

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 543

    add like a 20% chance a survivor spawns into the match on hook in phase 2. Only way to balance.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,207

    "Those skillchecks aren't easy to hit without other perks helping it and that means you don't have other perks to help you in chases"

    • The games gonna be over in 5 minutes if you have a full build dedicated to it and/or other people doing it as well. You won't need help in chase if you never get chased because the game will be over.
    • It requires a toolbox and TWO (2) perks, hyperfocus and stake out, in order to work. Meaning your other 2 can be perks like SB and OTR

    You still haven't convinced me that being able to cut over 30 seconds off of a solo generator is balanced.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    How dare u not agreeing with the DBD god himself? Sacrilege!

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Gens are fine by themselves, the problem is the modifiers. I'd even go back to 80 second gens and just tune down all gen speed/time modifiers.

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    Literally a meme build lol

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    I would love to see that quote from BHVR "openly saying slowdown perks should not be needed".

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566
    edited September 2022

    Why do we even try to smear the study as if we did our own research?

    We couldn't even produce the same quality of evidence as Otz, and we're critiquing it like we're scholars in the field.

    What we need is more educated research to prove a point instead of us just screaming in our own echo chambers.

    It just makes us even more ignorant and disconnected from the truth if we always try to shut down attempts to provide evidence for the discussion just because we have our own biases.

    Disprove it with the same quality of evidence and then we'll talk.

    Also, cheaters can use unlimited items and broken add-ons just to excuse their cheating behavior. I'd rather we take those away.

    (If we nerf toolboxes, we should rework the Nurse as well, since the Nurse is practically the only reason toolboxes are fair in the first place.)

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    They nerfed the best gen regression perks though. Gen slowdown as a whole is a good deal worse than it used to be. Also they added a FREE ten second BT with 10% haste basekit to all survivor unhooks.

    Please stop spreading misinformation.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2022

    i don't see it as problem. survivor items are 5th perks with 0 risk, full reward. the game is balanced 0 items for survivors and the killer with add-on +4 perk's. add-on deciding how powerful or how weak the killer is. Survivor that are using items are just wanting to win and have less stressful match. that is sort of how I see it. This isn't to sound like a killer main or anything, but I don't think items for survivor should exist. if survivor want an advantage, maybe it should be like a personal offering or something for survivor.

    on average you lose 1 gen+ 75% progress of another gen per chase. that's survivor playing at its worst though. you can extend chases a lot more if you use pallets and windows effectively and.... most maps have a lot of strong windows and pallet. RPD feels so much weaker right now for survivor. I used to not mind RPD as much as survivor, but now I kinda dislike playing on that map as survivor. I think they went a little overboard on killer complaints on the map.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    Survivor items are like 5th perk slots? Rather like Killer add-ons also serve as 5th and 6th perk slots by that logic? Why should advantageous Killer add-ons exist but survivors can't have some equivalent in an item?

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    How would you suggest toolboxes be changed? Do you mean to simply not synergise with Hyperfocus + Stakeout? Many of us don't use these perks and I'd hate to see changes to toolboxes in general because then it's yet another case of the whole survivor base losing out because of a few

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    I mean i respect your opinion but i personally find it wrong. I have used these perks together for a while now with and without toolboxes and i find the perk problematic, but again i respect your opinion and we are allowed to disagree on this matter.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    He's basically talking about why a lack of sanity checks is making the game harder to balance, and predictably causing players to focus more on damage control than playstyle variety. If you balance around X factor, you need to make sure X has minimal variance: Otherwise you increase the likelihood of unfair outcomes and make it inherently less balanced. Most balance discussions with the game turn into "Oh yeah well what about [insert other side] having [insert other problem]!" for this exact reason, its balanced by averages while selectively ignoring extreme outliers, and they're generally likely to nerf a mediocre thing due to its extreme usage than actually address why said extreme usage is a thing.

    It's been an issue since day one with balance for no comms vs allowing them, and having that variance create a blatant unknown to apply to various core mechanics. Most people have made peace with the fact they're never going to remove it, but there is a very important lesson to be leaned about it: There are going to be both casual groups of friends who want to talk while playing, and there are going to be people who press that advantage as much as possible because it's in the game. They could easily make changes to how the system works that hurts the latter without affecting the former, but those types of meaningful changes require more than throwing a perk on top and calling it a day.

