Why people choose killers over survivor and how to potentially fix it.



  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited September 2022

    They do not. The issue is not that they aren't being banned. The issue is that they have thousands of different accounts.

    When the game went free on the EGS, hackers made tens of thousands of accounts so that if they ever got banned, they could just hop on a new account. It doesn't matter how fast you ban someone if they have thousands of alternative accounts.

    There was a big subtle cheater ban wave a couple of months back, iirc.

    Also, I play on Console. I have seen people talking about getting banned for end-game chat offenses. If you are racist, sexist, homophobic, ect you are gonna get banned if someone bothers to report you.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    It certainly does matter how fast you ban accounts. The faster an account gets banned then the cheater has to spend more time, effort and money to continue cheating. Starting a fresh account from scratch is probably a major pain in a cheater's arse. Imagine starting over with no perks or cosmetics, or having to pay extra for a preloaded account.

    Most cheaters are clueless morons who didn't have the foresight to collect a bunch of accounts on the EGS. They are buying those accounts from those that did. The actual cheaters are not hackers. They are renting the hacks from those that hacked the game.

    If these cheaters got banned in hours or days rather than weeks or months we would see a reduction in cheating. If they had to buy a new account every other day instead of every other month many cheaters would quickly move on as they aren't patient and get bored easily.

    I certainly doubt the subtle ban wave caught everyone and I still see a lot of sus stuff in games that I just can't explain and I have a lot of experience. Just last night I was playing Wraith running the Hound and a Meg straight up teleported away when she left my line of sight while I tried to mind game her at a really weak pallet. I recloaked right after to try to pick up her bright red blood trail, but it was like she up and vanished like a fart in the wind.

    Also, I play on Console. I have seen people talking about getting banned for end-game chat offenses. If you are racist, sexist, homophobic, ect you are gonna get banned if someone bothers to report you.

    Console chat is a platform-side thing, and not policed by BHVR but the platform itself. I am talking about the in-game chatbox that only PC gamers get to use.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Go watch any of Choy's videos where he interviews cheaters.

    I am also talking about PC chat. I was clarifying that I was on Console ane therefore have no firsthand experience

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    All that would happen is that people would complain about teammates who aren't using it. And the cries for "Punish people ruining my games by disabling VC!" starts. How is VC going to help you if you load into a match with 3 people disabling it? It only works if forced on people. And if you want that, it needs to have been done at launch. You can't force VC on people 6 years in, and VC isn't going to be very useful if people end up disabling it.

    I don't want to see people demanding I be punished because I don't want to use VC.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104
    edited September 2022

    I have watched Choy's videos. My points take them into account.

    Edit: Choy doesn't really interview the cheaters themselves, he interviews those selling the cheats.

    You won't or can't provide an example of in-game chat bans. I don't think there are any. You said:

    ...banning people from end-game chat happens.

    Prove it.

    It was nice chatting with you but I believe I am done here. 🙋‍♂️

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    That doesn't matter. One of the main issues right now is that BHVR has to balance two different games. DBD with comms and DBD without comms are vastly different games.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775


    Do you want me to tag someone from BHVR? I'm pretty sure that I remember a post just a couple of days ago talking about a chat ban which was deleted.

    Where the hell am I supposed to get evidence? Do you think people just go around boasting about their bans?

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    What kind of water does your dog drink? My dog drinks the same water that I drink. Does that mean that I am drinking dog water?

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    I don't care how you prove it. But if you wanna do the Karen move and call the manager, go ahead.

    You made a baseless, empty claim. I've done a little bit of searching, I can't find a single thing about actual in-game chat bans. There are no official statements from BHVR about rules regarding post-game chat or getting banned from it aside from threatening people which I am sure they do more than just a chat ban for.

    If they actually handed out chat bans we would hear about it. There'd be kids complaining about it all the time on these very forums.

    I can find people complaining about getting bans from Xbox communications but not a single thing about actual DbD chat bans.

    So go Bruh yourself.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited September 2022

    Took me two minutes to find them saying they ban for hate speech.

