If you DC/suicide/AFK/sandbag/etc because the game isn't how you wanted it

SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

Then you are the problem. If you have a problem with some part of the game, take it up with devs respectfully. If you take it out on the other players by disconnecting, suiciding on hook, AFKing, sandbagging, etc, you are the problem in that game.

Blatant cheater holding a game hostage? Sure. Game-breaking bug like being permanently stuck in a hill? Sure.

Because you dislike the map? Because you dislike the other side's build(s)? Because you dislike the other side's character(s)/cosmetic(s)? Because you dislike something that happened in the game (eg, downed early/flashlight saved/gens done quickly/etc)? Because of literally any other non-cheater/game-breaking bug reason? You are the problem.

There's a really, really easy solution if you hate facing a part of this game that badly. Don't queue up.

By DCing/suiciding/AFKing/sandbagging/etc, you are actively ruining this game for the other 4 players just because you are incapable of handling facing some part of this game. Sure, you paid for this game for your own fun and aren't responsible for others, blah blah blah. But guess what? If every single person gave up the second they faced a part of the game that wasn't how they wanted it, you would not be getting to play out any games either.

Want to take up what you see as an issue with devs respectfully? Sure, go for it. All the power to you. When you're in a game? Either suck it up buttercup, or don't queue up at all. If you care that little about the experience of anyone except yourself, go play a single player game and don't ruin the game for the people that are mature enough to play through a match they queued up for.



  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    The devs being slow to handle something you think is a problem in this game does not justify you quitting and ruining it for the others.

  • JacobiusWick
    JacobiusWick Member Posts: 161

    I agree.

    JFL if you honestly think the devs give a crap about solo q though. 🤣

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    Should we try to implement a "rulebook of morals and etiquette to read before playing online games" into the tutorial?

    There should be no "intentional disconnections" except when faced with bugs, glitches, or cheaters that make the game impossible to progress.

    It is wrong not to take responsibility for a survivor being greatly disadvantaged by suicide. I know the game is called e-sports, but there is no e-sportsmanship in it. No, DbD is an "e-show", so does it not need sportsmanship?

    I have some tolerance for AFK. Possibly a phone call or a courier came. Or playing just to cause deviant discomfort.

    But if it continues to stay there after hook rescue, I kinda sigh.

    Sandbagging, what does this mean? Is it the same as what is called kebab in Japan?

    Anyway, there are a few things you should not do in the online game. But most of them should be understood without difficulty if you have the ability to look at things objectively.

    sry my poor english

  • woodenEnthusiasm
    woodenEnthusiasm Member Posts: 160

    I haven't had a single match without a dc or suicide in 4 days. If you don't wanna play the game just stop playing it. No one is forcing you to sit and suffer.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104
    edited September 2022

    If the game does nothing aside from having a penalty timeout to discourage disconnecting, they are part of the problem. Other games show your % frequency of disconnections for other players to see.

    Give me a reason to care.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,416

    Every other game will suspend you or even ban you for the amount of dc's some survivors perform in this game. It's truly baffling that people find it ok.

    Very terrible take. It's ok that I dc because I don't like the game state, then as suzu said don't play the game.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    I honestly only see people DC'ing when they get hard tunneled - which basically happens every game these days. Ppl like you forget something: this is a GAME. Games are supposed to be FUN.

    I never DC (unless it's a cheater in my game) but you can be sure I am gonna suicide on hook if it's the 3rd or 4th game in a row I get tunneled off hook at 4-5 gens left after getting proxy camped by the killer.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,988

    As a killer main, I would not care if DC or suicide players were punished. I am not sure if you are aware of this or not... But it makes the game a free win for killer, buddy. Pretty sure your beef is with survivors. They are the ones actually punished for teammates giving up. Lol.

    If you are going to do the whole us versus them bait, you have to cater to the proper side. It doesn't just work because you said one side hates it. You have to actually trigger killers if you want them to respond in a capacity beyond correcting you.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    If you check my post history, you would see I play both sides so your whole post is invalid.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,988

    No, it is not. You would need to prove killer mains cared about survivors DCing, and also that they are the same types that defend face camping. It is truly some nonsensical stuff you set yourself up for there. I have no idea what you thought your point was, but I do appreciate the laugh. Feelsbadman. I was not trying to type your name, I am just using the expression.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    Dude a killer who hard camps and tunnels doesn't want to play the game. You think he cares if the survivor on the receiving end DC's/suicides? No he is probably laughing and congrulating himself.

