Self care has highest usage rate YET botany is not even on top 10?

No wonder kill rate has raised by 8%, BHVR really should do SOMETHING to that stupid perk.
It doesn't matter how bad it is, the starchiest potatoes are running it and they're a number so the perk must be destroyed.
CoH is fine though.
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Then they REALLY should just delete it altogether, it's literally free win ticket for killers in 99% of matches.
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i hate coh so much its unreal
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I mean I will say the nerf to botany REALLY hurt it. like sure it gained an extra 17% healing speed but it lost 53% item efficiency rendering 2 med kits unable to complete a full heal. Also making it so you cant really look for a medkit in the trial if youre in a dire situation because you would need it to be yellow or purple to hit. I get what youre saying about using them together but if youre going to do that now hyperfocus is a better second perk. You will get multiple skill checks those arent decreased by stuff like sloppy or your slow heal speed. Plus also is used on the gen.
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Yeah, I stopped running this perk like 3 years ago. It's one of the best killer perks in the game lol.
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Self Care is apparently very popular outside of EU/America. Surprised myself, honestly.
As for Botany... who would use that? CoH and medkits exist. The thing is outclassed. Even Desperate Measures would be better given that it lacks a downside.
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Tbf Botany Knowledge is situationally worse now that you lose efficiency when using medkits instead of gaining efficiency. The whole appeal for me was being able to getting multiple uses out of a purple medkit with add-ons that add more charges.
It’s not surprising it isn’t a top picked perk.
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It's kinda wild to me that Botany is this slept on, considering it's incredible.
Self-Care being so high up is also mind-boggling. Apparently it's a regional thing, and I'm so curious how players in those other regions use it...
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So if Botany isn't even in the top 10 are these people legit just using it alone? Oof 😂
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This is the only solution to the issue IMO. Players will always justify Self Care usage as self-sufficiency, no matter how much the devs nerf it by numbers. This perk needs to be buried for the health of solo queue.
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It's a recommended starter perk and if you know little of the game it sounds good.
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Newer players would be boosting the numbers too I imagine. It's a free perk afterall. And they probably wouldn't really understand the time sensitivity regarding gens yet either. It really is a killer perk.
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Botany is 50% bonus healing speed, which is nothing to scoff at. You can use it with Self-Care, or you can use it with a medkit and Streetwise. Or heal your teammates for a change.
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Botany Knowledge is hot garbage now. It should be called Sloppy Healing or something else because of it losing med-kit efficiency.
Botany Knowledge should allow a survivor to be able to forage to recharge medkits.
Self Care would make sense to have decreased med kit efficiency. Imagine trying to treat a back wound without help.
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Or... I could bring CoH and have everyone heal themselves. Or a medkit with add-ons?
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Exactly why i use slobby butcher with my spirit girlie. Also BBQ so i can see the survivors selfcaring in the map corners for a minute :)
It happens a lot :) Which is one of the reasons killers rates are going higher since people are playing with poopie perks like this and not even trying to do gens.
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The point is, self care is the best killer perk.
There HAS to be SOMETHING to make it WORK when you use it, and people are NOT using it.
Whatever you do, anything is fine as long as you won't run self care and JUST self care.
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I'm just saying Botany is slept on. I can't believe how few people use it. Everyone healing themselves is great, but if you look at Leader, Botany, Second Wind, Empathic Connection, Better Than New, you can save a lot of time on healing or even get a bonus, even when CoH is already present.
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Petition to stop healing hands jk
Claudette is free so ye as a noob I would pick it every time.
Dood that's so awesome I can heal myself anywhere.(hides nurses calling doesn't work) Ye full life for the 15th time hehe.
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The rift needs to die more than Self Care does, imo.
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I would rather run Self Care than waste even a brown medkit in games that could potentially end within 2-5 minutes, honestly.
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Then run botany too, because otherwise you are the reason why medkits will be wasted.
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I did run botany with self care. I played this game for years. I know whats going on. I know how to play. Although, I quit several weeks ago so its a moot point.
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people didn't do that with old-self care. so why would they do that with current self-care? issue is that survivors want health-states but the problem is that health-states are too powerful if they're spammable and by extension med-kits being too strong. they're kinda did soft-weaken them with 1.8 sec sprint and 10% less cooldown. They'd need a bit more like 1.5 sec. then healing in general could be more accessible with faster healing. At the same time, self-care is one of those perks that will have near 100% pick-rate or low pick-rate with negative drawback on the survivor team.
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If I see anyone self caring through an amount of time that I'm sure they're using it by itself I'm letting them die on hook.