  • Maverick_74F
    Maverick_74F Member Posts: 159

    This is a hard one. I feel bad for the devs because it's going to be hard to get right. We always heard about camping and tunneling being cheesy and a unfun tactic but people bringing 4 BNP + Prove isn't talked about nearly as much as camping and tunneling. Same goes for 4 insta heals or styptics or 4 purple flashys +map offerings. Probably a hot take but I don't think BNPS or styptics are healthy for the game anymore. All these things buy a TON of time for the gens to be done or drastically decrease the time to do them with little to no counterplay or way of knowing about it.

    I think its a bit absurd that some matches you can literally find a survivor within 20 seconds and down them in under 40 then hook them and your already down a gen and a half, That 1 hook state doesn't apply nearly enough pressure to justify losing a gen and another being almost done. Early game seems to be where the problem lies the most and some killers (Hag,myers,trapper,pig,onryo,freddy) will lose 2 generators and sometimes 3 and only have 1 hook no matter how good you do in chase or setup due to the limits of their power and how much you control the chase.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Why should advantageous Killer add-ons exist but survivors can't have some equivalent in an item?

    the items takes away challenge of escaping the killer. the escape does not feel earned. your entitle to use them though. they are part of the game.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725
    edited September 2022

    Some of these comments really got me sideways...

    People truly believe Otz is constantly complaining about something? The man's content output is like 70% DBD Educational, 20% HAHA Funny DBD, and 10% "Here are my thoughts on this..."

    I think the problem here is pretty clear; a significant population of players only dip their feet in one role, and they are all reluctant to admit when the tools at their disposal break the game and/or make the game insufferable to the other side. Nothing but a bunch of scavengers walking 'round these parts rendering feedback virtually useless to the devs, because it pales in comparison to the reliability of their data.

    How does anyone expect this game to improve when y'all acting like seagulls?

  • Fred_krueger
    Fred_krueger Member Posts: 163
    edited September 2022

    The game is in a really bad place imo.

    As killer, I get super sweaty teams. Gens fly, heals are INSANELY fast.

    As survivor, I get HORRIFIC teams. As in people using self care still kind of teams.

    I never bring addons as killer as I like to get good as basekit without relying on addons. But survivor items are way too strong.

    Im told to not tunnel, but if I hit someone else and they get away, they can heal so fast ( since for some reason COH, Med kits, perks STACK ?! )

    And the ones I dont hit are slamming out gens so fast with toolboxes I cant keep up. This is the problem with adding 3x perks per survivor. Theyre running out of ideas, so they create combos that are insane.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    What did they nerf besides Pop? Seriously?

    Thana was most definitely nerfed, making it essentially impossible for anyone but Plague or Legion to get any actual value out of it (Why that's ironic is a different topic of conversation.

    Ruin was literally ruined.

    Corrupt was nerfed

    Pain Resonance was nerfed.

    The strangest one to me was BBQ - they claimed that they wanted to reduce camping/tunnelling but took away the incentive in BBQ to hook every survivor at least once ASAP. Baffling.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    4 BNP + PT isn't talked about as much as camping and tunnelling, because the former is relevant to swfs while the latter is more relevant to solo queue. Swfs can coordinate around camping and tunnelling alot easier than solo can, so most complaints around camping and tunnelling are from solo players (and to an extent, 2man and 3man swfs), who make up the majority of the player base.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Stake out doesn't make you waste time, you can actually do stuff and passively gain tokens

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779

    I really hate when I see a comment posted, click to read it, and it is no longer available/removed.

    I always wonder about the 'winning' comments I'm missing out on:(

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725

    The other day I opened a forum thread in a new tab, while I was doing other things on my computer.

    About 15min after I opened the thread I decided to read it. Figured I should refresh first, and before I even read any of the content my page reloaded to “this post has been removed.”

    …I was really kicking myself for missing out on some drama

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    I think this is honestly a great take. Gen times aren't too fast like people are saying, and they aren't too slow like people are saying. The problem is there is WAY too much variance. How can the game be balanced around 80-90 second gens when it is very possible for gens to take 40 seconds less or more? Imo, I think gens should almost ALWAYS stay around 80-90 seconds, there shouldn't be anything to speed or slow them down. Now talking about gen regression perks (NOT SLOWDOWN PERKS LIKE THANA), that is a different story, and that is how I think the game should be balanced around. A killer should be rewarded for taking the time to pressure gens, not just making stuff take longer. It should be a back and forth.

  • Kirahie
    Kirahie Member Posts: 354

    What are you talking about? Thana was gutted. It's now locked to pretty much plague and legion.