    If the killer hardcore camps and tunnels he clearly doesn't want to olay the game so why should the survivors?

    I am just gonna say, I nearly NEVER have any DC'ers/suicides in my killer games and it doesn't matter which killer I play (even on killers like Nurse and Legion) and you know why? Cause I don't camp and tunnel. I run info perks like BBQ or Thrilling on all my killers. I love chasing people as killer, outplaying them and getting better. If you prefer to stay 3/4th of a game infront of a hook then don't cry if people don't want to play with you.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,988

    I am so confused, bro. I must have misread your post or something, but I am too lazy to verify it. I will say I agree with you at this point. As a face camp God, I do not care if they DC.


    But yeah, I would totally take the free win. No doubt. All I am saiyan is that removing the DC penalty has ALWAYS been the biggest killer buff. Even Behavior could not accidentally create a more powerful change to the role. Try as they might. Killers moving at 200% speed would result in a lower kill rate than a patch with the DC penalty turned off. Facts is facts.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,988

    Well, you know, I can only speak for myself. I am sure there are some nice killers out there that dislike DCs. Otz gets pretty passionate for the survivor experience when someone gives up.

    That just ain't me. I pop the champagne and brutalize the ones they left behind.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,072

    Oh please, if you know MY comment history (which i don't think you do) you would know that the last 2 years i played camp- and tunnel-free and friendly non killing killer and even i had a real bunch of first hit/down/hook DC or even DC just from knowing which killer i was playing or which map we were on.

    Those survivor that are addressed in this thread, not the 4 slugged outliers for example, but the sensitive instant DCs as soon as the game slightly doesn't go the way they want, do it no matter how the killer plays.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    That comes off a bit hypocritical as most DCs don't happen just because they want to ruin other people's fun.

    They happen because other people ruin their fun.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    It is incomparable. Why? Because one is a legitimate part of the game and the other is undergoing an action that will actively ruin it for the 4 other people because of a legitimate part of the game. If you don’t like that a thing is a part of the game, take it up with devs respectfully. Don’t take it out on other players. It doesn’t matter whether their intent is to ruin it for the other 4 players, that is the result.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890

    I will never advocate for DCing minus a cheater or hacker, but I'll just say this:

    "You're ruining the fun for others" is never going to be a valid excuse. There are plenty of acceptable playstyles that ruin fun for others. No, I'm not saying DCing is a playstyle, but my point is there are plenty of unfun things in this game, both valid or not.

    Talk about how it's against the rules, talk about how it speaks to the immaturity of the player - but don't pretend you care about the fun of others.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Then take it up with devs, not out on other players. If you queued up knowing you might face a part of the game you dislike and then give up anyways, that is 100% solely and exclusively on you.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    Then why don't you take up the DC problem with the devs and not us on the forums?

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,696
    edited September 2022

    Take a minute and think about it. It is worth your time.

    Is their action hypocritical? Yeah, thats usually what happens when a victim creates victims of their own.

    You should listen to people's actions, not discredit them.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    The difference is the players can choose to not queue up if they hate something that is a part of the game that much. People can’t just choose to magically stop being bullied. Ragequitters are not the victims. The 4 other people are.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 1,759

    Sounds like a skill issue

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    That's fine if you don't feel your time is that valuable, maybe other people think their time is.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    If they thought they're time was more valuable they wouldn't be wasting it playing a video game.

  • BradQuackson
    BradQuackson Member Posts: 385

    If you giveup in the middle of a chase, I will make you bleed out, it's just how it is. ESP if the game just started, I call it my own DC penalty.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,933

    Do you know MY or ThiccBudhhas comment history? Or SuzuKR's or Schenekiller's? Not hating, but this is a pretty weird thing to flex about and you brought it up a couple of times. When you spend time on the forums, some people will remember you and the stance you have taken in the past, but I guess less then 0,5% will study someones comment history, just to get a reading on what a person they are dealing with.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,933
    edited September 2022

    Interesting thought ... but you know how often people DC when you run Lethal Pursuer and they go down within 40s of the game starting? Sure, this gives the killer definitely a legs up, but when the killing is running off to patrol the next gen, you basically lost nothing. Yeah, you got one hook stage and need to play it a bit saver, but this alone is not as bad as, for example, losing one of your totem 40s into a game, and a killer can still play a good game after such an early loss.

