Killers you never see.

I faced a Hag today, and I genuinely think it was the first time I've faced Hag since maybe the end of March, or May and if I did see her more than once since then it was only twice.

She has to be the rarest killer I ever see. It was fun facing her today as it has been THAT long for me.

Oni, now this week I've seen him 3-4 times which was insane as before that I'd see him about once every two weeks.

Bubba, never see Bubba, but I'm not going to complain about that. And in saying that I'll probably see him twice as often now. FML.

Billy, Wraith, pig, deathslinger, clown, trapper, spirit. Never see spirit. Twins. Pyramid head. About once a month, a month and a half.

Compared to Wesker but I get he's very popular and he's actually decent as well. Myers, Everyone LOVES Myers it seems in my world. And I HATE him he's my pet peeve killer always freaks me out and gets the jump with that stalk. Huntress, extremely popular, every time I play without fail huntress is there to yeet axes.


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,168

    Hag, Billy, Twins, and Deathslinger all seem non-existent.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    Twins & Billy are the least played in my matches.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374
  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Sadako, Hag, Billy, Deathslinger, Twins, Spirit, Ghostface. I haven't seen any of them in months.

  • th3syst3m
    th3syst3m Member Posts: 394

    Freddy and Twins I see the least. I get get an occasional Hag game unfortunately.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    That doesn’t change the fact that most killers in the game are mediocre. I used to be an exclusive Freddy man until earlier this year. Once I came the realization that he is just an M1 killer with no power because of the alarm clock change, I decided to stop playing him. Many killers are the same in this regard. Weak to okayish power that can’t keep up with good 2-4 man swfs.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Twins and Hag

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Spirit. Probably because before every match I say out loud “please be a Spirit” and it’s almost never her.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I've been playing just over a month and never seen a twins game ever lol artist is one I've only seen once. And oni is a definite rarity.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    I can't recall the last time I saw a Slinger.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Hag, Billy, Twins, Spirit, Blight, Plague, Pig

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,160

    Hag is by far my least seen killer. Twins, Trickster, Billy are down there too.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 366

    legit havent had a freddy since his nerf. i miss him.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,176


  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 918

    Because they take more brains to play 'except spirit which takes headphones' than say Oni or Wesker. Hag is extremely strong, she was the first killer I played, but you have to have good trap set up and not dedicate to chases because you are slow. A lot of people also don't like her FOV which on her own map is the worse.

    Playing as Victor has the same FOV problem some people don't like. It also feels bad to get kicked as Victor and tbagged after a missed pounce.

    Spirit fell off after they removed her collision in phase, which was a too easy way for her to never miss a swing. Also, nerfing/changing prayer beads hurt her pick rate. She's still a strong killer, but you have to learn to read audio and visual (grass moving) cues while phasing. I'm surprised she didn't make a big comeback after they nerfed iron will. But then again devs have consistently released nothing but ranged or fast killers for the last year so there are plenty more killers to choose from that never have to lose visuals in their power.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 918

    My least seen killers are an echo of everyone else: Hillbilly, Hag, Pyramid Head, Deathslinger, and Demo

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    It's easier for me to remember the ones I see every match.

    1. Nurse (like 70% of my matches)
    2. Blight (20%)
    3. Spirit (9%)
    4. 1% rest
  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    Twins, hag and deathslinger all seem quite rare, but I also haven't seen a single dredge since its release

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    Hag Billy and nurse are my least seen killers

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    A quarter of the killers get nerfed to pointlessness (Freddy, Deathslinger, Spirit, Billy) or invalidated by hyper-strong survivor perks *cough COH cough* (Hag, Wraith, Oni). A quarter were never good in the first place and the microscopic buffs they got have done nothing to change that (Trapper, Clown, Sadako, Pig, Ghostface). Another quarter could be fine with minor tweaks but never get the attention they need and so they feel bad to play as and underperform at every level but the absolute highest, where players get way better results way easier with actually good killers (Twins, Pyramid Head, Dredge, Demo, Pinhead, Doctor).

    And only the final quarter has any hope of actual success / are actually enjoyable to play.

