Dead Hard: Problem? Or Not?
Well the patch is out, which means Dead Hard and a lot of other perks have been "reworked".
Dead Hard now works like the Styptic Agent but alot shorter. (And in my opinion a hell of a lot more balanced)
So, opinions on Dead Hard?
Can't wait for people to say "DBD is dead!", Gobernunget.
Dead Hard is not worth a Perk Slot anymore.
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The nerf of DH is not the problem of this patch. Yall dont understand and will never understand
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It's fine now, still a good Exhaustion Perks (probably third best now)
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You already know the answer.
It is indeed dead or at least on life support
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They nerfed a perk that required literally one brain cell to counter.
Everyone used it because it was the only perk that could reliably extend chases.
Now theyve gutted it, nerfed survivors so they have no meta whatsoever and buffed killers across the board in chase and buffed camping and tunneling.
The new dh is garbage and so is just about every single survivor perk.
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In a much, MUCH better state.
Still going to be extremely strong in the right hands, but it actually requires skill and timing to use now and it comes with a downside attached to it that makes the reward fair, similar to Sprint Burst.
EDIT: I am unsure about the second nerf it received though, especially when taking latency into account that might have been too much.
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The new Dead Hard works, it's just that now one needs skills to use it. I've just seen some demonstrations from Ayrun and CoconutRTS has made a video with some useful tips, one word being about DH.
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I still use Dead hard. Its actually not a bad perk but you have to time it perfectly to be able to avoid dying.
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I think it went from being a 6/5 perk to a 2/5 perk. It still has a use, but it is no longer op so I see this as an absolute win.
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It's Smash Hit tier now, you can use it and it's serviceable but why would you ever use it when SB, Lithe, Overcome exists?
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Due to latency and DBD being, well, DBD it's not very reliable anymore. I'm sure very experienced survivors will still get plenty of mileage out of it, but at least now it's not just an almost guaranteed free health state.
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Weak now, but at this point it deserves it
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I think it's still really good and we will be seeing a lot of use in a month or so when the streamers have enough time to show the sheep how to press e at a window.
I had a ton of great success with it yesterday, it's definitely not gutted.
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It's pretty decent. You have to be smart with how you use it or you waste it but you get a lot of distance and can prolong a chase for a while if you pull it off. Definitely not the knee jerk "garbage" people are saying.
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It definitely takes more skill to use than before. If I hit a survivor that uses it at the perfect time, I definitely feel they were awarded that play compared to before. I would say its short duration combined with game latency adds to the difficulty of using it. As most have said, it is not necessarily worth the perk slot if you're looking for meta, but it can definitely be fun and rewarding to use.
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I mean you literally couldn't counter it when it was used for distance. When you could counter it in the open that wasn't really the issue with it. The new suv meta is here it just isn't 4 handicap perks that can extend chases by a minute, try unbreakable they didn't change that. Adrenaline is good still as well as balanced landing and lithe.
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In fact the timing of the new Dead Hard to avoid a hit is identical to the timing of the old Dead Hard, they’re both 0.5 second windows of protection. So if you could consistently dodge attacks with the old one you can presumably consistently block them with this new one.
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the one and only time i've been hit by DH now is when a absolute gigachad of a Steve intentionally ran into me and used it because he knew i'd swing on reflex, have literally not been fooled by it at all otherwise
DH is practically dead and i've never been happier
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Holy ######### it's GoobyNugget
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If you can't use it properly, doesn't mean everyone can't.
But I will respect the opinion so...
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It's perfectly balanced now. Takes actual skill to use, requiring perfect timing to earn the endurance effect. I've yet to get frustrated by it now that they fixed it and made it actually fair.
Survivors will no longer be able to rely on a bs perk to erase their mistakes, and now have to play better and adapt. That's why they're crying. Because they lost their biggest crutches that gave them ez mode wins. Training wheels are gone, so now they think they've been "gutted". Of course, they had no problem watching killers repeatedly suffer from nerf after nerf, because that only benefitted the survivor base.
