We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Whats the key to oni's power?

xaplox144 Member Posts: 10
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

Oni is the only killer I don't have p3(9) or even played as. i rarely go against the oni while playing survivor, but when i do i get stomped half the time. seems like he can turn on a dime while "demon dashing". what's the key to looping an oni while in power?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I don't know if this is correct section for this - I presume this should have gone into General discussions. But so be it.

    1st off. You want to postpone his abilities for as long, as humanly possible. Like there are VERY few killers I would throw shack pallet against while not hit and in a first chase - but Oni is the actual exception (Bubba might be the only other one in whole game), because his ability IS that strong (this does not apply in very low MMR bracket, as buying a few more seconds would not result in generator popping - it is possible nobody would be on generator yet - and that pallet might still give you higher value later in a trial if left standing).

    But if it comes to it, there are a few things you can do. Like Oni is quite bad against long wall loops - his turning is slow and he can't make hard turnes for more then 90 degrees in ability (except when actually hitting attack - but he can't turn 180 and move) - so you can try to do the same thing you do against blight (Note - Oni is much more forgiving then blight in such a loops). Short walls/rocks do not work, because he does not need to use demon dash + he can get rid of pallets quite quickly. But if you are in a map, that has a lot of bad pallets (think ormond), then you can actually postpone him like this and get to the next one after next one after next (still you need to be quite lucky to get it).

    Another thing is, that Oni is quite tall + has flames making him even higher in ability. So even if it is very hard, he can be actually looped in case of multiple connected windows (think about standard TL gym). You need to predict/see his next move.

    Another thing you should realize - he can only go left, right or forward when dashing and at quite some speed - so if you see where his head is turning, you can sometimes go for his blind spot and actually loop him well. At other times you can hide behind some stupid obstacle - if he does not instantly sees you, he will get past you and you actually get enough time to get to next loop (use the time when he is canceling his demon dash). There is a very similar thing to this idea - sometimes all you need to do is not hug the loop, but after going behind the corner - going away from the walls - mind you this is quite risky as his attack covers quite a huge area, but it can work.

  • xaplox144
    xaplox144 Member Posts: 10

    alright thank you for the info, I appreciate it. and yeah im still tryna figure this site out, dont know why it ended up in feedback & suggestions.

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    As someone who plays a lot of Oni: angles sharper than 90 degrees. you turn a corner less than 90 degrees and it's over for him. other than that just learn the walking demon strike lunge timing and you are golden.

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    Config Member Posts: 306
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    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979