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Moments where you felt bad as killer

Ladyinadress18 Member Posts: 243
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

I just played a match as Trapper on ormond and I brought the add on that allows me to start with all my traps. I started the match trapping out all doors to the main building and brought the offering to put the basement in the main building. So basically, I defended the main building and brought any downed survivor to the basement. I also proceeded to reset any disarmed traps and refused be brought to the corner of the map with the shack. Behold… a forced 3-gen scenario. This match proceeded to last over 30 minutes with an eventual 4K. I’m entertained but at the same time, i know it was super boring for them…

please share your “I created an unfun match” stories please. I didnt realize what I created until I was in the middle of it and felt the need to commit to what I started.

generally I’m a survivor main so I’m not super familiar with all the mess killers actually do.

stories stories stories please. I like stories

if you have come to this post to complain about killers, this post is one you can pass on. I simply want match stories


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    According to the number of DCs and unalives on hook I got even before 6.1., I apparently tend to create a lot of unfun matches by simply bringing Legion :(

  • Ladyinadress18
    Ladyinadress18 Member Posts: 243

    Haha oh man. I do find legion annoying to go against but I’ll at least commit to the match.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    The one and only time I ever face camped.

    I was a brand new killer player, had only a few matches in my pocket before this crap show landed in my lap. This was before MMR, when matchmaking could get wonky with a rank 20 bringing along 2 or 3 red rank friends.

    These guys destroyed my poor hag on her very own swamp map. Gens flew by, I lost so many chases because I simply hadn't gotten used to the camera movement and keeping my eyes on survivors while they 360'd me (this was also on console just to make it that touch harder)

    Flashlight blinds every few minutes, hooks sabo'd, tebagged into infinity....basically a bunch of little Ochido's on steroids. The gens were done, the gates were being opened and i finally FINALLY managed to down a David who seemed to treat teabagging as a power up at every pallet and window. I admit, i was frustrated, pissed and yeah...i face camped that dude HARD.

    Nowadays I can accept if a killer camps at endgame, especially if they have had a rotten match. Even so, once the disproportionate rage subsided, I felt really bad as I hated being camped myself, and i am a bit of a soft hearted mush.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I had a game last night where survivors were only able to complete 1 gen, and the survivors are actually trying their best to get them done, along with cleansing the hexes from plaything and then pimento on top of that. Eventually one survivor just gave up in chase. I would have given them the hatch had they been the last one to go down. I felt really bad about it because they didn't dc, they didn't give up on hook, they still struggled their best as I tried to go to the furthest hook possible but without passing other hooks in the process giving them a chance to get free. I probably should have just turned the tables on the other 2 survivors that were left and let them get out through the gate. But the game went over 10 minutes and I bet they were as bored as I was. Probably will do that next time and afterwards. But I did generally feel bad. No trolling, no spamming flashlights, honestly the one with the flashlight was bad at blinding me which made it feel worse.

    I just generally feel bad when I have a group of survivors who try to survive and play without being a nuisance. Or especially when I play the Pig and someone who doesn't know to boop the snoot while the other survivors try to get them to boop me, sometimes I let it go. Some of us killers do have hearts. :)

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    With how wonky MMR can be, I've gone up against opponents that had no business going up against a killer of my level. The kind of matches where somehow not ONE generator is finished as I just cut my way through the entire team like a hot knife through butter.

    I always feel bad when that happens and try to take my food off the gas if I recognize the signs while playing.

