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Tunneling, slugging & camping

Ever since the huge perk changements, the amount of tunneling, slugging and camping as increased a lot to the amount that every single game is like that...

Can there be done something about besides the basekit haste & endurance effect? Every single game teammates dc over the tunneling one by one.

Playing like this isnt fun for anybody and just drives people away from playing again. Change perks vack or make sure for more basekit things to prevent camping, tunneling and slugging. This is ridiculous at the moment.

If youre a killer that has this playstyle, please know that you are absolutely horrible and ruining the game for every person that plays survivor. This is how people become toxic.



  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    I dont want to run perks to counter this every single game, because these perks have been nerfed to death especially DS

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    Maybe because every single match i play my teammates end up dcing when being tunneled right after getting unhooked? Litterally 1 dc then the next up is being tunneled to death or dc

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    Yes im a survivor main, but besides that my friends who play killer and survivor equally even find the amount of tunnel, camp & slug atm ridiculous. Might be a tactic but its sure no fun for the whole team. The basekit might be for anti tunneling a bit, but nerfing perks that have to help preventing tunneling, camping & slugging is beyond this. New meta fine, but listen to the community too about it

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    I shouldnt be running perks to counter this 24/7 in all my matches. Especially jow most perks have been nerfed into the ground to where they are useless

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Why're you the most logical person on the forums. Whenever I see you comment, it's always something smart or straight to the point. Not trying to fanboy or anything,

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Cause it wasn't a big deal and people understood what those actually meant (I'm just saying in general... not you)

    Plus to get value out of certain perks one had to move on (Ruin -yes it counts-, BBQ, Pop -yes it counts-, and Corrupt lasting 180 seconds -3 minutes without a deactivation-)

    Even if they didn't do anything but change the Gen times... that in of itself would bring different perks from situational to needed

    Or if they increased the base Gen regression, but changed the regression perks... also not making the Gens take 10 extra charges

    There's a lot they kinda left out of those changes... or couldn't cause of other changes they have made

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, i am a solo survivor main, but i play both sides. I didnt use that tactic for a while now, but i get again a lot of swf who are rude and disrespectfull, teabagging, flashlightclicking, you know the lot.

    And thus, i will now return to tunneling, camping and slugging. Because a) i dont need to be the only one feeling miserable about such matches, and b) they teabag a lot less if they are dead.

    And yes, maybe not all survivors, but play killer, get those squads, and you wont care about that for too long.

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    I had a match today that I had to think about now. The killer was the plague. She brought a Feng to the ground and hung her up. Feng used kindred. The Plague was standing right in front of her looking in the direction the rescuers should be coming. We therefore did not attempt a rescue and repaired generators. Unfortunately, Feng made a DC and did not buy us more time. When we had made 2 generators, the Plague caught our Kate. We didn't even look to see if she was camped at first. We made generators. 

    End of story: I escaped with 19 511 blood points, the Feng who did the DC still got 113 blood points. And the Plague failed with 12 083 pathetic blood points. She would have gotten three times as many points if she had played correctly. She lost four times: fun, morally, tactically, and points-wise.

    And: matches with camping killers I have once every 20 to 30 matches. That's not a problem. More survivor should be friendly to killers and stop toxic behavior. Then it would happen less often for sure.

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    I always try to be friendly to killers, offer them my item etc i honestly dont mind. Im not the person to tbag aggresively, click spam etc. Heck i never bring a flashlight haha. But somehow even when trying to show kindness i get faced with tunneling etc...

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,883

    I never like to project my own experience onto others, but in the nearly two months and many hundreds of solo queue games played since the patch dropped, I have just not seen this massive uptick in camping and tunneling. It still happens, but I have not seen a significant increase post patch. And from the killer perspective, I am just not seeing any change significant enough to motivate people who didn't tunnel/camp before to suddenly start.

    That nerf to DS's stun duration (while egregious and unnecessary) isn't enough to just flip people's tunneling switch on suddenly.

    People have always camped and tunneled, and I am beginning to feel like the patch has become a recent and convenient scapegoat for a problem that has always existed. The unfortunate reality is the tunneling and camping are and always will be more a people problem than a game design problem.

