Sorry everybody I was on vacation? Why is everyone angry?

These changes are healthy for the game! Deal with them like humans and wait for how they play out.

Maybe we will see perks like the one that stops gens if you hook all 4 survivors basekit next, cmon guys, it will be adjusted.

Also, I saw the cheater post. Multiples of them, and I find it really funny that everyone saying that I was crazy suddenly saw other players go down the rabbit hole like I did with the groups of cheaters in mass in literal clans of people!

Anyway. I am back from Vacation (and the gym) and ready to continue towards my 1000 streak to make the haters mad!

Good luck in your future trials!

(seriously though, can we calm down?)


  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Hmmbyou might just have inspired me to my first forum freakout. Are you ready, fam?




    How do you do it,though? On second thought, I think I'll just chill and watch.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    I think in it's current iteration it's just going to be a janky nightmare.

    But it's not even slated to go live, gonna let the mald settle and revaluate afterwards.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The removal of slug race

    The removal of my ability to carry survivor to hatch

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    It's a bit early to tell how powerful or not Unbreakable will be, but the good thing is that if Unbreakable is too strong at 100% they can just reduce that number to make it more manageable.

    45 seconds base without Unbreakable might be ok, it's too soon to tell either way. Note that right now it takes 30 seconds for a dying survivor to recover to within a one-tap revival from another survivor, while the new system makes it so without Unbreakable (or something similar) it takes 45 seconds to fully revive yourself. So right now a slugged survivor might get up after 30 seconds with a second survivor spending about 10-15 seconds coming over to one-tap them up, while the new system is it takes 45 seconds for the slugged survivor to stand up but nobody else has to help. It's probably a bit of a buff for survivors overall but not necessarily a huge one, and in some cases it's actually a buff to killers such as when a killer is only slugging someone for 30-40 seconds.

    Also aside from the slugging change, the ability to instantly end the game by downing the Last Survivor standing is a bit of a buff to killers, especially the killers that are good at getting downs efficiently. For instance, if a killer has already killed one survivor, and is in a 3v1, then if they get a down and are intimidating in chase they're now possibly threatening the possibility of downing the other two before the first one stands up and the game is immediately over with no chance of recovery. It's not a huge buff, but it's certainly something to take note of!