What are the 6 killers you go against the most!

Within the last two and half months? I'd like to know!
In order
1: Blight
2: Wesker
3: Nurse
4: Huntress
5: Nemesis
6: Legion
1. Wesker
2. Blight
3. Huntress
4. Pyramid Head
5. Wraith
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- Hag
- Bubba
- Wraith
- Myers
- Clown
None of these Killers play the game normally. They always camp and bring the strongest addons
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If you stop lying to yourself by thinking there is a "normal", this gets easier to understand.
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Pyramid Head is actually the killer i go against right after my initial six.
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A "normal" hag has rusty shackles. A "normal" clown has pinky finger. A "normal" bubba has award winning chili and/or iridescent flesh. A "normal" myers has a tombstone or tuft of hair. A "normal" wraith doesn't always run crazy addons but they pretty much never leave hook cause they think being undectable is an excuse to never leave its not even strong its just annoying.
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Wesker (of course), Legion, Blight, Huntress, Oni, and Nemesis
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"Normal" would be whatever happens 51% of the time. 51% of all games with Killer X or Y doesn't involve an Iri add on.
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- Wesker
- Nurse
- Blight
- Legion
- Huntress
- Slinger
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Addons are cheap nowadays since the reduced bloodpoint cost and a lot of those Killers are generally unpopular and only used when players have challenges so they break out the good addons
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in no particular order: Wesker, Nemesis, Leatherface, Legion, Myers
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Deathslinger? That's interesting!
I'll trade encountering your Bubba's for my Huntresses lol.
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I've gone up against:
1) Wesker, since he's a new killer it's understandable that he's everywhere.
2) Doctor, always on his map, the last few I've been against didn't do anything until the gens were complete and then just went ham with his "shock" power.
3) Deathslinger, is pretty easy to deal with IMHO, but the few good Slingers are a pita.
4) Seen a few Huntresses, though the ones I've been against seem to be very new and can't land her hatches very well.
5) Legion, just on random maps.
6) Spirit, again on random maps.
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Nurse (by far)
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Nurse, then Nurse, then Nurse again, then some Wesker and for some reason Doctor as well. But then again Nurse.
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To be fair you did say last 2 1/2 months. Cowboys be out in force for some reason.
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- Wesker (Tired of him...)
- Huntress
- Blight
- Legion
- Nurse
- Sadako
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- Wesker
- legion
- nurse
- huntress
- nemmy for some reason
- plague
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Wesker, wesker, wesker, wesker, wesker and wesker. Hope he gets nerfed to be less popular.
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nurse, nemo, dredge, wesker, huntress, artist
im not sure if thats 100% accurate, but off memory thats who im seeing the most of recently
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1: Blight. So sick of blight every second or 3rd game.
2: Nurse. Almost as freaguent as Blight...but the games are over fast so I don't actually care.
3: Wesker. I am so glad to see him so frequently. He is the new toy everyone got so I understand why he is used so often. I'd rather face him that often rather than Nurse or Blight. Like...do you really miss Nurse and Blight every game THAT much?
4: Huntress. 90% of them camp as soon as possible. If that doesn't work they start tunneling. So...yea...sick of her even though she is one of my favorites.
5: Nemesis. I am fine with him and his zombies. It is quite fun when they don't tunnel.
6: Leatherface. only about 10% to 15% actually camp or tunnel in my games. Most of them play normally and can be quite frightening and intimidating. Quite enjoyable to face really. And scary, which is refreshing. If you are one of these Bubbas.....Thank You.
Just barely missing out in the top 6 are Pyramid Head and Legion.
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- Wesker - to be expected
- Nemesis - I like making zombies drop into holes
- Legion - Still about as fun as dental surgery
- Bubba - I am almost giddy when I get to play against a non camp Bubba
- Nurse - Games are either bad because the player is new, or over very quickly if they are not.
- Doctor - Usually toting the pink chess piece, mostly spam their power, though a few are very clever with it "Noooo mah pallet slam!"
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It's a bit hard to tell recenly because Wesker is winning by far so it's rare to see something else but I believe the other 5 to be Legion, Huntress, Blight, Myers and Nurse.
There were also a few days when I met a total 6 Twins players (all different!) so while they don't make the top, I thought it's worth mentioning :D
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Based on a group of 75 games I took data for:
1. Ghostface (10 games)
2. Huntress (8)
3. Tie between Shape and Wesker (5 each)
4. Tie between Deathslinger, Doctor, Legion and Wraith (4 each)
5. Tie between Oni and Artist (3 each)
6. Tie between Nurse, Blight, Bubba, Demogorgon, Hag, Nemesis, Pig, Trapper and Trickster (2 each)
Why so many stealth Killers? No idea.
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You know what's funny i know this which is why i stopped using Wesker! Everyone's playing him now and its boring so i refrain from using him until he dyes down.
I like to use killers that people don't commonly run into like Clown and Dredge! Thinking about others is good i want to make it fun and interesting for players with unique builds as well. Props to me and others like me for that! )
We've been going against the same killers minus Plague alot I "do" go against her on occasion but nowhere near as much as Blight! Im surprised you don't go against him because he's overused and most people do.
You go against alot of Derdge and Artist? That's weird, very weird because they are rarer killers so it must just be you. Quite odd indeed.
Nurse, Blight!!! lol yeeeees!!!!
Oni? lol I haven't gone against an Oni in months, he's extremely rare to encounter, for me!
Twins? I've ran into Huntress 2 sometimes 3 games back to back but i on occasion go against Twins like its not uncommon.
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Lol yes, props to you 😁 Too many people are playing as him and it's making me wanna take a break lol
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1. Mastermind
2. Legion
3. Blight
4. Ghost Face
5. Nurse
6. Huntress
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Ghostface 10 times??
I've seen more Twins than ghostfaces since the midchapter that buffed him.
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I know people must go in they're head
"Oh look its "another" Blight what a surprise (sarcasm)" lol
Wesker is obvious but when i go against Nurse i just go in my head
"Oh f**# its Nurse, this is gonna be hard, hopefully my team is decent or the Nurse is bad with her" lol (Yeah its that bad)
I "stay" going against Huntresses so im extra weary of her!
Blight and Nurse being encountered so frequently is proof that people naturally pick/play the best stuff in games!
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I don't know if It's a quirk of my MMR or region but, for some reason, I always get a ton of Ghostfaces, Shapes and Wraiths. But, yeah, a lot of people never see Ghostface but I see one every 7 games or so. I even see more Ghostfaces than Huntresses and Huntress is one of the more popular picks all around.
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- Huntress
- Wesker
- Bubba
- Wraith
- Nurse
- Spirit
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I'm sorry but he got me back into the game and I just love doing a surplus of romantic wallslams on any survivor that enters my sight.
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Wow I never thought of it that way... I can't look at it any different now... 🙄 Why can't The Trickster do that to me :(
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any killer is romantic if you think hard enough. I was just convincing my classmates earlier how i never lie and that everything i say is essentially scripture....this follows the same rule