  • Wiccamanplays
    Wiccamanplays Member Posts: 132

    Tunelling, slugging and camping are dramatically different things though. I talked in a previous post how camping is a weak strategy for most killers and tends to affect more significantly those inexperienced survivors who are liable to throw themselves at the hook at the first chance they get. It is however also a tool to use against aggressive SWF groups. Tunnelling is sometimes a necessary evil if you suspect a survivor has powerful perks or items that could change the balance of the game (or if they've pissed you off by being irritating), but can cost you the wider game if you obsess over getting that one survivor. Slugging is just a feature of the game: you can't always immediately hook someone because other stuff is happening that needs your attention as killer (or the survivor has Boil Over and you'll never make it to a hook, or there's a survivor waiting to sabotage the only hook you can reach, or waiting to flashlight you, or waiting to body block you...). You get no sacrifice points if a survivor bleeds out, so permanently slugging someone is not a good idea unless you are actually griefing as killer, which can be reported. As others have said, there are perks to counter all of these issues, and I can't seriously believe that you have DCs every single match, unless you play in a region with really poor internet: when I see survivor DCs in my survivor or killer games, 90% of the time it's been when they get mad that they've been outplayed and ragequit.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Yeah, and this needs to be replaced by a punishment, the more gens that are remaining when the first kill happens, the stronger remaining survivors are in pushing gens and lasting longer in chase untill all gens are finished.

    That way, killing 1 survivor ASAP is no longer the best strategy and could even turn the game around if the killer is too greedy for a kill.

    I personally believe the healthiest balance for the game is if, on average, the first survivor dies with 1 gen remaining, then the second dies, on average, when all gens are done, then, again on average, the 4th survivor will escape and the 3rd survivor has about a 50% survival rate.

    That would give 2.5 kills for killers on average, keep the gameflow fun throughout the match in general and punishes greed.

    The slowdown patch literally made survivor greed much harder by slowing down gens, making chase overall shorter and granting a basekit mini-Pop on kicking a generator. So why not a patch that punishes killer greed by granting a mini-DS on being tunneled? And if they still push on to kill due to whatever benefit they gained through soloQ by increasing all survivor action speeds by 10% for each generator remaining when the first survivor dies, untill all gens are done?

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932
    edited September 2022

    You don't Really need to as killer... at least in most games. Tunneling/camping are VERY common tactics and can really suck the fun out of playing this game, especially with how common it is. I don't feel like I always need to bring gen perks as killer, but I feel like I do Need to bring stuff to help with these terrible killer tactics.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Thats like Saying gens should be done slower or take longer for every gen done.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    I'm sorry but I played all weekend and played roughly 200 games and out of those games only about 20 or so had a camper or tunneler

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,830

    But we must fanboy sage bubba!

    As for the topic, they cant really do anything else. Hook pauses while killer is near? Survivors will abuse it. Can't damage the survivor who was recently unhooked? Seem fair? Point is, its a necessary evil for balance.

    As much as I hate it personally, there are ppl who do enjoy camping and tunneling. Changing perks back won't change much and adding to many things basekit will tip the balance wildly (and or make perks obsolete).

    As for the blanket statement: No. Just no. Toxic breeds toxic, not cheep or unfun.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    All those problems could be looked at once survivors learn how to do a safe rescue and not just lead the killer back to the hook so they can get the save then have the other survivor complain they got tunneled, When it was your teammate that did the unsafe hook not the killer so you might say killers are bad for tunneling etc but some survivors are worse hen killers at it,

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    I never stated anything about unsafe unhooks. Even if the killer is chasing somebody on the other side of the map, they will drop it to go back to the hook and go straight after the unhooked person. Happened to myself way too many times, so no its not about if its safe or unsafe unhook, its the killer just targeting 1 person over and over plus ignoring others trying to take hits or get chase.

  • get_barted
    get_barted Member Posts: 207

    I had a survivor complain about me camping. To be fair I did camp.

    2 survivors dead.

    All gens completed

    I down 1 of the last 2 survivors and hook. I proxy camp that hook while the other survivor opens the gate.

    Instead of leaving, they come and attempt to save and I get the hook grab.

    Apparently camping in that situation is not the right move. Apparently I was supposed to go to the gate to get the last survivor so both could escape through the second gate.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    its just not toxic people play to win since there isn't much else to do in dbd

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250


    I see this title and content as saying "Killers don't kill survivors, don't hook survivors, don't leave survivors alone, entertain them and make sure they get out", am I mistaken?

