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Solo Q Vent Post

Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

Yeah. Solo Q is awful. Seriously, why does anyone play it?

I got left on hook from 1st to death AFTER I had been Reassurance'd TWICE.

I think, "Oh well, just some bad luck."

The very next game, exact same thing, except it's a Tombstone Myers. He just sits in front of me, Stalking and nobody even comes close to grabbing me. They just sit and t-bag in front of him and let him 99 his power. The girl who hide the entire game in and out of lockers gets out through the Gate because it spawned poorly for the Myers.

It's just been awful today and my Killer queues are exceeding 10 minutes, can't imagine why.


  • rysm
    rysm Member Posts: 252

    Lol I'm being treated to those double BPs for dying early. Love it! I haven't seen any incentives active for killer yet :(

  • Wowie
    Wowie Member Posts: 571

    if you can believe it I saw a 50% bonus incentive for killer last night for approximately 15 minutes

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    I think if SoloQ is a plaything for killer-players, they need to give bonus in Auric Cells. It would be a salary as a service employee, because just entertain killer is not fun, then it's a job.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I play it because it's fun and I like it? You people are insane. If you're not enjoying a video game, don't play it.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    No, it says vent post. Not thread. OP did that. Then I expressed my utterly rational viewpoint. I have fun with DBD regardless of what role I play. It's a good game and I enjoy it. If you feel otherwise the only logical thing to do is literally anything else.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    It makes the matches where you get even one other teammate you can work with that much more memorable.

    But in general, yeah, solo queue is a potato-fest. Or full of SWF trolls. Got teabagged on my first hook and left to die last night because I dared to cleanse totems, like I'm supposed to automatically know they had a dedicated booner. Four gens left when they did that, too. Crazy.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    People just dont wanna admit that the average player isselfish and lazy and sees dbd as a "me vs the killer" game where teammates are just a resource to be used as if they were a pallet.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Ok I don't know about anyone else but has anyone been left to die on hook or reach second stage a ton more after 6.1.0?? The amount of times im just left on hook is astonishing.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    What makes solo queue so unbearable, Pulsar?

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    I'm going to share something direct and honest. You won't like it, but you must heed it: You've gotta carry the match, Pulsar. From the killer players in this forum, I've discovered that as a veteran player the expectation is that you..

    1. Loop for the gods. You must keep the killer occupied most of the time, without going down.
    2. Complete 2-3 gens, probably by yourself.
    3. Safely unhook and heal other survivors when needed.

    If you can do all of that, you'll have earned an enjoyable solo queue game experience--at least per a plurality of killer mains on this forum.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    Thank the rift. It might improve in a week or two when everyone is done with their challenges. The best time to play is when the rift is closed and during events, really.

    It's 2022 and cosmetics have become more important than gameplay.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    What a game changer. Especially considering how the bloodweb is so much fun! (Sarcasm)

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732
    edited September 2022

    I've seen 100% bp bonus for killer more times than I can count. You just have to play in the middle of the night, is all.

    So set your alarm! Just kidding. Don't set your alarm.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 686
    edited September 2022

    people play, im inlcuded, because like the game and, like me, believe always will be better next match, empty hope. but, yeah game never was bad like now days. Play solo is anoying of frustrating now. Maybe solo players will leave the game or change to killers over the time if nothing do about solo experience. All frustration has a limit.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    I think you might be onto something. I think auric cells would honestly be a good incentive to play solo survivor. It really does feel like a job.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    I think that some people have spent a lot of money on this game and that their investment keeps them playing whether they're enjoying it or not.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    As soon as the 4th level of the tome opened, I was left on hook in the majority of the games I played.

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    Eh, most people just straight up suck at this game (myself included). Which means most of the random people you play with in solo queue are, surprise, going to suck.

    If you don't want to deal with solo, just don't play solo. I know I certainly don't ever play solo survivor. It's a team role, after all. There are literally thousands of DbD discord servers you can join, and you can nearly instantly get a full team of four competent players with as little effort as typing "Swf?"

    I get you're just venting, but the solution to your problem already exists.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    More like complete 5 gens.

