Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

What Nemesis changes, to addons and/or basekit power, would you suggest?

I love Nemesis, I'm a Nemi main, but he could definitely get some quality of life changes to make him feel better in some changes - his zombies, Tier 3, and addons are the most notable examples. What do you think?


  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025
    edited August 2022

    Uhh, remove his Zombies and remove his tentacle xd

  • BubbaIsJustVibin
    BubbaIsJustVibin Member Posts: 48

    I could understand that argument for his basekit power, but his zombies are completely broken and either do nothing or save the game, while 90% of his addons are worthless.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    id give the zombies their ptb ai (they were actually amazing in the ptb, idk what the devs did but it was BAD), id also have a detection system in place where if they get stuck they die and respawn, also a system where if a zombie is outside 32m-ish from survivors too long, they respawn closer

    or id remove his zombies, make his tentacle infect and injure with the same hit (2 hits to down not 3), and add a hinder while infected (like 3/4%) so theres a reason to use vaccines, but not so oppressive that chases are miserable.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I get the zombies are terrible as I used to be a nemesis main. But they def need to do an add-on pass with him (and quite a few other killers). I rotate through at least 10 sets of add-ons as blight. They are all meaningful (yes a couple are broken we get it guys) and can even change the way his power feels(adrenaline vial). All killers should aspire do have the diversity blight does with his add-ons.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I´d start with Lickers Tongue...

    He needs addons that allow for different playstyles. Just like Myers or Hag. Allowing him to boost his zombies, his tentacle and infection.

    • Zombies: faster and more zombies or that changes out the zombie type for a different one from the games.
    • Tentacle: addon that changes how the tentacle reacts on contact. Like pulling survivors closer to him, but not downing them when already injured.
    • Infection: Give an actual incentive to cleanse the infection. Addon that gives away the infected survivors position/allows them to infect others. Makes Zombies more aggresive towards infected/uninfected survivors.
  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,011

    Finally fixing the zombie AI. Please. They get stuck way too often. At least have them kill themselves if they are stuck in one place for too long so I don't have to go over there and reset them myself

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    He's fine? You can look at the Licker Tongue add on and think that is fine?

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    -Fix zombie AI,so they won't get stuck on random crap or just stare at wall

    -Make his addons more addons more useful (addons that inflict survivors with status effects when hit by his power or zombies,an addon that gives lightborn to his zombies,an iridescent addon that lets you attract zombies by punching things?)

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    Complete add-on rework. That and make it so that his power actually resembles nemesis in any way.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Zombies needs fixing and he could have more better addons or bit more interesting ones as well. His base kit however (basides bugged zombies) is fine.

  • The_C12H15NO2
    The_C12H15NO2 Member Posts: 335

    His infection hits, either from his power or zombies, should not cause sprint burst. it's really a waste of time to infect someone then have to chase them for 2 more hits giving the survivor 3 sprint bursts. when i play nemesis, even if i win with 3k+, i rarely get past power stage 2 b/c it isn't worth hitting with his power too often.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 430

    What i don't really get is why his tier 3 tentacle strikes are still giving free sprint burst if the survivors are not infected.

    I mean, before lvl 3 i still don't really like it..but at least you have the excuse that you are leveling up your power with every strike and making it stronger. But at level 3? You hit someone that is not infected and give him a totally free sprint burst "because yes", hindering yourself with your own power without getting absolutely nothing in return.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373
    edited August 2022

    Make his t1 infection 6m range base t2 cab stay the same and now he can use t3

    to become a mix of oni and Blight ge has the turning of blight but dosent collide with walls where he charges forward for 60s any breakable walls he collides with will shatter and he will continue his sprint

    He will have to attack pallets to break them and have a small slow where he has completed turning ability and begin the rush again

    hitting a surivor will do a single health state and will slow the nemmisis for 2.8s and he will continue his sprint after

    After using t3 hitting infected surivors with whip will give normals mutation rate

    Finally added a code for the ai where if they aren't moving for 5s they chose a new random direction to go

    He will go back to t2 after the 60s

    ( just a fun idea I had but when you use your t3 power the nemisis sees text pop up saying mission eliminate all stars members)

    This gives him the the Map pressure he needs while not changing his normal power too much

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,862
    edited August 2022


    • Fix zombies to actually be useful, half the time they don't even walk toward the survivor. Make them move a little faster. Improve the AI so that they actually walk towards the survivors. Maybe even that they just always know where a survivor is and always walk toward the nearest one. Create a system that will respawn them if they get stuck for too long.


