Survivors throwing/working with killer
maybe I’m just unlucky but I’ve had 4 games in a row last night and now 3 in a row today where one of the survivors would grab killers attention by fast vaulting and then point and lead killer to the rest of survivors, and all of them had the streamer mode where it would be Dwight01 to hide their gamer tags, and post game noticed that they run bond, why is this a thing I’m a killer main but trying to play as a solo survivor can’t seem to catch a break
then we get killers that face camp/tunnel and watch us bleed out, great…….
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You can report whoever is teaming with the killer if you don't agree with it. I remember this rule with farming. Farming isn't bannable as long as everyone involved is ok with it. If even 1 doesn't agree with it, you can proceed to report it.
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As a killer, I always make sure the snitch is the one who dies. Snitches end up in Ditches bro.
Ideally I also am able to allow the non-snitches to survive. It doesn't always happen as sometimes it looks like they're snitching on each other so I'm not sure who is the bad guy and who is the good guy, in which case I'll likely just kill them both and let God sort it out.
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If a Kate and an Ace are pointing at each other, please kill the Ace, you'd be doing me a solid, lol
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whats...whats the history here. ill gladly listen to this but what happened here
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Don't tell my boss I'm making stupid memes when I'm supposed to be working lol
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This is reportable, bannable, and you should be doing your part to report them. Get them out of our game so we don't have to deal with the cheating scum anymore.
First, you need to record your match. If on Playstation it is the share button. On PC you need to either use the XBOX bar, your video card, or something else. When this starts just start a recording. After you die go back in the match on the cheater and record them cheating for extra evidence.
Then, on the endgame screen you click the button that says, "WORKING WITH THE KILLER" on the survivor that did this. If the killer participated, don't forget to report them as well, because that is also against the rules. This should be obvious. If a survivor is standing right in front of the killer and pointing the killer should be downing them, not going where the survivor pointed.
Now save and upload your video to Youtube. You can make it private to everyone except those you share it with.
Finally, you create a ticket here:
Get banned, cheaters!
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Don't even get me started
...ok, I'm started, lol
So me and my friend were in a trial, as you could've guessed already, I was Kate he was Ace, and we were facing trapper
The trapper was doing fine, pretty normal stuff but at some point me and my friend were both injured and we found each other and started to heal. I was happy because I was gonna get my challenge done (heal X survivors) and I foolishly said to my friend "don't cancel it" and so he clicked L1 (PlayStation) and started healing me, but I wanted the healing challenge, so I cancelled and started healing him, and then he cancelled... well you get the point
And this went on for a solid 3 minutes, and finally the trapper came by, killed me, and my friend was so happy he got away with it I texted the trapper and said "kill Ace please" and the trapper didn't even hesitate to smack my friend and hook him
And now any chance I get to sabo my friend, granted it won't effect the trial because it'll be just the 2 of us
I try everything to get the killer to go and kill Ace
...The End
Ik it doesn't really have much to do with pointing, but this was the story I needed to get off my chest, lol
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That LITERALLY sums up my experience of DBD with my friend, lol
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That sounds like work.
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I basically just used the Snip Tool to Snip the three images and pasted them in PAINT before snipping the full image but if you want to use it, go for it :D
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Yeah, I'm not an expert at that stuff, lol
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you're not unlucky.
it's rampant and happens in MOST of my games.
i blame the poor game design when there's only 2 survivors left. there's no point in even trying to touch a generator at that point. so people snitch, hide, troll, etc.
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I think that only applies if the killer kills the person who doesn't want to farm. If memory serves, I think I saw a dev mention that the killer could farm with the other 3 and the person who doesn't want to farm can just do gens and leave and it's fine as long as the killer doesn't try to stop them. I'll see if I can find a quote of a dev/mod mentioning it.
I think it also applies if the survivor points to the hook to die because of the farming and the killer refuses to kill them then that's a no-no.
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I don’t this really applies to the games I had, the matches just started and the snitch survivor team bagged us while we on hook then left with hatch…..