Banned for 24 hours??!!! How is that fair?
I was banned for 24 hours because of internet connection is that fair??
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Sounds fair to me.
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The only way you are hitting 24 hours is if this is a consistent issue or you are quitting out of a lot of games. So yes it's fair.
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Just saying shouldnt be banned for internet connection is not that game dont know the difference between those two
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Not to be mean/harsh, but if your internet is so unstable that you can get to the 24 hour ban solely because of it, you shouldn't be playing online multiplayer games. The game can't know the difference between your net kicking you and you pulling out the ethernet cable. The only way to assure that you don't get banned is to get rid of the penalty altogether, and that's just a non-starter.
It hasn't happened often, but in cases where my internet kicked me more than once in a play session, I just played something offline. If it's consistently an issue, you either need better internet, a new router, or to not play multiplayer online games. Not fair, but it is what it is.
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Every time you drop from a game, you punish your entire team.
You deserve the ban. Get better internet.
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Nah still feel unjustified
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You just ruined a game for 4 other people. Highly justified.
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Definitionally fair.
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If your internet connection is bad enough that you are dropping from matches more than a couple of times in one day - then you are ruining the match for 4 other players every time it happens.
You have 2 options in this scenario: get better internet, or play something that doesn't rely so heavily on a good connection and multiplayer-mechanics.
You don't get a 24 hour ban from losing connection just once or twice, no one wants to play with someone who can't even make it through a full match. It's absolutely fair.
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Like... I'm sorry that happened and you can't always control bad internet, but at the same time, you should probably have realized that DBD wasn't working out today and you should play a singleplayer game instead before you got the 24-hour ban that forced the issue
This is part because the game can't bake in exceptions for dropped connection that wouldn't allow quitters to just reset their router every time they wanted to leave a match scott-free, and part because DBD doesn't want to encourage playing with unstable connection because a game with a missing player is a ruined game regardless of why the player left the game.
This. My ISP has been kind of dodgy this past year and I've had a few weeks where my connection was dropping too frequently to play DBD. When I start having recurring issues, I take that as a sign it's time to play something else until the situation's fixed.
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yep you deserved it. you should be banned for longer tbh :)
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Every other game bans you for consistently ruining the games of other players, it doesn't matter whether its your internet or you leaving.
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No it's not fair. DbD is a highly unbalanced party game.
There should be no bans higher than 6 hours at the absolute highest.
Make sure you don't DC in the 24 hours after your ban expires or you'll get 48 hours.
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The game can’t tell as you can’t make a game tell its internet connection issues or else you could just disconnect your console or PC from the internet and just avoid all punishment, I know this because people actually did this on console to keep the items they used before dc penalties existed and you can still do it, but with a penalty
if its consistent enough for you to have a 24 hour penalty then maybe you should call the provider and see whats up
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You're not serious are you? FAIR? seriously which part of this game is FAIR that suspension is gonna be fair? 😂
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100% deserved
If you want to play online games it's your responsibility to have stable internet
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I know it sucks but think of the other side.
Me personally - I legit feel like DC'ing when I see I'm in a chase where the opposite end has bad internet. It kills my mood and I usually end up being done for the night playing against that. You either get odd ghost hits or teleporting in chase and it's frustrating to deal with. Now if your internet is unstable that sucks but it is what it is.
I deal with unstable internet - Craziest thing but when a train passes by my house my internet drops for 3 minutes. I've memorized the trains schedule and I just don't play around 9:30 - 11:00 PM my time. Because it's something I'm aware of it's my responsibility and problem not the problem of the people in my game.
Yeah it sucks and the city has to address it but I have some control over it by choosing to play at different times but I know if I dc that's on me for playing at those times.
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5 words. Stop. Disconnecting. From. Your. Matches.
Unless if you disconnected from previous matches, the "internet connection" ban should only be 5 mins. And if you get disconnected to the point of a 24 hour ban.. which, correct me if im wrong, is 10 bans? To reach that point. Anyway, if you keep getting disconnected because of internet issues, dbd is not for you. Either get better internet or stop playing 🤷♂️
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So if you have crappy internet though you shouldnt play games
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I get that because your intent isn’t to disconnect but you are still disconnecting.
So you can either invest in a solution to no longer disconnect i.e get better internet etc.
Or you can play within the confines of your current set up which means accepting that you don’t have the equipment to play online games with any stability and may eat a disconnect penalty as a result.
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I mean if you’re aware that you have bad internet, why play a game that depends entirely on your internet connection?
