tunneling/camping is boosted now

vector Member Posts: 227
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

what was the point of crying about camping,tunneling for years and in the end crippling AN ENTEIRE DIFFERENT SIDE of the game? "Slugging" and tunneling/camping are on different side of a coin.

tunneling/camping is a safe strategy. You dont go for a team, you kill one and get advantage. You do not risk. You do not leave a hook. You do not follow others. You focus one player. Bad killers do not slug. They can hardly hook one surv. They are afraid of leave him on ground because wont find him after. They dont understand that sometimes you have to leave a surv on ground and apply pressure to gens.

Slugging is a risky strategy. You have to put dawn 2-3 people and get some value. A mistake and they all alive again and you get nothing. IF you are bad you will never be able to slug. Because you have put down several people.

Good killers slug, bad killers camp. You can outplay slugging by saving teammates and playing good (looping, running etc), You can outplay camp by repairing gens. What is more fun?

Now you boosted camping/ tunneling. You boosted all boring safe strateiges and harmed risky. . Instead of trying to chase at least second surv killer will just pick up the first one. A pure madness. You punished good players and promote boring gameplay.
