Best way to Buff Solo Queues is Voice Chat

Evil Dead has this and its amazing, i can coordinate teammates well with telling what to do etc. and to counter Camping perfectly. Solo queues is miserable and we 100% need this.
No it isnt even Toxic.
Dev can leave the Voice Chat setting OFF by Default. So its turn on only for those that wanted it.
Its ridiculous how on 2022 we still dont have this.
Not gonna happen. People are way too aggressive in end game chat sometimes. Seeing that turning into voice chat isn't very ideal.
"Just disable it" then what's the point of adding it in the first place. There are many perks to show survivors aura to you and viceversa. Use them if you really have a problem with communication.
You can't "fix" bad players. If a player isn't good, a voice chat won't help.
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If the devs ad it then fine, but it better come with the option to mute everyone pre-lobby.
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i dont like to play with voice chat. one vocal teammate and you cant hear anything the whole game.
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man these responses are funny, it's like bhvr is incapable of adding options to mute players or disable voice chat in entirety.
the point of adding it is so that the advantage given to swf players is also given to solo players who want equality. why should solo players have to use up perk slots just to have a small taste of what swf has already included with their vc.
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I'd rather a chat wheel/ping.
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I don't mind if there was voice chat implemented, as long as they buff Killers to deal with consistent SWF essentially lol..
But seems like a lot of work, and a lot of perk overhauls.
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I would argue that this is completely wrong- it's not just not the best way, it's not even a good way.
The problem with solo queue is that not everyone has the same information. Voice chat doesn't solve that. If you don't speak the same language as your teammates (extremely likely depending on region), if someone doesn't have a mic, if someone doesn't care to use a mic, if someone doesn't understand what information is relevant to share at any given moment, that game has the exact same problem as the current one; not everyone has the same information.
Before voice chat, something that bridges the gap with passive UI elements instead of active decision-based information sources would need to be implemented. Otherwise, it's a lot of time and effort and tone-change for barely any benefit.
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useless in EU server we talk different languages, need kindred basekit
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if there is an option to turn it off sure.
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Or a ping system. Any means of communication will always help immensely. SoloQ shouldn't be fodder for weak killers, and there shouldn't be weak killers at all.
They're only afraid of buffing SoloQ because if they did they'd have to rework all the weak killers into viability as well.
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Kindred as basekit or even a modified version where you can see killer aura (even when undetectable) within a certain radius of the hook.
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No don't need to hear some angry weeb child having a fit.
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But then we would all realize that we are constantly playing with 8-15 years olds.
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I'd hate an in game voice chat in this one. I think a text chat available mid match would be fine but only if different platforms can see it and console has like a "preset words and phrases" wheel to use so they can actually communicate with one another.
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I can already hear the toxicity coming thru the speaker….people would be yelling at the Claudette self-caring in the corner… but comma are a usual feature in most multiplayer games so I’m ok with it.
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Agreed. Of course with an opt out option
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It only works in ED because you can revive people, and the game even auto revives after objectives. Some people have seen the horrors of proximity chat in F13 and we'd rather not go back to that.
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No thanks., I don't want some 14-year old screaming at me for opening a chest.
I would much prefer something like icons that tell you what your teammate is doing (e.g. on a gen, in chase, healing, ect.)
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Guess you didnt even bothered to read. so many ppl have issues reading here
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Learn to read perhaps
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They can easily follow identity V to have a Command Wheel. Killer is Near me. Follow me. Work on Gens. it works perfectly. and it doesnt have a VC.
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You people who think that voicechat would bridge the Gap between SWF and Solos or those who think that Voicechat would turn every team into a SWF are just so funny.
First of all, it will never happen.
Second, the strength of SWF is not Voicechat or Communication, it is that you are able to filter out Potatoes. Like, I sit on a Gen, going against Legion with Sloppy Butcher. Next to me is a Nea using Self Care (current state). She wants to be healed against Legion and she wants to use Self Care despite being mangled. So it takes an ultra-long time and it is not useful at all.
If there would be Voicechat, I could tell her more or less friendly (probably less friendly after a while) to stop that and help me with the Gen. She will just keep on self-caring. If I am in an actual SWF with her, she would not do it in the first place.
And well, this is only one part. The other aspects like:
- time investment despite having an alternative already (Discord)
- SWFs would not need to participate in it, so probably screwing up Solos
- Language Barriers
- Streamers being unable to use it at all
are also a thing...
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Voice comms will never help solos. That is a misconception. It will be used as harassment tool, just as it was in F13. The problem with solos is killers are......OVERPOWERED!! Yes, that is correct.
Average SWF are dying left and right and guess what? They have.....COMMS!!!! Yes, that is correct.
The only SWF that are doing slightly better than the rest are those that know each other well, play with each other often, and play DBD like there is no tomorrow, and have no life.
The game is balanced right now for highly experienced survivors in SWF and mediocre or bad killers.
Solos are the majority and that is who it should have been balanced for, not around a top SWF.
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I wouldn't use it. So you'd just be unable to communicate with a minimum of one person which would eventually cause issues where people complain about the players not using them.
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For alot of games I don't think it's a bad option to have. But this game is pretty sound dependent. One vocal team mate in my ear could block out Myers breathing or Ghostface's cloak flutter or Wraith's gurgling. It could mean not detecting the terror radius a few seconds earlier or not being able to accurately follow Spirit's directional sound. I feel like VC in solo would probably be a killer buff if anything lol
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A ping wheel would definitely be better but it still rubs up against being something that your teammates have to bother using, so I don't know that it alone would be good enough. Ideally you need things that are totally passive and don't need active input from anyone- like the status icons they proposed, the ability to see your teammate's loadouts, more reliable tools for seeing your teammates, etc etc.
Once you have those stuff like a ping wheel becomes a nice addition.
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Vocal communcations would not solve the problem of solo q, but exacerbate it. A fake solution would be developed instead of investing time in real solutions.
I played a 1:4 game with vocal communications in 2021. In the first match I was greeted with the loud sound of a whistle. In the second match someone played very loud nasty music. In the third match, someone talked nonstop in glibberish. Before the fourth match, I turned off the vocal communications.
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it doesn't help much to bring your idea to the people, when you insult everyone.
there are two outcomes of your proposal. first, vc is required or people leave the lobby if you refuse to use it. second, nobody use it because people will abuse it.
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Or this? I mean, it would help?