  • Ladyinadress18
    Ladyinadress18 Member Posts: 243

    Oh even I think if a killer didn’t get a kill, I don’t blame them for facecamping the last survivor they finally downed when the match is basically over.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 799

    this was a while ago, back on hawkins lab. for those unfamiliar with this map layout, there's a stairwell that leads to a set of offices upstairs with a generator. patrolling it is annoying, so i never bothered, i'd stick to the gens on the lower floor.

    i was playing as doctor, and my build was all the bloodpoint perks because i was still DEEP in that grind and had only a few perks, which means BBQ, distressing.

    one survivor's dead, the other two are fighting for their lives at like, 3 or 4 gens to go. i hook one of them and i notice, out of the corner of my eye... there's a claudette, upstairs. the upstairs gen is already finished, it was one of the first (i don't care to defend it). i see her aura for just a second, and then i see it climb into a locker.

    i immediately stop playing against the other two survivors, i go upstairs, and i open her locker. yep, she's in it - the claudette i haven't seen all game long, who after one survivor's already been killed and two gens are done she has yet to even have a stage of madness. no stages of madness against a distressing doctor at mid-late game? at this point i figure that she fixed the upstairs generator and has been camping in that locker ever since, dodging my blasts by hiding in it as soon as my terror radius comes up and otherwise just wiggling around the room to avoid getting idle crows.

    i hook her, of course. and then i facecamp her. i don't want her escaping, she's basically been selling out her teammates all game long.

    one of them comes up for what i think is the rescue, i shake my head at her, and she comes up to the claudette anyway. i don't hit her because i want to stop the unhook and let both of them out, so the best way to do that is with a grab and then drop her. she comes up to the hook, and just starts teabagging the claudette.

    loved it. huge smile on my face. claudette dies, they take turns fixing gens / fake chasing while she rots on hook (i eat every pallet stun + break them all, after all i was on a bp farming build) and then they both leave.

    i always feel bad for the survivors when they get a dead weight coward on their team who's purely playing for the escape and is helping noone. as soon as i notice that's happening, i kill just the coward and let all the remaining survivors go for free. and i love when the survivors have clearly been mad about it and come support me in my endeavours.

    at the end of the game i believe the claudette had perks like iron will, self care, urban evasion and left behind. lmao. if they weren't all console players, endgame chat would've been extremely funny.

  • Ladyinadress18
    Ladyinadress18 Member Posts: 243

    Reading this made me smile too haha I’ll admit I’ve been the survivor that had teabagged aggressively outside the locker that a Blendette is clearly hiding in. And I keep trying to pull them out. It’s truly the worst when you know you have a teammate that’s just waiting to be the last survivor

  • BradQuackson
    BradQuackson Member Posts: 385

    There is 4 people I have seen for the last 3 months, seemingly still max MMR like me, and one of them finally dced from me last match... I was so sad, disappointed even, after all we have been through. Oh, and this guy today has faced me for like the last 3 of his games (not same person) and he is really sad

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I am not actually sure I can share the story as I am not sure if it is against whatever arbitrary rules they have. In a real game, it would just be standard gameplay, but here? I won't take my chances. That being said, some of these sus games where the only ones where I felt vaguely bad... For a particular survivor, anyway.

  • Blizer
    Blizer Member Posts: 46

    Honestly, in a 3 gen, and I hooked someone in the middle of it. Even if it's good play on my part, there is nothing that poor sap can do, as even their team can't save him at all lol.

    Happends decently often, but I still feel bad

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    I played Pinhead for a Daily Ritual, and soon realized I was facing solo survivors with 0 coordination. The end.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,471

    In my first months of playing DBD I played a game as Doctor and three survivors that has to have been SWFs were messing with the solo player I hooked. They all touched him on hook but refuse to unhook, even though I went 30 meter away I could see them t-bagging the guy so I went after them but the solo player died on that hook.

  • Ladyinadress18
    Ladyinadress18 Member Posts: 243

    Oh man that sucks for that person. It’s very frustrating to be on the receiving end of that. Nauseating to watch on your screen when people mess around doing that

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,497

    Everytime I had a cool match with some survivors who knew how to loop me well and whom I wanted to give hatch ... but I was 1 pip way from pipping up in Iri grades, so I hooked them and got over with it. Bonus sowwy points if the last two survivors were actually pretty good and cute, but I just couldn't effort to let them go.

