Has anyone else been sandbagged by another survivor after helping them?

So this Nancy got slugged by this Billy and he was just running around looking for me. I ran picked her up she ran somewhere then eventually the Billy found me. I stunned him he got a down and hooked me. I started trying to unhook myself so Nancy can get hatch. She then runs up to Billy, they nod at each other then she proceeds to repeat the unhook process in front of Billy while he revs his chainsaw. She also teabaged me on hook as well. I just turned the volume down and was laughing. She then unhooked me Billy ran for me but I had OTR on 😂😂 I teabagged him he just stopped and stared. Ran to the Nancy started teabagging her Billy hit me I continued to teabag her and he hit me again knocking me down. Nancy tried to teabag me again but I DC’d 😂😂. Guess she thought I wasn’t paying attention lmaoo
Has anyone else been sandbagged by another survivor after helping them? 14 votes
Yes this has happened to me
from what I've seen its always Jane and Nancy who do it
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Hey everyone sorry I missed a few parts in the story! After I had picked her up and she ran away the Bully downed her again THEN went looking after me. Don’t know how he knew where I was but yeah. When the Billy downed me Nancy got up with Unbreakable and then that’s when everything else happened!
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Yes this has happened to me
isn't working with the killer reportable. hope you reported them
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Yes it is and I meant to but just blocked them out of anger, tried to record it but Xbox started lagging hard lmao so it didn’t save