How the hell are you supposed to raise your Survivor MMR?


Most of my teammates are just total clowns who crouch around edge map doing nothing. If the killer finds me first, even though I can make the chase last for minutes, nothing gets done because the survivors aren't doing gens. If the killer finds them first, they go down in 3 seconds and saving them only results in the killer going after me because all low mmr killers do is camp hooks while the survivors watch from afar.

The fact that you can do 4 gens solo, loop the killer for ages, save everyone and just get left behind too and your mmr goes down? How is that fair?? Dwight who sat in a locker all game and only contribution was getting hooked twice and lasting 3 seconds in chase gets to escape?


  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,597

    I've tried DS, Dead Hard, Resilience, Adrenaline. If you can just manage to do the last gen, you could be sitting pretty. Some of these teams are legit uncarryable though, and they will get you killed. Sometimes you're the martyr and they escape. My disagreements with MMR are the same as yours.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,127


  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Through an exit gate only.. as BHVR says that they need to raise kill rates higher than what they are.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    At least you can spot the hatch once everyone starts a dying ahead of.. oh wait nvm.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 372

    Play more selfishly in those cases. If you're in a match where that's happening, play more stealthily and secure your hatch escape. When you're in matches where your teammates seem more capable, then take chases and generally play more aggressively.

    Just like you would adapt to the killer and their chase style, adapt to your teammates. Do you notice that the Claudette has Prove Thyself? Maybe take aggro so they can do a generator unimpeded. Do you notice you have a teammate obsessed with being healthy and hiding behind a rock? Maybe go heal them and keep close to them or they won't do anything.

    Also consider that you don't necessarily know what they are seeing or experiencing. If you're really ending up in 100% of your matches having terrible teammates, you might consider that you're making mistakes. Maybe you're being chased, but you're bringing the killer near objectives so they can't do generators. Maybe you're throwing pallets very quickly so you last awhile in chase, but then your teammates have no resources. Maybe you are inadvertently farming them off the hook so they don't actually get a chance to heal or reset.

    I highly doubt you are doing 4 gens solo, running the killer for ages, saving everyone on hook, and then being left behind for a 3-man escape every single match and therefore incapable of winning a match without some extra component to the above being missing. To fit all of that in to a single match, your matches would have to last half an hour or longer.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    as a solo q survivor just face it. you dont get the option. you only get to be as good as the random ques allow for it to be. or just play killer and then you get to dictate how much fun you do or dont have!

  • justalilbit123
    justalilbit123 Member Posts: 190

    My last game I did the first 3 gens entirely on my own. In that time 1 guy was literally crouched walking around the perimeter of the swamp, which I could see him doing periodically with Bond. I had to be the one to save everyone too. The killer found me at the end when I was finishing the last gen (which guess what I did myself) and he chased me around the entirety of the map stopping at any pallet I could find. It wasn't until minutes later when he got me that the last 2 survivors finally finished the gen I already had at 80% and they both just ran to the gates and left. I'm sorry you're too high and mighty and cynical to believe that this is reality but it is and guess what, I'm far from the only one who experiences this.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 372

    I didn't say that you won't occasionally have matches like that. You said "most of my teammates" and acted like it was every game. Or did you just have a bad game and come on the forums to complain about it?

    You'll have games with teammates who are better than you. You'll have ones where they're worse than you. You'll have bad matches and you'll have good matches. You also don't know what's going through the minds of the other players. Maybe that player in particular is new? Maybe they were crouching because the killer was near them? Maybe you saw them with Bond at the specific times when they were stealthing and at other times they were doing generators. Maybe you got put into a lobby against a killer who was very new and therefore matchmaking put you with teammates who were also very new. If you ran the killer around for so long, I kind of have to assume they were also probably new.

    I didn't say that those types of games didn't happen. But, it's a video game. The other people who are playing are humans who are just trying to enjoy the game too and they have their own perspective. This game has a lot of randomness and the role of survivor has a lot of arbitrary, "You just die lol." If you want a game that is meant to be competitive, maybe try a game that's trying to be competitive?

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    Survive With Friends or Die With Enemies. DBD post 6.1.0 :)

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    You don't.

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    You run sole survivor / wake up. Or left behind + key.

    That's how you deal with solo Q in DBD. If you don't have either of those combo's, then accept you will die many times in games that are entirely out of your control. The gens don't get finished half the time, not to mention the rampant DCs/suicides.

    Raising MMR does nothing, you can win 50+ games in a row as a survivor and still get matched with a 10 hour dwight because the matchmaking is just that trash

    If I am not running the sweatlord "let my entire team die so I can escape builds"; then I run builds to annoy the killer as much as possible. Then Id on't care if I die because the experience of shoving a flashlight into the killers face every chance possible whilst being tunneled to death honestly isn't that bad if you have the right mindset

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869
