What playstyles have you found to work well on Dredge?

Like Ive been trying an info hit and run dredge (agi, myc, floods, bbq) but whether it be COH, bad locker RNG or just a bunch of toolboxes/proves/hyperfocus some games just feel miserable where gens go too fast, people get healed too fast and you spend most of the game barely using you power in theres no lockers on half the map. I try not to run slowdown on stronger killers since longer games are just generally boring to me, but what other playstyles have you found working. Atm I feel pushed to just constantly bring map offerings to maps I know have good amounts of lockers because damn some of the maps are rough in terms of locker placement. I havent been able to get a huge amount of use from chase builds since most people just W away from dredge and the remnant is already good enough antiloop in a lot of situations. Is snowball drege a thing to try out? something like devour undying just feels too luck based imo.


  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    One of my fun options is make your choice, after hooking someone hide your remnant around a corner and run away. The unhooker will be exposed and you can teleport back right after

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Yup Ive been using it main issue is most maps I play people get downed in places with like 0 lockers around the hooks.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    don’t need the locker for this one, place your remnant down out of sight and keep using it as you leave

  • Davenport916
    Davenport916 Member Posts: 169

    Hit and run with aura reading and sloppy butcher.

    Try lethal pursuer, bbq, sloppy butcher and darkness revealed/ awakened awareness. Both aura reading add ons

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I try to have a Legion mindset by keeping everybody injured; his power charges faster that way.

    I do hit and run, but that doesnt aleays work out. Sometimes you have to make full use of your remnant.

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    Depends on the addons, and perks actually. That's how you know Dredge is a good killer; because you can use tons of builds on him and they can still work. Lots of other characters don't have that luxury.

    I mix it up a lot on him, from pure chase builds to gen defense builds to hit+run and they all work fine barring an ultra sweaty 4 man SWF.

    I think his best chase "core" of sorts is Boat Key + Haddies Calendar + Dissolution. Those make him way stronger out of nightfall, trivializes the locks, and let you teleport mid-chase during the daytime to force vaults with dissolution. The survivor is inside shack and drops the pallet after being hit, you teleport in there after them, force the vault. That's the basic idea.

    I usually run at least 1 chase perk. Dissolution if I am not using the Field Recorder for instant nightfall, Bamboozle if I am. Sometimes Brutal Strength if I want to use Call of Brine but CoB only works if the survivors are boosted. You need passive slowdowns like Deadlock to deal with SWFs, Dredge won't have time to kick gens in a rough match.

    I always have 1 early game perk, Corrupt or Lethal. If I have Lethal I try to combo it with another Aura reading perk (darkness revealed) or the addon that gives wallhacks if you use all your tokens

    Sloppy butcher is basically required for hit and run. Ideally you hook someone, teleport across the map, hit someone else, and then get back to the hook in time to interrupt a 70-80% heal and negate the entire thing before hitting the savior for 3x injuries

    Also make sure to sit in lockers during any idle time you have, teleporting and sitting in lockers builds nightfall faster than anything else

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Stealth hit and run. Lots of teleporting for pressure and to build up Nightfall more quickly and come from unexpected angles at Night. Don't linger in chases too long, get a hit or a pallet drop, break the pallet if that's the result, and then switch to someone else working on the gens instead. That removes their resources so that by the mid game and when you're in Nightfall and have the edge they'll have trouble getting to safety when you ambush them.

    There's tons of possible loadouts you can use for that sort of style, but something to help you track survivors is handy so you know where to teleport to, and something to help you in chase since your chases are a weak point. Jolt is a good perk for hit and run since it allows you to down someone and just slug them rather than immediately hook them if you think you can get a second down or hit quickly by doing that. Devour Hope or Monstrous Shrine or Make Your Choice are good though since Dredge can very easily leave a hook quickly. And avoid perks that don't work if you're Undetectable (duh)

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    I learned from the best, I learned from Bruce Lee!

    "Be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot."

    So I poured my entire soul and being into a locker .. and I became the locker! Works like a charm. They try to hide within me and I go nom-nom-nom.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Grab any perk that gives you aura reading, then get worry stone and haddie’s calendar

    I love seeing people do this build

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Darkness Revealed + Worry Stone. Don't use Floods of Rage and BBQ together. And drop Agitation for something else.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Discordance, Call of Brine, Darkness Revealed, and Floods of Rage. I generally use Worry Stone and an add-on that makes Nightfall come quickly or just add ons to speed up Nightfall from survivors being injured and staying injured.

    I do stealth hit and run just as @dugman mentioned above. As soon as Nightfall comes I start downing survivors and usually slugging them if I can keep on locating them. If I can't see another survivor, or Nightfall is just about to end, I start hooking them.

    Also, I never walk anywhere if I can teleport to it instead. The more teleports, the more Nightfall.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    ... you put a teapot in an aquarium it becomes an aquarium, you put an aquarium in a septic tank it becomes the Dredge....

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 702

    Mad grit backpack build. Noise levels. Immense!

    If you aren't like me and actually want to kill the survivors make your choice abuse with locker and/or remanent seem like the best play. An anti healing build such as Sloppy Butcher/Coulrophobia/A Nurse's Calling might be good too albeit it wouldn't surprise me if this gets neutered at some point.