    Should we create a thread called "Generators, Rescues, Boards, and Windows?"

    What is camp for survivors? Is it a problem for the killers to stay near the hooks to be more efficient and increase the number of executions? Or is it frustrating that the other three make their escape and you, the competent scapegoat who has attracted the most Killer attention, are unable to escape?

    What is tunneling for the survivor? Do you understand which is more efficient for the killer to go after the healthy survivor or the injured survivor after the survivor has been rescued? Should it be forbidden to go after a survivor after they have been rescued no matter what?

    What is slugging for the survivor? If a survivor is right next to a downed person, do you have to carry him or her immediately without injuring or downing him or her? Or is it impermissible to have a vision of executing everyone after the downing of one of the two remaining survivors?

    Does the cover of the Survivor's Rulebook say "DbD of the survivors, by the survivors, for the survivors"?

    If you have to carry a survivor down immediately, if you have to leave immediately after hooking them, and if you are not allowed to target rescued survivors no matter what, then "DbD is not a game of choice".

    What I really want you to know is that unless you are casual, you are playing with the goal of executing killers, just as survivors play with the goal of escaping.

    If you think that camping, tunneling, and slugging is anyone's idea of maliciously trying to make survivors feel uncomfortable, you are wrong. If one does it with malicious intent, it is TOXIC. I would despise it too.

    We should be able to understand each other. Survivors and killers should both have a mutual, if not casual, desire to win.

    I understand your frustration with camping, tunneling and slugging. But I do not think they should be banned. I do think we should add some incentive or feature for survivors when they do that.

    sorry poor my english

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    If the killer is on the other side of the map chasing someone then survivors should have enough time to get the unhook, get somewhere safe and heal up and a lot of people do it under the hook which the killer knows that at least 2 people might be there. Even when i play killer people thought i tunneled them out with out thinking sometimes its just bad luck the killer finding you again first.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    They do teabag a lot less if they're dead.

    That said, I think that the teabagging/flashlight clicking survivors are pretty much the same thing as the camping/tunneling/slugging killers.

    At first I was only considering the survivor side of this argument because I experience it more often. Then I remembered what its like to go against a swf group full of teabagging flashlight survivors. I try to stay away from those when I see them in solo queue. I literally feel offended when I'm standing next to an obsessive teabagger. It's embarassing. I can see why killers camp/tunnel/slug more clearly now.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I might be a toxic person facecamping as Cannibal, but i hardly have a reason to try and play more legit as I don't like the current game

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    In the long run, everyone will be missed. Unless you want to play against bots.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    You're very fortunate. Not everyone's experience has been like yours.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    To be fair, some of the skins do make this game look like we are getting together to have a tea party or go to a club. So why does the killer have to be so mean?

  • WipeIncGamingYT
    WipeIncGamingYT Member Posts: 171

    You have made the right decision. I, when I played survivor, was recently already at the end of the exit and decided not to escape, but to try to help a hooked up mate. I did not succeed and we both died. I don't blame the killer for that, he did everything right. It was my decision.

    Very excellent analysis. Thank you for you comment.

    True words.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    Should I completely change my play style depending on the skin?

    Do you think any killer should dance if any one person wears a mask?

    As long as it is not TOXIC, I think any playstyle is basically free. But forcing it is a bit different.

    The survivor who wants to have a tea party is now matched with your idea of a "mean killer" in DbD, and you can't prohibit a killer from going for the execution. Or are skins for tea parties and clubs the ticket to providing a free escape?

    If you think that survivors and killers in DbD should get along and dance at tea parties and clubs, why don't you suggest casual matches to the management, as I mentioned a bit in my quoted comment.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333
    edited September 2022

    Sorry, but this is a killer forum, and this is a killer game

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,629

    There's basically no point of complaining about slugging anymore. They buffed knock out and buffed tenacity. Slugging is a fully supported part of the game.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 972

    Running dead hard in its original version was a legitimate part of the game, but it was nerfed.

    Just because its legitimate doesn't mean it shouldn't be reviewed.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    Yeah, I couldn't discern the irony because I don't speak English.

    My apologies. I feel shame for me.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    No worries. It can be hard to determine peoples intentions when its just words on a screen sometimes. We all have misunderstandings. No hard feelings.