    And sometimes you get to thrown in with survivors who are clearly newbies with one good survivor thrown into the mix and that one goes down first and after that the match just feels like a punching bag. No one of the survivors knows what to do, all run around headless and for the unsavest hooks possible and even if you would pull your punches the match would still never end from the survivors side, so you do the ugly, thankless task of the executioner and kill them off, one after the other and end the match with 3k+1 hatch and 4 gens remaining.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,431

    I was doing a challenge that required a hex. A Jane cleansed it while I was chasing a Meg right near by. I forgot about the Meg and proceeded to tunnel out the Jane for making me have to reattempt the challenge. I felt bad when I realized that the hex didn’t need to be active the whole match.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,037

    Nothing really specific, but I feel bad pretty often when MMR screws up and I get teams of baby survs. It's not fun for anyone, but I will only let so many people go, especially when making that pre-rank reset push. It feel bad just crushing people, and I know it feels bad getting crushed. Bad, man.

    Even when I go easy on people so they can actually get a game it can't feel great for them. I think I have a pretty good sense of when I am being toyed with, so I assume most others do as well.

    If I get a good sense that I am going against a partial SWF who are screwing over or BMing a random, I will do everything in my power to make sure the swf die and the random makes it out.

  • Shooby
    Shooby Member Posts: 226
    edited September 2022

    Old (not that old) Freddy Adept, Spirit Adept, Nurse Adept, Deathslinger Adept

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,289

    Where I felt bad as killer? Usually it's been when farming with survivors.

    Quite a few times they randomly decide to leave one survivor on 2nd hook to die. I feel bad for that survivor.

    There was one time farming as Doctor, the group was obviously a 4swf that was just memeing from the start so was a good time. At some point they were messing around with two lockers that were next to eachother but had a space a survivor could fit. I did a shock or blast and a survivor that had been in a locker ended up stuck between the two lockers. I tried shocking them to get them out, downing them, everything I could think of that might push them out from that spot. I felt so bad they got stuck when we were all just messing around. Eventually their buddies went and completed the gens and then they all stood around the stuck survivor until EGC killed them all.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    I was playing kate on yamaoka, and ran a Billy through the graveyard place with all the statues and the possibility of the basement area, which is fine sure yeah, 3 person escape... I was the only one not to get out, lol

    But then I play another match on Macmillan and...THE SAME EXACT HILLBILLY

    After realizing it was me when I dodged his first 2 chainsaws...he gave up and sat in a corner

    Yeah... that felt bad, but I needed to open 3 chests in one trial, so I figured it was the best time

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Not gonna like, he's a real SOB if you are trying to get an objective done. XD

    I don't normally feel bad as killer because I'm lenient in how I play. If I'm playing hard and everyone is going down quick, I may let people escape chases or let the last one go. IF someone is getting a glyph, I let them get it. I don't camp or tunnel to give everyone a chance to at least get SOME points. It's just a game, I want the other side to have fun while playing too. After all, if they weren't there, I wouldn't be able to play the game at all.

  • BringShaggytoDBD
    BringShaggytoDBD Member Posts: 412

    Yesterday I went against a survivor who I thought was hacking. Everytime I hit her, she gained endurance. This happened 4 times over the course of the match, until I finally got her down using Ghostface's stalk.

    I decided to facecamp her on hook until she died. Turns out she was just using Dead Hard... my bad! It had been so long since I'd seen it, I forgot about it.

  • NITRAS42
    NITRAS42 Member Posts: 170

    I was playing Plague on Deaddog with an aura build (lethal pursuer, darkness, with Floods). See a survivor who is running No Mither (who apparently was running a chest build) I turn the corner and down him while he was opening a chest and put him on a scourge hook. Get 15 feet away and his not so buddy unhooks him then while running away sand bags him. He gets his second hook, I slug another, then chase another survivor who loops me back to the downed survivor. . .and the no mither guy is trying to heal him off the ground and makes a poor turn. 3rd Hook and they just finished 2 gens. I wasn’t trying to tunnel. . . . .