    • Remove the zombies entirely, make his tentacle injure even when not infected, make being infected just cause a hinder status effect, increase the number of vaccines available, and let them be used twice (like wesker)


    • Make it so survivors don't get a sprint burst when getting infected.
  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455
    edited August 2022
    1. Give him a Classic Nemesis (OG RE3) skin.
    2. Change the VFX of infected survivors from blue to purple, as purple is more directly related to "Poison" and "Infection" throughout the RE series, whereas blue is more related to curing poison. And infected survivors running around covered in baby-blue spray paint just looks goofy.

    This will improve Nemesis gameplay 100%. Trust.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061
    edited August 2022

    Yeah, leaving aside more ambitious reworks of his entire kit and concentrating on stuff that is actually something BHVR realistically would do, the glaring issues are the zombies and his add-ons.

    Zombie AI and pathing issues have to be resolved, at least the most egregious ones. There are various spots where zombies just get stuck and areas they cannot enter or leave. If those cannot be resolved, at the very least implement the band-aid fix that zombies that don't move for a certain amount of time automatically die and respawn instantly. An even better solution would be to make it possible for the Nemesis player to be able to remotely kill zombies by looking at their aura from afar and using the special ability key. From there, the zombies would either respawn at a random hook as always, or you could even make it possible for the Nemesis player to look at a gen aura and direct the zombie(s) to respawn at the hook closest to that gen. This would not only allow the player to basically solve all zombie pathing issues themselves, but would even make it so that the zombies are much more consistently valuable in harassing players on gens, and an actually somewhat proactive "ability" of the player. AI issues on the other hand are probably more difficult to solve, those are instances where zombies for some reason ignore a player right next to them, which definitely shouldn't happen. One band-aid fix for those issues could be to have the AI direct the zombies toward unfinished generators whenever they are not alerted to anyone. But like, you want the zombies to literally walk right up next to the gen.

    Most of his add-ons are indeed pretty useless. That said, with improvements for the zombies, various add-ons would also get more valuable since they obviously make zombies more of a threat. Still, too many of his add-ons aren't nearly impactful enough, and it's lame that the majority of them pertain zombies to begin with, because zombies are a passive part of his kit and nothing the player can really influence or even notice. Add-ons that improve his tentacle strike ability would be great, affecting stuff like the attack's wind-up and cooldown time and reach. Add-ons that make the infection more impactful would also be good, such as Hindered, Blindness, Obliviousness, Mangled, Hemorrhage, the usual stuff.

    Finally, tier 3 mutation should indeed be more substantial of a power-up. There are various things they could do, ranging from really simple ones like making him 4.8m/s movespeed or allowing his tentacle to instantly infect and injure, to more ambitious ones like giving him the ability to infect zombies with the parasite when hitting them with the tentacle, which would visually alter them and increase their movement speed and attack range, or maybe on top of infecting/injuring survivors, they would even hold them in place for a moment in this form.

    Post edited by zarr on
  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030


  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,468

    Fix his Zombies which have been buggy since his release and buff some of his add-ons.

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217

    For Zombies: Zombies getting stuck will automatically die after 15 seconds of being unable to move. They will respawn after 5 seconds.

    Add-on changes: Licker Tongue

    Zombies will now have a lunge instead of a basic attack. Survivors hit by a Zombie will get slowed down for 0.25 seconds.

    Perhaps combining zombie speed add-ons and zombie vision radius add-ons would be a good idea. But again most add-ons don't do much for him, maybe a whole rework of his add-ons pass might help.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Add-on buffs across the board. His are possibly the worst in the game. And personally, I'd like to see the zombies removed for some other secondary power that isn't RNG based.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    Make more of his add-ons have to do with his tentacle? Like 90% of them have to do with his zombies.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited August 2022

    no speed boost on infection and tentacle applying infection and health-state loss is no brainer.

    an idea i had for zombies to be more useful is to give the zombies a lunging attack if your infected that can activate in 6 meters. i think it would have good synergy with his movement speed zombies add-on's and it would reward nemesis play for activate infecting the entire team. zombies will be real threat if your infected.

  • SpiritWolf
    SpiritWolf Member Posts: 16

    Literally just rework his Entire Kit/Power:

    -Remove Zombies. (They are too inconsistent and hinder more than help in anyway)

    -Remove Initial Infection Sprint Burst. (This should have been removed on launch)

    -Remove ability to break pallets/breakable walls with T2 whip.


    +Give him a Sprint Ability for reaching T2. (Tired of seeing him doing a light jog towards me when I KNOW he is faster)

    +Give him a roar when starting his sprint (I.E. Oni's Demon Dash) that reveals infected survivors with Killer Instinct.

    +Give survivors a debuff if infection is not treated after ~30-40 seconds. (Be it hindered or based on addons)

    +Give 6 Meters to T2 Whip. (T3 Whip Replaced with Rocket Launcher upon pressing action button)

    +Give him his Rocket Launcher at T3 by pressing action button that lasts 60 seconds and insta downs (Possibly longer if running addons)