Every time you’re disconnected, it ruins the experience for the other players (even if it wasn’t intentional).
If there was no D/C penalty, you would just continue ruining the game experience for people that maintain a stable connection in their matches. That just seems very selfish IMO.
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There are games that don't require good internet that can be played instead. It's not like the only option is to play DBD.
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You should call and complain to your internet provider if the service is so bad you rack up a 24 hour ban from internet disconnects.
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That's a lot of drops to result in a 24 hour ban. Sucks in your situation. but like others said it's to punish those who are intentionally quitting games continually. Although, feel like it's much more of an issue if a survivor does it opposed to a killer. Remaining survivors have to struggle on after a DC (intentional or not), often 3v1 at 4/5 gens. Whereas if a killer drops, it ends the game entirely (for an obvious reason), and everyone just moves on. Not saying punishment should differ, but just odd everyone assuming you're playing survivor and your unstable internet is ruining games for your teammates.
However, people saying get better internet is ridiculous, it doesn't matter how good it is, no ISP can guarantee you a 100% service. It's likely an issue in your area, your line, or a component of your home networking. Do some simple troubleshooting to verify where the issue actually is, and see if it can be remedied. Good luck!
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Just play something else... I heard civilization was a good game
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Not only drops....but waiting out the ban, knowing the exact same thing will happen again, and still doing it >_>;
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This stuff usually happens when you are in a salty mood and DC a couple of times because your queue times are instand. Then you are suddenly hit with an hour long penalty and finally cool down --- and when you finally can play again and are eager to show 'em, THEN your ISP is hitting you with a legit DC and THEN you feel that its kinda unfair.
I am just very empathic here and brainstorm how such a thing could happen, and in no way, shape or form have I experienced something like this myself before. Pinky promise!
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When you get older 24 hours is really nothing.
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Babes when you're hitting 24 hours because of your Internet it's time to call up your ISP and threaten to cancel if they don't fix it
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it really is though, just dont do an online campaign. that'll ruin it for the other players.
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You are resposible for buying an internet that is fit für DbD. 100% fair. Stop playing DbD or buy a better internet. And, by the way, stop disconnecting from matches.
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As someone who's internet does get choppy without warning at times, I can safely say your ban is very fair. The ban ramping up from 3 minutes to 24 hours means you've disconnected so many times consecutively while screwing over other people in the process
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I don't know where OP lives, but for everyone telling them to get better internet:
There are a ton of places that don't have that option. If there were better options, most people would have already taken those routes. Rural areas are still stuck with either copper lines or satellite, which is spotty and shuts off connections for tripping http request limits per second. Telling someone to get better internet is, depending on their location, the same as saying "spend a ton of money to get a new property far away, get a new job, all to play a video game". As far as suggestions go, it's a touch absurd if you don't know the players living situation.
As for whether or not they should play the game with such internet problems, I have no comment. I just don't like how many people tell others to just get better service, regardless of whether or not that is an option for them in the first place.
I say all of this as someone that places fiber optic lines for a living. Giving people better connections is literally my job. There are literally hundreds of thousands of residents in my area that are denied access to good internet because their ISP has a contractual stranglehold on the area. Those people would have to spend tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars and move just to get better internet.
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It's unfair if what you're saying is true, but honestly there's nothing you can really do about it. Until your internet gets fixed, I'd say just play a different game. My PC keeps crashing, so in the meantime I'm just playing Resident Evil HD on my crappy laptop until I fix my PC. Try contacting your ISP or ask your parents to do so for now if it keeps happening.
Don't mind the rude-ish replies, it's mostly people who don't wanna sympathize with your situation, so they choose the opposite instead.
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Yes, that's fair. Your connection is your responsibility. Even if you aren't doing it on purpose, it makes no difference since the result for your team is the same. You are disconnecting and gone. So it's perfectly fair for you to be banned until you fix your problems. The game requires a stable internet connection to play online.
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funny people say it fair because someone gets DCed or they DCed some how they got the game ruin because they got one less meat shield help them win
anyway when comes to DC in games not be able tell funny I play other online games but DBD the one that DC people the most
so is it the crappy game or are Internet?🤪
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thanks for not be pigheaded like some people but it your job you you know more then other ever would.
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I don't believe you, sorry but no one gets a multi hour ban just because of internet issues, they will get frustrated before that happens and quit the game before their penalty gets that high. You my good sir rage quit, often it seems.
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Sounds like an issue with your internet provider and not the game. Contact them.
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Asks for opinion. Doesn't agree/care about it.