Satisfaction Survey: The hacker questions are a joke right?
These questions are a bad joke right? They are not serious right? Because if not then this is a really hard a** move.
"When playing as a killer how frustrating is playing with a survivor who is hacking?"
Oh no issue at all why do you ask? It's totaly fine to play against someone who can end the Match with 1 Button press or hold me hostage bacause the game is programmed by 5 year olds who can't program a anti cheat that works.
There are people who aren't that fussed. It's not useless information to try and get a feeling for how many people are as incandescent as you versus how many people consider it an amusing oddity.
It's a satisfaction survey, it'd be weird if it didn't ask you how big of a problem you think it is.
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It does kind of feel like a punch in the nads.
"We heard what you're tell us again, in multiple choice"
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Really they needed to be asking more pertinent questions of how we think they could help reduce the number of cheaters and then provide options rather than asking how frustrating it is, because cheaters will always make matches an actual nightmare.
The best thing right now is to disable DC penalties until there's a more efficient solution in place. I'd honestly rather frequently encounter players who rage quite for petty reasons than endure what amounts to an in game warden harassing everyone.
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It is weird because they know they have a hacker problem and are doing nothing. In the past they made a shadow ban wave and what then? These people used 10$ and came back with a new account
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It's not weird at all. There's a hacker problem and they're doing stuff behind the scenes, yes, but it's still useful information for them to know how the players feel about it.
There's a reason they ask you how many matches you feel you're facing hackers in. Asking that, and then asking how frustrating it is, is useful to know how the community is feeling about it. Which is the point of a satisfaction survey, right?
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It's a strange set of questions, because they obviously will be doing things to fix it in the background, and it should be obvious by now it's a problem that needs to be a top priority to maintain a fun game.
This question, if anything, is almost seeing whether they need to put as much effort into it. Because if they are taking it very seriously they need not worry about other opinions.
People who hack, or make hacks, could just swarm these questions with a "not bothered about it" answer and thus make it seem like it's not important.
So, whilst I wouldn't say this question is necessarily dumb, it does feel pointless when considering hacking should be treated with the utmost effort regardless.
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I want to take the survey. And I too hope it's a joke because that's just out right stupid.
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Although kind of bad taste, it really doesn't bother me anymore. I play my game, the only instance where I'd get annoyed is if they held me hostage, but it never happened so far
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Its equal parts cynnical and plausable, but I honestly think the way they're handling the whole basekit no mither thing is to distract people from the growing hacker complaints. Its enough to satiate frustrated survivors and understandably pisses off a lot of killers, but most importantly its a topic that has been flooding conversation and distracting away from one that has gotten to the point even their own featured fog whisperers called them out on it.
Why even put this question in the survey? Its "frustration" level feels like a litmus for how often people run into it while trying to word it in a way that blames their own temperament. Its hard not to call this stuff out as manipulative when it consistently presents itself as such.
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Seems like it's just fluff. Not like anything is going to come out of it. They've been promising fixes for this for years.
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The questions of "do you like hackers in your game?" come across as "maybe the hackers are a good thing!" and are tone-deaf.
I think their intention is to gauge how many people are affected by hacking in the satisfaction survey without directly asking that, but the question is very very badly written. I don't think I get hackers in my games because my MMR is probably too low (although I probably wouldn't know for subtle hackers because I generally just shrug my shoulders and move on), but of course I'm going to answer that playing with a hacker, if I was, would be extremely problematic.
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If you wanted to be extra cynical, it could be about how much of the impact applies to killers vs survivors, and whether they need to bother prioritizing it internally based off of that distinction (note how it asks whether survivors are bothered if other survivors cheat.) I never like us vs them arguments, but their wording leaves the perfect framework for it.
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I guess they want to know how bad the average player thinks the situation is. Not just the people that make their living out of sealclubbing potato opponents.