Killers, why do (some of) you do this?
It’s all about perception. If I can’t find you or don’t see you contributing to the team (hook saves & gens) all game, then I’m going to assume you’re a coward and not being a team player. Especially if I find you crouched somewhere behind a rock not doing anything, waiting for the 2nd to last player I was about to kill, to die. If I know the other 3 were trying their best to play the game normally and you were being selfish, then you die and the other one gets to go. But if I get the impression you were playing stealthy and smart, and I find you on a gen miles away because your teammate sold you out, I’ll let you both go.
I don’t agree with that killer doing what he did since he found you on a gen trying. And I don’t agree with your teammate selling you out- but he probably took it as though you weren’t contributing to the team. He got the wrong impression based on what you described.
I’ve had players blatantly sell out other players who i know for a fact was contributing, so I wouldn’t do anything. I’d just signal for them to finish gens and hurry up and get out so we all can move on to the next match.
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I said I was doing gens, but I am not going to run up to you and wave my hands in your face, I'm gonna survive while doing my objective. If you think I should be farmed out for that, idk what to tell you.
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I said I was doing gens, but I am not going to run up to you and wave my hands in your face, I'm gonna survive while doing my objective. If you think I should be farmed out for that, idk what to tell you.
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Thank you for specifying "some" of us. I rarely get the luxury, but when a survivor seems like they're crawling towards someone, or they run straight to their teammate, I just try to down them both and get the 4k. I don't think much about the reason. If I suspect they're trying to sell out their teammate because their teammate hid and did nothing all game, I'll gladly kill them, although it won't be in exchange for letting the snitch live. As killers we automatically suspect that if you've been hiding, you weren't helping your team much that game, because of the stereotypical immersed players and Blendettes and BlendAdams. But it's usually about getting the 4k, so if a survivor wants to team with me and do that, I'll comply and then kill them anyway. Just know that it's nothing personal and that I'd rather not play scummy to get the same result.
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I know it isn't everyone, a lot of killers play fairly. I am however, tired of hearing, "When a survivor does nothing all game......", because that seems like to me they're implying I've done nothing all game which isn't true, I said I was doing gens.
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We agree rats should be punished.I don’t expect you to wave at me while your doing gens,but if all your doing is hiding and I haven’t seen you anywhere on gens or anything else all game,I’m going to make sure I don’t have to find you again.
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If you download OverWolf, you can get the add-on called Outplayed. You can customise it to record your sessions in the settings and the like.
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Do I constantly have to turn it on every time I go into a match?
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If that happens when I'm Killer I play along until we reach the other survivor then I brutally beat down the tattletale and hook them and let the other survivor tea bag them then I walk away. If the survivor rescues them if not fine but I let the other go regardless
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Sounds like the proper way to deal with it, unless of course the other survivor was doing absolutely nothing the whole game.
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You can set it to auto record the moment you boot up the game or you can make it so you manually start/stop the recording at the start of the match by having it on a hotkey, like say CTRL+F4 or something. If you're technologically inept like me, it can be tricky to get to behave, but once you figure it out it works fine.
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Honestly depends on my mood and how the match was from my view. If I haven't seen you all game i'll make it a point of pride to atleast get you hooked before I kill the other one. From this situation? Id assume the killer you were facing either dislike that they couldn't find you or wants to "reward" the rat. Best I can say is people be [insert word of choice here]
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When there's 2 survivors left, and one is just hiding and the other is doing a gen, I usually signal to the generator survivor to keep working on it, and I spend the rest of my time trying to find the survivor putting his fellow survivor at a disadvantage. I then usually let the survivor that was on the gen escape.
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Why are you so defensive?? Did you read my entire post? I stated I don’t agree with the killer killing you when he found you on a gen, and I also stated I wouldn’t do that. C’mon now.
Excerpt from my post:
“I don’t agree with that killer doing what he did since he found you on a gen trying. And I don’t agree with your teammate selling you out- but he probably took it as though you weren’t contributing to the team. He got the wrong impression based on what you described.
I’ve had players blatantly sell out other players who i know for a fact was contributing, so I wouldn’t do anything. I’d just signal for them to finish gens and hurry up and get out so we all can move on to the next match”
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- How does any killer know if a single survivor has been hiding the whole game? You can’t be everywhere at once. The survive could be really good at safe unhooks, splitting time between gens and hiding, and running several perks or bringing items to keep them far away from the Killer.
- If you are stealth mode the whole match and not working on the objective you are hurting your team. Don’t stand around or urban around the map hiding in a corner waiting for hatch. That’s awful game play! Worse than camping/tunneling play style as Killer.
- If you snitch in the match whether by running to the survivor working on the gen or chat you deserve whatever come uppins you get in the match.
- However if I’m doing a gen and get caught in chase/hooked and I see a survivor actively hiding in a corner of the map & killer decides to tunnel me I am 100% running the Killer to that corner and snitching on the hiding survivor. You better be on a gen or totem if I’m hanging on a hook. Doing the objective is the only way to make hooks count.
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When the killer wants me to dob in the other survivor i'll just go in the opposite direction up to random lockers. Don't get me wrong, I hate when there's 2 of us left and I'm the only one on a generator because the other survivor is hiding. But when I'm inevitably found and downed, just hook me please so I can move on. I'm not gonna make myself useful at all. I've lost the game, I've checked out.
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In around 1000 hours of play, I think I've seen this happen once.
It's reportable.
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Guess I should start recording my games then.
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Very simple answer, memming with the survivors is the best part about dbd
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Well, meme all you want I guess, but this is reportable, and next time it happens, I will report it.
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You take the game a bit to serious but I understand how it can be frustrating to loose bc of that. I usually let one survivor go and kill the others so even if I meme with 3 of them if I already killed one I WILL not let 3 escape bc I agree that is unfair
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Maybe killer likes them more and wants to give hatch to them
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Maybe, but I'm taking BrightWolf's advice and recording my sessions now and reporting whoever does that to me again.
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Generally what's happening to you is reportable,cuz strictly speaking it's griefing ,I don't mind killer giving hatch to other guy but IF they farm me for hooks/unhooks i'll also report both of them
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Maybe that's the reportable part, if that didn't happen to me then that's tough luck I guess.
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Farming is 10000% reportable have zero doubts over it, my only stipulation is that if i just get snitched to killer and get hooked I'm fine because at the end of the day it's 2 survivors and usually only 1 gets to live so it's more like every man for themselves situation but farming me for altruism and sacrifice points is just str8 up too much,at that point injust wanna be done and go next
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True, I won't be petty and report for inconveniences like that but farming me without my say so is a waste of my time and straight up disrespectful.
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Once again we have a survivor letting their team down and the killer has to amend their behaviour to fix it.
your grievance is primarily with the survivor who outed you.
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Well, I report them both, see which one gets in trouble.
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probably neither without good evidence.
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I know that already, I now record my matches now so I will if I run into one of them again.