    This game is turning into Track & Field from Nintendo NES. Everyone is way too busy running around, doing squats or hanging out in the locker room.

  • puncher
    puncher Member Posts: 118

    Solo q sucks right now. MMR ######### up dbd

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    I ask myself that most days. I seriously can’t find another game to replace DBD as my main. I just keep chasing that high of playing DBD in the good ole Red Rank era, but I don’t think I’ll get that again.

    Why are your killer ques so high? I hear a lot of players say that as well, but mine are pretty decent. I wait maybe 4 mins tops? What MMR do you suspect you’re in, Region, and time of day do you play? I play on NA servers, suspect I am in low-mid MMR, and play all different times of the day, with the same low wait time.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    NA, all day but usually later and whatever MMR Tofu plays in. Can't stop finding him multiple times a night.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    Yea then most likely its your killer MMR- it’s probably pretty high.

  • BonDBD
    BonDBD Member Posts: 21

    i feel your pain luv. hopefully it will all be over soon. solo q buffs soon enough, have faith.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Solo queue has always been terrible now that the average killer is actually capable of competing with buffs and dh no longer artificially extends some chases by a lot solo queue has finally fallen apart.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    I can just describe you a lot of the average solo Q matches I have:

    Trial starts, it's a Ghost face in this particular example, but introduce any other killer. I bless a totem next to a centric generator (people don't understand the importance of getting generators in the middle out of the way ASAP) and start repairing. About 10% in and since the match started, there is a Nea that has been crouching inside the gas station on Autohaven, while this other Kate was chased for the incredible amount of 20 seconds, and another Dwight repairs one of the corners of the map. As per usual.

    Kate goes down, she gets hooked, I'm about 30% on the generator now, Dwight goes to farm Kate, he goes down in front of the hook. I'm expecting Dwight to at least crawl away so I can either get him up or attempt a hook save. He just stays there. Nea goes from crouching inside the gas station to going into a locker (I have bond). I manage to bait the GF to hit Kate before she dies, I unhook her, take the hit, and sprint to Dwight's body and get him up. Kate gets downed again instantly, and Dwight follows 5 seconds later.

    Now the Ghost Face is on me, I'm injured, and in the 20 seconds Kate took to go down, she managed to use 3 strong pallets, including shack pallet. I keep seeing Nea now crouching around the edges of the map. Two survivors are still bleeding out on the ground. At that point, I just bait Nea. I make sure the GF finds her, he downs me, and then chases her. The chase lasts about 10 seconds.

    Everyone dies. with 5 generators left.

    "ThIs iS LoW MmR"

    Except that it isn't. Because next match it'll be a tournament Blight player with 6k hours, and 3-4k hours survivors. And two matches from that it'll be a 800 hours Nurse with 1-2k hours survivor. It's all over the ######### place.

    The state of solo Q is so unbelievably bad, a lot of the survivors (even the ones with thousands of hours) are so unaccountably incompetent, and there's so much tunnel and camp that the survivors don't know how to play around, that you will have to play 20 matches to get 1 decent game.

    To this day, I still think that Nea is in a locker somewhere.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    Solo Q was the worst gaming experience before 6.1. Now it's even worse. I am happy Killers got the QoL they wanted, but solo is really bad now.

    What I don't like about how my games go now is not that I die 8/10 games. I died about 60-70% even before the patch. But at least I felt I had a chance before, dying at 1 gen left or in the EGC is fair. Now I die at 4 gens remaining, a lot. The Killer has 2 survivors on death hook while only 1 gen has popped etc. It is just hopeless. We get stomped so much. And that is by every Killer, not just Nurse/Blight. The insane slowdown X chase buffs X nerfs of survivors perks is a lot. It's basically 1 or 2 mistakes being done by a survivor that hurts the team too much. Time management is just not good enough for solo to be good.

    There should at least be an option to choose to have voice coms, see other survivors loadouts and ping or action symbols in the HUD. Something!

    The biggest problem here is matchmaking. Competent SWF's can still do just fine, they eliminate the surprise of teammate skill and can coordinate their loadouts to synergize.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Here's my one and probably only Solo Q match today.

    Gotta love challenges that promote throwing.