toxicity of some survivors in this game is just insane. And why it mostly survivors?

    Cause the ratio. 4:1, said four times the jerks on killer side. Smh. I think I would probably start to wait to, watch a show and wait for them to disconnect. I'm still mad I didn't do that to the Trapper that was camping the hatch. I'll definetly wait at the exit next time that happens.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Personally I think the game should have an internal timer where if nobody scores any points for at least, say, five minutes then the game goes into sudden death overtime or simply ends in a draw. That would address both the 2 hiding survivors stalemates that can drag on as well as maybe help with some exploits where a game can be held hostage.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited September 2022

    I think it would be a nice QoL change to put a time limit to matches after which it's gameover for everyone, instead of having unclear ban rules that no one seems to agree on.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    Had this happen to me too. After 30+ minutes Meg and Ace appeared out of nowhere and i slugged them because i was so angry.

    In the endgame chat they told me they were RPing in the small hut thats in mothers dwelling....i went past that hut multiple times never saw them.

    Didnt do gens but were booning just out of spite. They were trying to make me DC so they would *win".

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    According to Behavior, you were actually holding them hostage. Defending gens is not your objective, apparently. If you do not let them survivors do a gen, you are holding the game hostage. It is known.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    Makes sense.. ill stand in the corner next time and let them escape :)

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,902

    Fair enough. =) I might reconsider my actions next time. xD

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Yeah, games like that are terrible. That's why when I'm second to last survivor, if the game is beyond saving and my teammate is just hiding, I'll walk up to the killer for a quick death. Better make hatch spawn than everyone losing time.

    I've had people try and do that same thing when I was playing Legion (because imagine playing against Legion ! /s), but they forgot I could see them with killer instinct. I let the survivor who was still trying to do gens alive, just to use them as a tracker to get the stealthy peeps.

    Props to you for playing Hag though. She's my second favourite killer to play, and I don't see enough of her as survivor.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,902

    To me, Hag is a killer that frustrating to play against, but really fun and satifying to play as.

    Tho, even if you as a survivor don't like the killer design or gameplay, you have no rights to do so as I mentioned in title.

    I didn't camp, I didn't tunnel, I didn't play scummy, why would they do that? Apparently, if you play certain killers you'll be treated like that, and it's not right.

    It should be adressed to some survivors, killer player is just playing the game, if you don't like this killer or his/her gameplay, it's not the players falt. Don't hold the game like that, it's not fun, I'm not a fan of running from corner to corner, checking every locker and generators (which are 0%), braking my eyes watching every bush, spending 20-30min of searching in a match which is clearly over.

    This is a clear toxicity. Without mentioning the end-game chat.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    Well hiding and avoiding killer is a core thing you have as a survivor.

    How many bloodpoints do they get? Also i had so many killers say i just hided while i did 3 gens and did some gens without being noticed. So, its maybe not just hiding. (Also kinda hard to not get AFK crows if you dont do Gens at all)

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,902

    My quote: "Don't get me wrong, I'm ok with survivors hiding, it's their work to avoid the killer"

    But, quote: "I'm not a baby hag, not a single gen completed or being worked, 2 survivors are dead and I have a full web of traps with 4 generators in it. This match was clearly over."

    Besides, in end-game chat they told me that they wanted me to dc, coz they don't like hag.

    How many bp I can't remember, but they didn't even touched any gens when second Feng died. For the last 26minutes I was searching every single gen, locker, bushes. Gens were at 0% everytime I passed by. It's got me really angry, I already knew, that these jerks trying to make me DC.

  • shiroo
    shiroo Member Posts: 178

    If they were actually not doing anything and not moving they would get crows and you would get a notification. Just because you can't find someone doesn't mean it's holding the game hostage.

    Just imagine if you're a Survivor...where would you hide...the last place Killer would be looking for you - in this case...the Basement. You will have an easier time finding them.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    Yeah i understand that is 100% just being abusive. But saw many posts on this forum that even the slightest bit of hiding is considered keeping hostage etc.

    But on one note: Traps can be avoided if you crouch. So that shouldnt be that much considered when they crouched and hide.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    I agree, they were trying to outlast one another to get hatch. It wasn't really about you but about who could be the last survivor standing. It's unfortunate that you felt stuck between them, but escapes mean a lot for survivors (as a way to preserve or improve MMR, which determines the quality of teammates). If you find yourself experiencing this particular scenario often, location perks like Whispers, Spies from the Shadows, and a few others could really help. Darkness Revealed is good for finding immersed survivors as well.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    I honestly think the crows would be a good feature for something like this. If they haven't done a gen, or healed, or cleansed or ANYTHING for 20 minutes the crows go off.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 273

    Call me crazy, but a radical idea I have is to implement some sort of mechanic that adds a hard limit to the length a match. Don't think this has ever been done in any game before though, so maybe it's too monumental a task.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,902

    Thank you for your advice. I might try it for next matches, but I doubt it would work, since I have hag on high mmr, most survivors running flashlights and popping gens really fast, and as a hag, I have really low chance catching one without traps.

    So certain perks are must have on hag if you play high mmr, like Franklins (against flashlights), corrupt (to have time to set up), jolt (to not wasting time kicking a gens)... Sadly, I don't think hag is good without these perks, against a good survivors.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,902

    Afk crows, as they right now, just makes no sence to me, coz they work only if survivor doesn't move at all and just looking around.

    Making them like you mentioned is a way to go, or as above mentioned: Make a timer to each match 20-30min. So if someone decides to hold someone hostage, the game will end after timer runs out.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,043

    Two survs trying to wait each other out or just trying to avoid being found for obscene amounts of time may not be the worst, but it's on the short list.

    I hate it as a killer, and I hate it as a surv. I would rather die trying to finish a gen than play hide and seek for 20 minutes, but I also don't like that doing so rewards another player for waiting the rest of us out by not doing anything.

    Aggressive AFK crows, showing surv auras (even in lockers), killer instinct, or a hard time limit are all workable solutions. I think the trigger should be not working on gens for a certain amount of time (so just tapping one every so often won't work).

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,043

    Shorter, even. 20 minutes of nothing is an eternity. 10 minutes would be fine. I might even make a case to start adding crows at five minutes.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,115

    They were getting in and out of the lockers; not rushed.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    You played the Hag, I am glad you faced this kind of survivors :)

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,993

    Makes you wonder just how boring some people's lives must be that hiding and doing nothing in a video game is an appealing thing to do.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,318

    That would even fix the cheating problems, holding streamers hostage

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,595

    And then they wonder why the queue times are long (for both sides)

    1) They held the Killer from starting another match

    2) They held 2 other survivors from starting another match

  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    maybe the killer just didnt do a good job finding these survivors

  • Lineheart
    Lineheart Member Posts: 38

    1. Who would win. Killer or survivor?

    2 would that not just give incentive for survivor to hide all game to get easy W?

    If they 3 gen Them self and instead of trying to bait killer away they just wait. With the incentive of killer must leave gens or game will end.

    The game ending is a very survivor focused thing. People don't hide if there winning. Killer downs you. You have hard time limit. You die get hooked that's it. They can't drag game out forever unless killer bodyblocks in a corner. In that case take a small vid and get them banned