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Who cares about Dead Hard? The game is unbalanced right now.
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Look, I know that some people like to pretend that DH is still a good Perk. I dont know why they are doing it, but I have also seen Killers claiming that they got outplayed by the nerfed DH.
It is completely fine to say the fact that DH is a bad Perk. It is probably still better than Smash Hit and maybe even better than Head On, but thats it.
And this is coming from someone who did not even use the Perk before the Nerf.
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What I find funny is the fact all these people pissed off about the Dead Hard nerf don't seem to realize that Overcome is almost the exact same perk as Dead Hard. The only difference being that u have to let the killer hit u for the speed boost so to those who are pissed about the Dead Hard nerf. Just use Jonah's Overcome instead as long as they don't nerf or change it. It's a great subsitute for Dead Hard.
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DBD should be dead.
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I've read what you wrote.=)
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The only survivors I saw using it was when I was playing blight and they got pretty good value out of it during my rush attacks. Can't be mad about it though, it's undeniably pretty skillful now.
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DH is in a perfectly balanced spot now. I’ve been seeing quite a few survivors time it right.
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I think they might make it 0.75 seconds at some point
Not really fussed though, I think it's okay as is
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Killers no longer respect it so it's not as hard to pull off as you might think, but the innate value you get from it is nowhere near the easier freebie sprint burst or especially lithe are. It's not as mindless as before and requires effort from the player but I've been watching plenty of streamers get plenty of value from it (Hens, Ayrun, JRM, Scott).
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It is still a very good perk, you just need skill to gain this benefit. You can greatly extend a chase but you gotta earn it and deserve it. You can't just "press E" and win a chase, you gotta play with skill now.
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It's good what they did to dead hard, but apparently they had to screw it up by going overboard. Could of just nerfed dh to the ground for killer and add basekit bt for suvivors, all the other stuff wasn't needed.
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I think Dead Hard is even better now. I hated it before, now I like it.
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DH is still a free second chance in a lot of situations. You need to examine your survivor bias for real. It's still the most used perk in the game because it's still a third health state.
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It's a very good perk and probably has the highest pickrate at high MMR.
You're crazy if you think DH is dead.
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I still use that perk until now and it saves me a lot during chase. I like the new Dead Hard better than the old one.
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Not a problem in my opinion.
I don't use it as survivor but I don't mind it as killer.
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Yeah, DH is so useful in high MMR, because it helps you out when you are most vulnerable, ie wounded and in the open/out of position. At can literally give you a healthstate at any time, when used correctly, but because of the steep repercussions for failure you rarely see it outside of high MMR.
I have encountered a very few situations were I would say that it was uncounterable, ie a survivor reached a palette just 0.2s too late and couldn't make the vault,so they used DH. This was the first time they used DH, so I had no idea that they got it, and even if I had known: who in their right mind gambles on such a minor chance? But I stand by what I said before: ends super awesome usages of DH are few and far between and feel earned and exciting and don't let me die inside bit by bit, as every sprint to a save palette with old DH did.
But you sorta have to take it into account each chase again. On the other hand most of the time survivors will try bait you out and force you to swing by running directly at you. This is easily countered by experience and tampering ones killer instinct, and it's quite satisfying to make them look like fools. But that could just as easily have been you, so don't get cocky.
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The concept of the perk is good, unfortunately, devs forgot that latency exists. The amount of times I have been hit right in the middle of the animation when using it (whish would mean I timed it perfectly) is ridiculous, I still go down and I even get the exhausted status.
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Love new dead hard
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I think it's in a good spot now. Requires more skill and actually has a counter in most situations. And no one brings up having to mend afterwards.
Unless this was changed and I missed it, having to Mend is slowdown for the gains you get from the perk. At the very least, it's 100% more balanced from how Dead Hard used to be. Old DH was distance for nothing, you could greed anything with little to no counter/risk.
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It's showing up more and more... its still a free extra health state. Not sure if the nerfs were hard enough.