    Also, posts discussing bans get removed.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    Are those chat bans are full bans?

    This isn't the only place people talk about DbD. If chat bans happened in-game in DbD there'd be someone somewhere complaining about it, where it wouldn't get deleted. But there's nothing.

    You still don't have proof positive.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    Someone way back suggested survivors have access to a tier 4 version of all their perks. Which would give each survivor their own unique identities and strengths.

    It was unanimously approved of by survivors and killers alike then promptly forgotten.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,850

    Is it really something that needs fixing?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited September 2022

    You´re missing a third option that would make the most sense. Since the playerbase increased after the 6.1.0 update, there just returned more killer players. That doesn´t mean, that every survivor switched of left. As you need 4 times as much survivor players than killer players.

    Devs stating, that the bonus bloodpoint incentive lowered the queue for both sides and a top amount of 5 minutes for killers. My killer queues have been around instant to 2 minutes since the incentive. Which is more than acceptable.

    You say, you are a long time player. Then you should remember the Hallowed Blight event where killer queues skyrocket to 30-45 minutes. Back then we had more people playing killer, because at the start of the event, every player had to play both sides equally, to get the event currency to unlock the skins. Which increased the killer population so heavily, that they had to change the event in order to allow both sides to get all event coins.

    We are not seeing this now. If there were really more people playing killer than survivor, the forum would be full of complaint threads and you´d watch streamers play Pong, while waiting in a queue.

  • Voodoomancer
    Voodoomancer Member Posts: 28

    This is funny. I would love for someone to cuss me out over a game. That kind of fuel is the classic lobby experience. Might be good for more people to toughen up to words some

  • Voodoomancer
    Voodoomancer Member Posts: 28

    Nice ad hominem. I'll humor it though. It doesn't matter what anyone says in person, game vc,or forum post. It is your prerogative to get upset at something anyone says. So yes, people should toughen up and get over what the person they are unlikely to ever see or hear from again outside their particular set of interactions has to say.

    You said it right: "uncaring". My guy I've just about been hit with every slur and threat in the book. (Usually a hard R, but what can ya do)I personally love the trash talk. I find it funny when something that doesn't truly matter irritates someone to that point. Who knows, maybe someone has had a rough day at work with their life down the drain and they need someone to scream at so they don't do something they'll regret. I don't mind taking a verbal beatdown.

    Tldr: it isn't an attitude, it's a life choice

  • Voodoomancer
    Voodoomancer Member Posts: 28

    This is actually a brilliant idea. Do you have a link to the post so that I may read through it. I'm sure people had some cool insights to certain interactions.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Its a really good idea, but unfortunately no.

    This same idea was proposed a long time ago, and Unforutanly had to be shut down. Back when the direction was fun> balance, many people wanted this. However the push for what is balanced won out and the devs came to the correct opinion that if each survivor had a unique ability, it would create only further unbalance in the game and would likely undo a lot of good the devs have done to try to achieve some amount of balance. It would be hard to pick which perk for each survivor, however some survivors have really good perks, while others can be more of a hindrance.

    If you like this idea, players would need to change their attitude, and revert to a more relaxed party mindset that is ok with some things being unbalanced for the sake of fun, but Unforutanly it is unlikely to happen.

  • SpaghettiVase
    SpaghettiVase Member Posts: 341

    Considering it's scarily easy for cheaters to get your IP address if you're a steam user and use it to ddos you, and potentially more, I don't think "Toughen up" is the correct response to harassment from crazy people.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    This really doesn't do anything to sway me. I play killer because:

    - I'm not fond of playing in third person camera.

    - I don't care for having others rely on me and vice versa

    - I like playing the bad guys, even when I play them nicely.

  • Voodoomancer
    Voodoomancer Member Posts: 28

    In favor of a voice chat system that most implement is the ability to mute others. If you don't want to deal with someone else the turn off their output towards you. A vc would be very enjoyable especially as someone who plays survivor exclusively solo. The pros outweigh the cons in this instance.