Can you tell me why my markdown isn't working here?
So I wanted to make an in line link in my comment, I looked at this thread for how to do so:
But if you look at my comment here: - it is just showing my comment with the markdown, instead of converting it.
What am I doing wrong?
Best Answer
<a href="">test</a>
Their formatting just seems wonky. Or that post is very outdated. According to that post, all three of the links above should be formatted correctly, but only one is, and that one doesn't even use any markdown, it uses their WYSIWYG editor.
The one that is formatted correctly uses this forum's built-in auto formatting option. When I selected the text I wanted to use as the link, a small pop-up appeared with options for bold, italics, and at the end is an icon of a link. I selected the link icon and pasted the URL and the link is formatted correctly. I'm able to do this on PC and on a phone, though it's more difficult on a phone.
thank you kindly @TragicSolitude I had not noticed there was a pop-up on highlighting
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No problem :) Glad it's working for you.
In case you hadn't noticed, there's also a paragraph symbol that shows up to the left of the textbox. It's another piece of the WYSIWYG editor, and clicking on it allows you to do headings, blockquotes, lists, and spoilers. Maybe you'd already noticed that one since it doesn't require highlighting any text, but I'm mentioning it just in case because the paragraph symbol is damn near impossible to see (at least on my screen, as it's black on a dark grey background).
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Haha very likely would not have noticed that, at least not for a while @TragicSolitude I appreciate the tips thank u :)