    Bad killers don't get balanced UP to make them appealing to play as. Or fun to play. Or even just attractive from an ideological standpoint. They get balanced DOWN to make the game more attractive to survivors. The fact that this frequently ends up removing the killer from gameplay is as obvious as it is reliable, but doesn't stop them from doing it again and again.

    If you ask me, EVERY killer should have some kind of game-altering passive effect, like Doctor's Madness or Pinhead's Box. Then, they could just tweak the passive up or down as needed to balance the individual killers rather than trying to rework the whole power from the ground up and totally kill the character off in the process (see: Billy, Freddy, and Deathslinger in particular)

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    Sadako, Twins and clown strangely enough

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    the 3 killers I see the least are twins, hag, and freddy (not complaining about that one)

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    If you can't keep up with 2 man swf then it's skill issue. They're just little better than solos they help teammates instead leaving them to die on hook.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Never face: Twins, Freddie, Artist, Trapper

    Barely face: Spirit, Hag, GF, Oni, Bubba, Deathslinger, Dredge, Clown, Wraith, Nemesis

    Face a lot: Legion, Felix, Nurse

    The rest pop up every so often.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Part of the point is that it's NOT a skill issue. It's a Killer issue. Why try to get good at a killer who's built or balanced wrong and plays like you're trying to steer a car with your buttcheeks? Why bother wearing weighted training clothes? Like half of the cast are objectively bad and any effort you put into getting good with them would be better spent getting good with one of the few killers whose powers actually deliver.

    CAN you win with one hand tied behind your back? Maybe! But why should you have to?

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    Hag and twins but I did faced twins two days ago.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    For what it’s worth Twins, Hag and Freddy are consistently roughly the least three killers every month on Nightlight. (Hillbilly sometimes pops his head in there too.)

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335

    Beyond the normal list of least picked killers (Hag, Twins, etc.), I haven't seen a Pyramid Head, Ghost Face, or Pinhead in a while.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    hillbilly, wraith, hag and twins are all pretty rare for me. besides that i actually get a decent variety

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    It doesn’t take a 4 man swf to win despite what people claim on this board. It takes competent players. So yes it is a skill issue. A survivor skill issue.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    Billy, Hag, Twins in that order

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    It takes competent killer to beat competed survivor. If you lose to 4 man swf with nurse or blight you simply got outplayed. Just any competed killer should be able to beat solos or duos most of the time.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Twins, Hag and Freddy are the 3 least picked killer.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    Hag, Billy, and Twins are probably the ones I rarely see. More so the Twins, I think I haven't versed them in months.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,060
    edited September 2022

    I never see Spirit's or Oni's. Two killers that I enjoy facing the most, but the game decides to give me Nurses every day.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    edited September 2022

    Same as Deathslinger. Everybody who complains about either did so in retrospect, as if they'd been some tremendous, terrible burden to the game.

    And now they're both dead. But at least Billy was a free character and you didn't waste your money buying him only to get him nerfed to uselessness a week later, like Slinger.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,084

    Hag and Twins encourage play styles that aren't really fun for most (slugging, camping). Spirit's nerfs have pushed her into a space where she is dependent on add-ons, and made her less accessible to your average player.

    When played optimally, they are three of the strongest killers in the game.

  • Lamoore
    Lamoore Member Posts: 73

    Twins I hardly see. Freddy after that. Mostly see the new killer who I call " blonde a-hole" and Nemesis. All the others I get a good mix of.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 760
    edited September 2022

    My personal stats since December 2021. In this time we had Sadako, Dredge and Wesker releases, and if you to compare, Dredge was the most flop chapter and wesker and sadako has a lot of numbers for obvious reasons. 80% thei number are 2 weeks after their release. 


    Twins - less 10 games in 1147 and Twins had rift in this year

    Dredge - Flop

    Hag - Complex and mehh, she isnt apeal and dont bring your attention

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Freddy, Hag, Billy, Twins. These are the most rare killers for me

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Twins, Freddy, Hag, Pyramid Head, Artist, Ghostface, Demo, Spirit, Billy. Over the last couple months I've played against each of these maybe once if at all.