What is you guys' favorite and least favorite chapter?

My favorite is Nightmare on Elm Street, having Nancy as a survivor would've been cool but I kind of like that it's Quentin because it suprised me. My least favorite is probably Descend Beyond, Blight looks like he could just be a cosmetic, I'm not crazy about his lore, and there's no map. Scream is my favorite scary movie but Ghostface is low too, not adding Sidney was a huge missed opportunity in my opinion. I know they only had the rights to the mask, but they should've gotten the rights to the films and given it the regular chapter treatment
Favorite: Shattered Bloodline (Love Spirit and her map)
Least Favorite: Resident Evil: PROJECT W (Hate Wesker and his map)
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My favorite is totally Cursed Legacy or Shattered Bloodline, they are both the best, so I decided to include them both.
My least favorite is probably The Hellraiser chapter, I hate Pinhead with a bloody passion. Solo queue stomper, annoying power, he is the literal definition of annoying.
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Favorite is Shattered Bloodline because of the love of my life.
Least favorite is A Binding Of Kin because that chapter broke the game in many ways.
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Favorite is Silent Hill cause I'm a massive fan boy and they did the IP right IMO
Least favorite is Mikaela because CoH basically ruined the game for a while and is still OP
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Binding of Kin and All-Kill broke the game, it was terrible. They added so many bugs and 2 boring killers to verse. But simply Pinhead being added takes the cake for me.
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Twins chapter is definitely my least favorite that chapter brought literally nothing positive to the game
######### load of bugs buggy killer bad perks just nothing of redeeming quality
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A Binding Of Kin was a whole different level of broken. Literally the game was crashing on so many different occasions.
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I remember during the Binding of Kin anytime Victor was released when I played survivor, my game would freeze for like half a second. And I would crash a lot too. It was annoying.
All Kill though was worse for me. Survivor was unplayable at times, pallets were so badly bugged, getting hit through them 75% of the time you throw them. I literally felt bad for playing killer matches at the time. For console players at the time the game became so laggy to the point where you couldn't use certain perks without the game lagging, it would lag also whenever a survivor got hooked/unhooked, using a perk, etc.
I still don't understand how one chapter could add so many bugs without the devs not taking action about it before releasing it.
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The reason there’s so many bugs is because BHVR didn’t take time to playtest.
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I do remember how rushed the Twins were made. Most likely the reason, the devs didn't even take the time to test them, just threw them into the PTB without expecting any issues.
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Twins are probably my least favorite. Nothing positive.
Stranger Things was probably the best chapter. Good perks, very popular Survivors, great Killer, eh map and a LOT of new players.
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My favorite: All Kill. I love Trickster and Yun jin and is a crime this chapter dont have a map
My least: i think ghostface, because its just ghosty, and when he was out he was meme killer and hype went down so quick, and no map, no survivor and he was announce on 3rd anniversary broadcast and hype for him was to high, and he just disappointed a lot after that.
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Favorite: Silent Hill and Portrait Of A Murder. I included them both because I love everything about the chapters.
Least Favorite: A Binding Of Kin. The worst update to ever exist.
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Favourite: Spark of Madness. Great characters, fun perks, scary map.
Least favourite: Sadako Rising. I personally don't see the appeal of Ringu so i didn't expect to like this chapter anyway. But the gameplay of the chapter doesn't feel unique or anything. Also Adult Yoichi is an interesting idea that does not have the room to develop in DBD as a licensed survivor. All of the perks are a bit bland.
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Favorite: Halloween chapter. I love Michael, I main him as killer. He's so versatile with builds and play styles and they nailed the thematic nature of his character from the movies. He and Laurie brought some great perks to the game. I love Haddonfield (the new one).
Least favorite. The Twins or Pinhead chapter. There's very little I like from either of these character or perk wise.
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Since I started playing?
Silent Hill and Resident Evil 1/2 are my favs.
Least fav-
Portrait of a murder. One of the most annoying killers was introduced in this update. So glad she rarely gets picked these days.
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Favorite Chapters: Probably Halloween, Sadako Rising and Spark of madness
Least favorite: All-Kill, Binding of a kin and Project W.
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Dredge is my favorite killer so far so Garden of Joy is therefore probably my favorite chapter since for the most part the killers in the chapters are what I'm most interested in.
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All Kill is one of my least favorites because I'm just not a kpop fan, however I think it would jump to upper-mid tier for me if there was a neon city street, I imagine electronic billboards with rotating dbd themed advertisements
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Resident Evil chapters (I'm a sucker for RE), Silent Hill chapter, and Stranger Things chapter.
Least favorite is the chapter with the artist. I don't even know the name of it. Had cool killer perks though I guess.
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Favourite :
- Chains of Hate (Deathslinger has a gun, good map, cool survivor, cool chase music)
- Sadako Rising (idk, I just like the theme of it and it felt good to finally have a killer like Sadako being added at the time)
- Silent Hill (best anniversary release)
Least Favourite :
- All-Kill (boring and unfitting theme, boring survivor + perks, Trickster has the worst power ever designed in the game)
- Portrait of a Murder (feels really uninspired, forgettable characters, awful map, most boring and straightforward power ever designed)
- A Binding of Kin (cool killer concept that has a too strictly defined playstyle and too many cooldowns, broke the game on release)
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favorite is silent hill, least favorite is the one releasing in like 2 months.
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I'm glad somebody else said it, I'd much rather an original take on a scary Knight than a licensed one that's not even horror related. I get it's a good marketing opportunity and you gotta get your coin but I really hope that's fake somehow
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my main issue is them collaborating with a company known for widespread harassment and abuse and resultant coverups, but honestly a full chapter from a non-horror license is such an absolute letdown too. really hate the direction the game seems to be going in now
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Favourite: A Spark of Madness (Doctor to this day is such a unique and fun character, even after they watered him down)
Least Favourite: A Binding of Kin (Terribly designed Killer that promotes extremely boring playstyles, forgettable Perks and not even a map to potentially turn things around, just all around terrible IMO - can not wait for that rework)