I just wanna have fun
I can't speak for anyone else but for me that's when I switch to playing Killer. I can be the Killer I'd like to go to against and any tunneling or such that occurs is entirely my choice and in my power and maybe, just maybe, I'll run into someone like yourself and make their day a little better.
Most recently I played Artist. Nor the must fun Killer to verse,I know, but I at least avoided Pain Resonance and Dead Man's Switch (I used Surveillance instead and added Hex: Ruin to the mix)
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That's what would be great for like bot matches. It's not really a "casual mode", but you can still regain your skills eventually.
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Yeah, I just want to practice slams and blinks and the like without dealing with 3 gens popping and bm survivors.
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As killer I try to be nice honestly. I don't tunnel, camp, or anything unless my archive is to kill and I'm having a bad match. I don't have a main and usually if there is a DC I let the other 3 go.
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I can't wait for bots to be a thing cause once a new chapter drops that's what I'm going for straight away.
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This would fail. Either the que times would get so long that people just stick to one mode, or the people who suck vs competitive but are better than casuals would just pubstomp the casual que.
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The main thing is people need to quit playing a PvP game and whining when people use PvP strats Killers camp and Tunnel and Survivors genrush. There is only 1 objective per team, so people are going to use the most effective strat to complete it. BHVR designed the game for killers to camp/tunnel and survivors to gen rush.
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But playing like that isn't ALWAYS necessary, so it's completely fair to be irritated or frustrated with that. And I don't think they designed it that way specifically. Especially at first because they never thought this game would grow so much.
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I go in when a mantra of "prepare to sweat, hope to mess around". I'll play seriously but not go for the kill until I've gotten everyone at least once and/or most are on death hook. I play for points so a short game doesn't get me what I want. If I get a one-down wuss who DVs immediately, I'll be more inclined to farm and not kill unless the survivor indicates that don't want to farm.
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Every time I do a glyph challenge I farm. I play as Michael, stay undetectable, and just screw around. It's a lot of fun honestly. Sweating is so overrated, and I don't care if people are rude I'm still gonna be nice lol.
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I am not trying to be rude, at all... But perhaps single player games are more your speed? Heck, I more or less feel the same way. People ruin everything they touch. That human element is what makes multi-player games far less fun and they are only ever really enjoyable when people put others before themselves, and if everyone does that, they are the most fun experience you can possibly have.
I kept playing Overwatch for years because finding a team that actually cared about team play made it the best experience I have had in gaming, but after you sit through hundreds upon thousands of matches just hoping people put in the bare minimum effort, you realize you wasted so much time playing an amazing game with a horrible community.
DBD as a survivor is more or less like Overwatch, or any other team based game. Absolutely unplayable because you end up wondering how your teammates functions irl at all more than focusing on what the game has to offer, which is not much as they throw the game. As killer, you will run into some degenerates, sure, but you can literally play the game though. It is all on you. I lose to genrushing stealth squads, but that only wastes around 4 minutes of my time. It sucks. But then I can just go next and play against people actually interested in playing DBD.
I am sorry, but if you are "running into swf" every game, the issue is more you. I would stop playing survivor entirely and focus on how to disrupt swf. You will have much more fun in the long term with a bit of work now. If that is too much effort, I doubt you will find an easier multi-player game. This one is about as party as it gets.
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I will absolutely admit that I probably am not actually going against SWF every game, and that was an over exaggeration. I play other online games too, and yeah I do get frustrated with people, but I honestly enjoy the game play of the games themselves. I also play a lot of single player games too it just depends on my mood. I do appreciate you giving this advice and I completely agree that online games aren't for everyone.
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I feel ya. It's been really bad recently.
And I don't mind at all dying or getting only 1K...As long as the game is fun. But if I get tunneled out or camp from the start of the game and get out with like 6k BPs then that's just a waste of time.
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That's my thing is if I can do exciting chases, or like get scared then I'm having fun. But usually someone dc's right away, and then the killer just plays super sweaty lol.
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My personal benchmark for a fun match is "one I don't mind losing".
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That makes sense. It's usually how I am, and I just get irritated sometimes is all. Not like wanting to make someone else suffer, but just irritated with myself for not doing better lol.