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,526

    I tunneled the survivor who brought cake it's sad because they were the one I wanted to give hatch. Also when you face good swf you will feel bad when they bring 4 cakes and you barely get any bp. Usually game also gives them good map.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    I was doing adept (don't remember on which killer, it was Farm, probably Huntress, but not sure), and one Nea happen to be ALWAYS on my way, but it was clear it was unintentional, but she was giving free hits and downs. And of course I was blamed for tunneling, and officially I was, but it was not my intention, but also it was not intention of that Nea (she was kinda lost), although I needed quick kills for adept and other survivors did pretty good chase. I think that's the only time I was creating unfun situation objectively.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,591

    Ran into a David that I kept running into on one of the swamp maps. He was stuck trying to figure out how to get out of the undercroft of one of the buildings. Since he just couldn't catch a break and one of my worst experiences also involved getting trapped in one of those crappy buildings, I picked him up and deposited him outside.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Same, I'm very lenient as killer. I'll even give them unsafe unhooks. I pause a few feet away from them for long enough to unhook, then I keep on chasing. Is it practical ? No. Does it put me at a disadvantage ? Sometimes.

    But is it really f*cking funny ? Absolutely. Killer waiting in line politely ! Comedy is more important than scores haha.

  • Ladyinadress18
    Ladyinadress18 Member Posts: 243

    Ya I usually just go for whoever I find… and sometimes that happens to be the dopey same player. Not that I intentionally searched for them. I don’t. But sometimes that one survivor just puts themselves out there more than their teammates. I’m not about to go “oh sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you there, see you later!” Haha

  • woodenEnthusiasm
    woodenEnthusiasm Member Posts: 160

    Usually when people quit early. Especially if they stay in the match just to tell me how I'm unfun and a terrible killer. It's frustrating to watch people waste everyone's time

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,601

    When I'm playing Killer and I see somebody one hook even though I'm deliberately on the other side of the map since I'm playing for hook states. It's a really terrible experience to one hook, especially when the Killer isn't anywhere nearby, and then I generally move from playing for hook states to playing full bore against the survivors that abandoned their teammate.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 705

    Agreed. It feels like a no-win situation.

    Go full sweat to get the match over quickly? Feels mean.

    Farm with the remaining survivors? Super boring.

    I really feel like everyone left in the match after a DC needs a way to agree "heck it, pls end the match now" and walk away immediately with no matchmaking ban.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 705

    Same! Especially when I have aura reading and get a glimpse of the two Claudettes urban evading nowhere near me or the hooked survivor. It's especially frustrating because as the killer I have no way to spare them at that point; their fate is totally sealed.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,956

    I don’t main killer, so I don’t have any nasty builds to challenge the survivors- so with that being said, any game I play where one of the survivors appear to just want to “give up,” have me show them mercy, or “put me out of my misery becuz my team sucks,” I feel bad for them. I always let them go. Like I said, my builds are nothing to write home about- so there is no reason for their teammates to be urban evading & hiding all game, not contributing. If the offended party had their fill, I show empathy and let them go about their day with the occasional farm here and there.

  • PotatoCat
    PotatoCat Member Posts: 9

    I am not going to take credit for 100% of the misery but remember when breakdown was bugged so that the hooks didn’t respawn? I had a match where i had 2 survivors left alive each wi th only one hook, a 3 gen in a corner and eventually only 2 hooks left. They would take a hit and run to the other side of the map where every hook was broken. It lasted over 45 minutes of this because i had a hard time downing both of them at the same time. I knew that if i hooked one and they got unhooked i would be in out of hooks. Back and forth. back and forth. but i was too stubborn and annoyed at a 4 man breakdown squad. Eventually i downed them enough that one bled out, i closed the hatch, and the last one got skewered by the entity. That was miserable but satisfying even if i didn’t get points for the kill.

