He wasn't buffed, just some things were adjusted to work as they should have to begin with. No buffs or nerfs happened in this patch. It's a bugfix patch basically
28 -
Common Wesker W
2 -
He was buffed, sorry
20 -
he wasn't, sorry.
16 -
Ummm fixing bugs is not a buff.
8 -
which bug?
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they literally increased his hitbox lmao
19 -
they buffed his hitbox, sorry
23 -
They fixed his hitbox because it was bugged. He was literally gliding through survivors half the time.
5 -
Except he quite literally was? Increasing his hitbox is definitely a buff. Everything else is just bugfixing.
18 -
they increased it from 20cm to 30cm which is a 50% buff
Post edited by Rizzo on19 -
They had to increase it because it was causing him to miss hits he shouldn't have been missing. It was a fix not a buff. I just don't see fixing broken things as a buff.
Post edited by Rizzo on6 -
Still a "nerf" from the PTB.
Post edited by Rizzo on12 -
im pretty sure were playing the release game not the ptb
2 -
This. That said people will notice Weskers start doing a lot better and people might call for a nerf from that.
2 -
Yall are bogging down the hype thread with semantics. Looking forward to playing tonight. I felt like I was getting more accurate yesterday. Should feel clean now.
Also his autodrop M2 bug is still present (watching Dowsey). So not out the woods yet.
5 -
Already had my first survivor ask for, and I quote, "nerf that busted killer can't do anything against him play other killers" (Yes they literally said that, and I removed all the insults)
0 -
The change to the grab detection area on survivor was not a bug fix, that's an actual killer change, hence not listed on the bug fix section of the patch notes. So yes, that's considered to be a buff as it has increased the detection area from the release of the Chapter on Live.
And I'm happy that people are finding that the 30cm grab detection zone feels better - it's definitely something we changed based on the feedback we received.
39 -
Thanks for conveying the message and letting us know if a change was coming
6 -
This is very much appreciated! I play on console, and I was going straight through survivors despite being dead on with their character model. I look forward to trying him out and seeing if it feels more consistent.
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No they adjusted his hitbox. On the PTB, his hitbox was 40. For the live, they nerfed it to 20. They just increased it to 30, so overall, its still a nerf to what they originally had. Its a fix, not a buff.
4 -
Yeah noticed this when wesker flied past close to me but somehow hit. His hitbox definetely is bigger. Before that would not hit and before even he flied through you sometimes and didn't hit.
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His hitbox was as thick as his neck it was to easy to go through people
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Ptb isn't live. Buff.
3 -
It was a nice buff!
3 -
Did they fix the bug where you hit them, hold them a sec, and then they don't get hurt?
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So if you disregard the unreleased, pre-release version not available to all players... he was buffed.
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reddit is a disease on forum interaction
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It's both -- they fixed the problem with his hitbox being too precise by buffing it.
The only way you can argue that it's not a buff is by ignoring the definition of the word "buff," at which point there's no reason to even have a conversation if you're going to reject a widely-used definition in favor of your own.
1 -
Disingenuous pedantry transcends Social media platforms, sadly.
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He just need to slighty increase recover of power jumping a pallet and tokens and its good tp go for me
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his survivor hitbox was increased, how is that not a buff 💀
4 -
Lets not argue about whether it's a buff - it's a change, and that's great....lets just play as him and give me some juicy feedback please <3
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lmao… what?!😂😂😂 That is quite literally a buff.
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Did you received any feedback about reassurance?
3 -
And increased hit box size is not a buff, its a bug fix?
Are we sure about that?
1 -
He's still a killer LMAO.
Post edited by BoxGhost on1 -
What's really sad Mandy said it was a buff but they didn't increase his hit box all they did was increase his hit box detention so we won't have him "slide" off or through Survivors anymore....I had a poor Wesker slide off me 10 times in one chase before the fix.....I felt bad for him
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to be fair ptb was 2 much
1 -
Let's be clear here. You were not going through survivors, you were missing the hitbox. The hitbox is invisible, what you were seeing was the player model, and that is what you went through.
The size of his hitbox was intentional (even if it was smaller). So this is in fact a buff and not a bug fix.
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If you really want to argue this with me send me a PM. I'm happy to keep talking. But not here. I'm not going to go against what one of the forum mods tell us.
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Yeah, this would be great. As is it's almost never worth it to vault.
The other idea was making his pallet breaking base kit, and or increasing his dash tokens by 1.
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Indeed i would make it just fast the extra token would awake the omega blink traumas.
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Wesker’s a really fun killer and is pretty good. The hitbox buff made him feel so much better to play. The only issue i have with him as of right now is his windup time on his tentacle attack might be a little too long. If it was slightly reduced to have a faster charge time, he’d be perfect imo.
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1 -
Great, now BHVR just has to revise every map to fix these random collisions with tiniest objects preventing Wesker to use his power.
0 -
Do not bother with that, they are clearly in denial.
Reality :2+2 = 4 🤓
On the forums: 2+2 =1. 🤡
Post edited by BoxGhost on1 -
He's still a ######### killer LMAO.
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I think its the pallet vault cooldown that stops him from really shining. He pulls it away far too long
2 -
Now that a lot of bugs with Wesker have been fixed, I can safely say he’s a pretty good killer. Yes, he can use a few buffs and QOL changes, but overall I think he’s a strong killer with good mobility and decent anti loop.