Does anyone else love DBD besides me?

I'm sorry, but I love this game! I play killer and survivor equally. Win or lose. I'm having FUN. I don't Care how other people are playing. If I'm not having fun that's my own fault. Period. I challenge myself. I find new ways to play solo and as a team member. I try different perks and add ons to see what works and what doesn't.
This is a non complaint post.
Please tell us what you love about this game and leave your complaints on another discussion thank you!!
I really like the game, it's one of my most played video games at this point. (I only play a game or two a night typically but I rarely miss a night so it adds up.)
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I hate the game so much but I can't stop playing, 500+ hours and I plan to continue until the servers shut down.
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I feel as if a lot of people are not disliking the game because they want to, but because there are so many things that could be better.
People are disappointed by lots of things this game includes.
It took a really long time for the 'meta' to be 'shaken up', despite it not being shaken up at all for the most part.
But for a lot of people including myself, licenses can at time be very disappointing. From buggy releases, to very weak releases of very popular/iconic characters like Sadako, there's a lot to be disappointed by in this game.
It's a common misconception to say the majority of fans truly 'hate' the game, the more accurate word in my opinion would be disappointed.
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You misunderstood the assignment
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Tonight alone I've been left for dead by a swf, Face camped tunneled and then an AFK killer who destroyed my pip and I still love this game
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I love DBD...I dont understand why people would play a game they don't love lol
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ye ok
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Might not have them all, but this still pretty much shows all you need to know 😉
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love is a BIG word for a game like this... ngl in the past i loved it, but for various reasons (from debatable balancing decisions to the same mode after all this time, without something differen/fresh to try) i slowly losted my interest in this game. i still play it, but i can barely do 2/3 matches before i'll start to getting bored
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Yes, I love DBD! It keeps me interested, there is always something new to try out or to try and improve and get better at. Due to the many different perk combination and killer powers there is so much content! And on top of that each trial is unique and different. The skill ceiling in this game is also high and I feel like it would be a long time before I get bored or feel like I've "mastered" it.
However, because I do love and know the game well, I also feel somewhat "entitled" to offer constructive criticism. For me the biggest issues are the lack of accessibility and the solo queue experience. I know that this wasnt about complaints but I think this is what happens on this forum and Reddit... People who love the game also feel entitled to strong opinions. And that's also good, love shouldn't necessarily be unconditional and uncritical. 😉
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As much as I rag on the game there is plenty to love about it. All of these horror icons coming together was such a nostalgia trip for me when I finally jumped in.
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That is actually pretty adorable. It sometimes easy to forget. I think atm it feels a bit isolating when in game since you can't communicate, but I like it enough to play solo q on my own. Sometimes it does get frustrating though.
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I've been playing about a month and it's a great game. The concept is a lot of fun. Sure i have bad games, bullying swf teams who gen rush, toxic killers who tunnel and stab me on hook.
But a lot of good interactions as well, a david king who sacrificed himself to save me in the end game, 80% of the time if I'm winning as killer I'll allow the last survivor to get hatch. A laurie strode who fed me another survivor when i was demo.
Excellent game, does need some balancing but nothing is perfect.
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I am sure most forums users love DBD and when people say they hate the game they're not serious but there are alot of frustrating things that sometimes makes me leave the game instantly after a few games.
Like playing a M1 killer like Myers on Fractured cowshed full of safe pallets and strong jungle gyms what can you do most of the time you can lose the game just beceause of bad map RNG and survivor-sided maps that's why M1 killers are such a joke.
Moment like these makes the game frustrating beceause you had no chance of winning from the start unless survivors were garbage and clueless.
That's why I stick to S/A Tier killers at least you actually have a chance of doing something not necessarily winning the game but getting to do something in chases skillful shots with Huntress,blind punishments through obstacles with Pyramid head makes the killer gameplay more interesting than playing a M1 killer.
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Tons of people love this game, always remember that these forums just like any other forum in excistance is the loud minority
I absolutely love this game, something about the cat and mouse playloop that just never gets old
Visual and sound design is also just top notch
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I definitely don't love the game. I won't downplay your experiences, but I just cannot see how anyone who isn't bias could live the game.
There are just too many negatives for me to truly enjoy the game, but I guess your will is just stronger than mine when it comes to Dead By Daylight. Your just the better player.
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Agreed. I absolutely love this game. <3
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I love DBD. I just get sad when i feel like the devs aren't respecting the players.
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I am a horrible player! I lose most of the time. But for some reason I still love it. Maybe because I think of coworkers that have made my workplace a living hell and try my hardest to hook survivors while I think " you shouldn’t have talked to me like that in front of my patient" STAB! :)
Try that. Maybe you'll find it fun again.
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Great game. It has some flaws of course but the amount of whining about it online is laughable. I play it every day and it's for the most part an enjoyable way to unwind.
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I came back after a long break and I've just been having the best time.
Or rather... its WESKIN TIME!
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I don't get the question.
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I love this game, absolutely. I would not be here if I did not. I have no idea why it took me so long to get into the game. I was warned of excessive toxicity and perhaps that turned me off as I have had enough of it coming from Overwatch. But those dps queue times had me searching for something else, especially considering there are no other hero shooters on console besides Paladins. And honestly? As much as people joke about DbD, it does not literally look or play like a mobile game as Paladins does. So I needed to swap genres and I love horror.
I actually tried to return to the FGC first, with Guilty Gear, but something about the asymmetrical was pulling me in. I really enjoy being the one against the many, I suppose. It reminds me of Overwatch, with how useless my teammates were, only this time... It was my effort alone that mattered. No one to drag me down.
There is a reason DbD stands above all others, and it is because it is the greatest. People can go and play Evil Dead or VHS for a week, that's fine, they will be back, or they will do as I did prior and find a new genre. Killer Clowns might be the secret sauce, you never know. But DbD will always be king, as long as they never lose sight of what makes it one of the best multi-player games of all time.
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I love playing DbD.
I want to love DbD.
It would be easy to love DbD, if it were done right.
No, I don't love DbD.