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They turned it into yet another SWF perk, and made it unviable for solo. Guess this is confirmation most survivor players are solo and not SWF? And BHVR doesn’t want people playing solo for some unknown reason?
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Or maybe(call me crazy...) survivors can learn not to run a time inefficient perk? And start using teamwork to heal with CoH or Bond or any of like another half dozen perks? Why do the developers need to intervene here?
This is what drives me crazy about survivor mains and proposed game changes and the whole killer nerf bandwagon.
No amount of developer intervention can save you from bad teammates. At some point that Claudette corner self caring every minute against a Legion is going to need to learn maybe that's not the best play.
God forbid, I know.
Or instead we could buff survivors and nerf killers until corner care Claudette's interesting gameplay decisions no longer drag down her team, and actual competent survivors go back to ROFLMAO stomping killers every match.
Am I crazy or has the world gone crazy?
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More like why are your teammates picking that perk? Is your mmr really that low? That you are being placed with potatoes that would use that? Oh yeah mmr is garbage. Ever since the end of ranks survs have begin really selfish and that’s a selfish perk. Blame the matchmaking not the perks or play styles
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Its all MMR ranges. New players load in and see ability to heal self then ignore how long and impractical it is. Its a major issue with the stats BHVR releases imo, they generalise it too much to the point we end up with dumb stuff like selfcare no1 survivor perk or Nurse being the weakest killer.
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Ok teach me. How do i get other survivors to heal me, after i found them with bond. Last game i didnt bring it, me and the other survivor needed heal, i healed him, and as soon as i finished he run away, leaving me still injured (no, there was nothing that needed his attention now more than before).
Or CoH, how do i use it when all totems are broken by the guy with the map? Funny thing, when noed was a thing, noone would do totems. Now that boons are a thing, i have games where i can´t find one unbroken totem. So the same applies to inner strengh.
So tell me which heal perk allows you to be healed that not depend on whatever or not your teammates are doing?
Teach me, so i can learn.
Dont get me wrong, if i bring self care, i usually bring it as a backup for the medkit i bring, because since the nerf it is a real waste of time.
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Botany's fantastic for healing other people now, but it's terrible for self-heals unless CoH is involved. I run Botany often, and brown and green medkits are completely useless to me. Can't count how many times this has come back to bite me.
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Scary, right?!
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Botany is a great perk, but the fact is that med-kits are so amazingly powerful that the downside to medkits overshadows the greatness of the perk.
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Not really. If you wanna bring medkits and Botany, you either just cram as many charges into your medkit as possible or bring Streetwise to counteract the penalty. Either are good- multiple charges + 50% heal speed increase means bringing medkits is still very strong and efficient, and bringing Streetwise means you can apply that efficiency bonus to any item you end up using, as well as your teammate's.
Botany is fantastic, you just have to understand what kind of builds it goes into.
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People also use Self-Care solo on the assumption that they'll finish up a partial heal from their med-kit, charges pending (IE they know their last heal will leave them at whatever % healed).
This carries risk, of course, but barring Mangled, it's a valid strat.
People just look at stuff in a bilateral/black and white manner and it realllllllllly shows.
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People are stubborn and stupid, no matter how bad that perk gets, they'll run it out of spite for everyone
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And self care is order of magnitude terrible than botany, to the point it just doesn't work without botany.
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Oh no, you lost a brown medkit after doing it's job...what, you expect to escape every game and save every item you own?
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That's fair, lol
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How is self care a SWF perk? It's quite literally a solo q perk because it only works on one person
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I was referring to Botany.
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You need a new joke book. That sounded like your angry peers.
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I never said I lost a brown med kit. What are you even talking about? I said that I would rather run Self Care than waste a brown medkit. I never said that I expect to escape every time, either. You assume a lot of things and express them like a constipated angry grandma with hemorrhoids.
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Oh, sorry, cause I was like "last I checked you can't share self care" lol
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That's an... impressive insult I guess, lol, I was just saying because you said you don't want to waste a brown medkit if you die, but like... it's a brown medkit, is all I'm saying.
Like if you invest anytime at all in one character, you'll have like 60+ more to choose from
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Built to last exist too, maybe they learned how to use medkits with self-care, just like any intelligent individual.
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The only thing mind boggling here is no thought how to use built to last and self care so that hemorrhage won't eat out the rest of your medkit. 🙄
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If people are intelligent enough to use medkit, they won't use self care.
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If you're intelligent enough to not get hit by hemorrhage, then you don't need self-care.
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Self-care can't really counter hemorrhage, healing speed does.