Made it into higher MMR

Been noticing lately that my games have taken a drastic turn for the worse. I've been able to get a consistent 3k till today, where suddenly now I'm going against incredibly coordinated teams and am now having great difficulty downing a single survivor, and if I do succeed at most I'm only getting 1k if I'm lucky. Life is now pain.
Come back... Mid mmr is the sweet spot..! Let yourself fall in comfort and joy ! Stay in mid mmr :D
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Believe me, I'm trying. 😭 I'm really not up for the nightmare that are sweat squads.
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People in high MMR don't complain about losing...
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Not high MMR, higher. I can tell that the other players are def much more skilled than I am in play rn.
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Um... yeah they do. Why wouldn't they? It's where the most powerful stuff in the game is played constantly.
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I dont think im high mmr but my games are random often. Sometimes I go against coordinated teams other times it is baby nea.
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Yeah, go figure. I'm not saying that high MMR players don't complain, but if you're complaining about repeatedly getting 1k, then you've simply gone as high as you can go in the MMR. Those who are high MMR whether it's killer or survivor win the majority of their games. It's actually a requirement.
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The way the system is designed you can't know for sure if your high MMR. From what I understand your MMR is more of a calculation that an actual number. A calculation that may potentially change from match to match if the value of the others in the match are used in it's determination.
Possibly it takes into account the number of matches a set of survivors have played together as a team. If a survivor is using a flashlight it might take into consideration how well the survivor is at using flashlights(I personally am horrible at using them).
It might also take into account how well you/the others in the match are at using the perks they have chosen. If someone chooses Decisive Strike and usually succeeds at the skill check versus someone who chooses it and misses the skill check more often than they succeed then perhaps that would affect their MMR in different ways.
Furthering that on if two survivors both choose Decisive Strike both of which regularly succeed at the skill check and escape also choose Dead Hard. Only one of them is good at escaping the killer after using the perk and the other usually get's caught by the killer perhaps that affects their MMR.
The formula for that calculation could be based on a number of factors such as comparisons, other calculations and so forth. We don't know. If the previous system hadn't been abused then perhaps we wouldn't need a system like this. It was abused however and now now we have this which from my experience has been better than it's predecessor.
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Stick with it. The same way you did when you transitioned from low to mid-tier MMR. Don't dodge lobbys, even if it's an obvious SWF. Manage your time, plan ahead. Learn from your mistakes and losses.
Identify the gens you have to protect and the ones you can afford to lose in the first 10 seconds of the game. Don't let any of them go easily but protect your inner gens above all, even forgo chases if you need to.
Mind game EVERYTHING. Drop chases when needed but always think. Like if I kill this survivor here will I create a hook dead zone?
You'll be playing against pretty much all swfs now so take that into consideration. Assume they're constantly communicating everything, don't fall for their tricks.
Sucks to say but anything other than optimal builds is kinda shooting yourself in the foot.
So congratulations! You've reached high MMR! Every game will be a sweatfest for a while but this is it, once you can consistently body these survivors you have officially beat Dead by Daylight.
Best of luck!
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That's very good insight, thank you! I will say I havent seen DS at all in any of my killer games, but DH is more prevalent, and I'm always amazed at the survivors who can get the exact timing.
Thank you for the advice! I've started scouting three gens every match now to help keep the game at a close distance (although it sucks if one happens to be on a different floor), and mind gaming is still something I'm working on against them. I've found myself looping myself at a tile only for them to be long gone LOL
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Yea, but you get used to it. Just be proud that it's decided you're good enough to face them, and then decide to bring it to them.
Remember, these are the players who ######### all over baby Killer's. Be the reason they DC.
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But, but…killers are OP! That’s what all the survivor mains masquerading as killer mains on the forums are sprouting. Killers so easy to play now! You don’t even have to try and you’ll easily get a 3k!
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MMR is an invisible number that has been proven to barely work.
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High mmr meme
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Hey considering how badly balanced it can be a 1k especially with good amount of hooks is a win regardless plus some killers arent equipped to deal with great loopers.
Atm I'm just looking for a game that hasnt got mega strong items, map offerings or a full swf but no luck
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I thought we had a wack cap like Lower 25% mmr play together, and the last 75% all play together?
Numbers are pulled out of my butt but something like that
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This. The doom and gloom has to stop.