  • Ladyinadress18
    Ladyinadress18 Member Posts: 243

    I probably would have done the same thing. I’m stubborn too, hence why I committed to the unfun match I accidentally created as trapper. After 20 minutes of it, I was over it. But I couldn’t bring myself to just let them do the gens.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Was playing pig on one of the autohaven maps, there was a meg with a red beeping trap, so i decided to down her and bring her to a box, she unfortunately just kept running away to hide

    Poor baby meg was allergic to bacon

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    When the killer is trying their hardest, but only getting 1 or 2 hooks. Sort of a been there done that moment.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Now I won't let them unhook without harming someone. You need to play somewhat smart. XD But if I recognize they are new, I let them escape chases more. It's just more fun seeing them run around. XD

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987
    edited September 2022

    When a survivor runs me to them when they were healing

    Post edited by MrsGhostface on
  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    It’s tradition for me, that after grinding to irid 1 on killer… to destress from all the sweaty swf and coming so close to that last pip.. I will treat myself to some facecamping basement bubba.. it’s such a relaxing time to not have to care about any gen defense and just sit there with my victim. Funny how often it turns into a 4k anyway. 😂

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited September 2022

    Always feel a little guilty when i hardcore 3 gen ppl. But my story of really feeling bad is with legion. Now when I'm doing well in a match i tend to let the last survivor get hatch/gate. I'd killed 3 survs and shut the hatch. Chased the final survivor with feral frenzy and hit them near the exit gate.

    Then they pointed at gate, i backed off and nodded and they started to open the gate. But neither of us remembered the deep wound, they dropped when the lever was on 3 lights. And they'd spent so long hiding after i closed the hatch that there wasn't enough time left in the end game for me to pick them up, let them wiggle out and open the gate. They got killed when the timer ran out and i felt really bad because i wanted to let them go 😥

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I'm so glad we don't see killer names to till the end, I'd die over and over just trying to hug you because yes...funny is sometimes better than efficiency XD

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I had a match tonight playing as Myers, and there was a Laurie in the game. I found her first, and she knew I was there, but instead of breaking line of sight or running when I stalked, she fed me like crazy -- all the way into Tier 2 and pretty much almost to Tier 3 (I was running the J. Myers Memorial). While I was alternating chasing and stalking her, she kept dropping pallet after pallet (we were on Badham), teabagging at EVERY one as if it was the first pallets or stuns she'd ever gotten in a game.

    And then she led me towards one of the houses, where I could hear the gen being worked on furiously. I left the Laurie, surprised the Jane and David on the gen downstairs, popped my Tier 3 and downed them both immediately before they could finish the gen.

    That pressure before a single gen was done (I had Call of Brine to start regressing it immediately) was too much, and the whole team ended up losing. Later on the Laurie looped me around a downed teammate, keeping anyone else from going in to pick them up (and the Laurie went down eventually herself). I played pretty well in the match, but I honestly felt like it was a 3 v. 2, with the Laurie essentially killing her teammates because it was more important for that player to BM the killer than to play intelligently and maybe have people escape. I felt legitimately bad for her three teammates.

    Laurie as Michael's accomplice. Clearly, this Laurie player never watched a Halloween movie, lol.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Every game I lose, at least one survivor is tea bagging me at the exit gates.

    Oh ok so instead of lethal, bbq and shadowborne, you want me to run dms, pain res, discordance with iri tag/ green speed. Sorry I didn't bring 4 green med kits and a cold win offering.

    God just went against a 4 man on fractured with a person that was most defiantly using auto DH. Some people will pre throw the entire game and still think they played well.

  • Ladyinadress18
    Ladyinadress18 Member Posts: 243

    Oh man. That’s brutal and really does suck for the teammates. I remember I didn’t know the first few times I played against him though that he was stalking me haha I had my oh crap oops moment when I finally went and read how his power worked. Maybe… with a huge ounce of doubt… that was her situation? Haha

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Last time playing nurse. That killer is making me sick to play for a while, havent played her for 6 months and this tome challenge to kill all survivors before gens are done was the last drop for me. Never playing that killer again.

    Unless theres challenge next rift, hopefully it wont