Why does Calm Spirit have a reduced speed?

I have always been using Calm Spirit ever since I started playing considering I always enjoy using it. However, when it got changed, I do like that I can cleanse totems and open chests around the map silently so if the killer is near, they wouldn't be able to hear me. Though doing so at a 30% reduced speed seems unnecessary to me since it's not a big impact if I'm cleansing totems or opening chests away from the killer or I'll be hiding instead.
Sometimes it can be risky cleansing totems and chests near the killer since at the end of the animation the breaking of the totem and the opening of the chest is still audible and if I'm doing it 30% slower the more chance the killer will be able to find me.
I generally feel 30% is a bit much for the perk, but I'm confused to why it has it in the first place. Can someone explain why Calm Spirit has a reduced speed?
Would be to op in devs mind
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Because the devs are ridiculous
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Because you need a calm spirit yourself in order to project an aura of peace. Its very meta, as in metaphysical.
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No one knows why they thought this was necessary. I don't think there's a single player who thinks the decreased speed is needed. If they INSIST on having a debuff to the speed, it should be no more than -10% or -15% at tier III.
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someone didnt like the name of the perk
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Perk Tiers, formerly had a chance to not repel a Crow near you, with the change they've removed randomness of it so they've needed something for Perk Tiers.
This is what happened.
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A perk that removes an entire killer tracking method, for the entire game, absolutely should have a downside.
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You meditate while doing things. Terrible jokes aside, I have no idea either.
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Run Counterforce and Pharmarcy to counter this perks negative effects. Bam.
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I will do that. Thanks for sharing buddy👍️
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Bro i forgot they did this-
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Because the buff was too OP /s