    People who rage quit just at the start of the trial because they got a bad start ARE ruining it for all the others, and with no real reason to do so. Its just sore loser attitude, not "a victim lashing out".

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,696
    edited September 2022

    I don't disagree with the sentiment that there are bad reasons to disconnect. Nor do I disagree with the negative impact it has on the remaining players' game. I'm just saying that the disconnecting players are not the root of the problem, and we shouldn't be focusing our efforts on punishing them.

    Telling people to "suck it up" has never worked. That just creates more animosity.

    Through all of the noise on these forums, there are some really great ideas that get tossed aside because people assume everyone else is a crybaby who had one bad experience and is overreacting. You can spot those posts from a mile away--there's no reason to discredit the ones bringing real grievances to the table.

    This game has redeeming qualities, but it is far from perfect. We need to be solution-oriented, amenable, and focus on what we can do to remove the least enjoyable moments this game has to offer.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,902

    That's kind of a false equivalency though.

    Nothing in a game of DBD is equal to real world bullying or even cyber bullying for that matter. If you truly think it is then you are taking this game way to seriously.

    A bad game is just that a bad game, we all have them.

    Some mechanics in this game are very zero sum, but zero sum mechanics have been around for a long time in a lot of games.

    Two things tend to happen with zero sum mechanics..

    1. people play and work around them understanding they are part of the game, some more competitive players may try to exploit them but again its understood to be part of the game and you play around it.
    2. People take it personally, throw a tantrum and quit

    Those that find themselves following the number 2 option more often should consider if DBD is the game for them.

    Yes zero sum can be annoying and I find some things annoying from time to time but I sign up to play DBD accepting that they are part of the game.

    Its a very adult and gritty theme that will involve some confronting gameplay and that's a good thing.

    I'd hate to see it watered down because someone taking it to seriously is triggered by the gameplay, that would be bad.

  • BonDBD
    BonDBD Member Posts: 21

    You can also easily go to DBDs discord server and grab some friends or even find a couple here in the forum to fix your problem. If people don't want to play let them quit, who cares.

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    Good post, I completely agree

  • Funchal
    Funchal Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2022

    Wrong, the problem is called Nurse / Hag / Tombstone Piece / Alchemist's Ring.

    Devs take years to fix things that need to be fixed, unless suddenly everyone is having a ######### experience and everyone decides to DC, aka Legion release

    That's just how things work. Devs are childish, so we can be too.

    Don't throw pearls to pigs

    Post edited by Funchal on
  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,696

    It looks like the mods might find my parallel a bit too sensitive--potentially too confrontational--for the forums, so I won't belabor the topic.

    I'll instead just point to ByeByeQ's latter comment, which I felt accurately clarified my message:

    If I get unhooked (or worse, farmed) and the killer tunnels me hard off the hook and immediately hooks me again, I am definitely a victim. I certainly feel like a victim. I don't turn everyone else in the game into a victim should I choose to just let the Entity take me instead of struggling.

    Plus it's a video game. No one is an actual victim here.

    DBD is a great exercise in humility, but it can at times cross a line.

    We're all here to have a good time. And as part of that, it is important that we're able to maintain agency--just like that Dwight you and I were talking about in another thread. Even in defeat, we as humans want to feel like we have control over the way we are defeated.

    Unfortunately, there are times when we play this game that we encounter scenarios in which we feel completely helpless. The game can put us at such a disadvantage that we feel like a passenger watching our train run off the rails.

    It's not really a matter of "taking the game too seriously."

    It is the fact that we turn to this game to have a good time, and it hands us anything but that.

    As I said in my previous comment, this game has redeeming qualities--it is filled with reasons why people don't outright abandon the game. But it has some wrinkles that need ironing out, and at the moment people are tired of seeing them.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    👏👏👏 Well said, people. Enough is enough. Tired of these inconsiderate brats. These self-entitled jerks don’t even realize half time they would have actually escaped, had they stayed. Imagine, your dumbass ragequit at 5 gens but us remaining three survivors died after completing 4. What does that tell you? So tired of these babies. Uninstall if you can’t handle adversity. Why the hell do you keep playing??