Gen speeds

i think a lot of gen related perks and items need to be nerfed on both sides i think a big problem is inconstancy and reliance on these things. cause some builds for killer and some teams can significantly change gen times and when the entire match revolves around gens i feel things that dramatically changing the times on them can ruin games for one side or the other. and when it happens often it encourages both side to plan for worst case scenarios where either killer runs 4 slowdowns or you have 4 man toolboxes with hyperfocus which is fine until one side uses something else non gen related either killer runs other perks and gets gen rushed with prove and 4 bnps or a group cant escape cause the killer brought pentimento/eruption/pgtw/Deadmans and survivors just give up.
Anyone agree?
i think some good adjustments would be remove or change bnps and change some regression perks like erupt
i think erupt needs more of an adjustment i think its very strong in solos but weak with SWFs my remedy to this would be reduce the incapacitate time cause 25 seconds is very oppressive but useless against SWFs and increase the gen reduction and make it regress faster till it stops regressing.
what you guys think?
You can't just change and especially nerf things simply because of RNG.
From my experience it wasn't until the 6.1.0 patch that people started to really bring more gen-focused perks (On either side) WHY? Because for killers, those ones that (for whatever reason) want to have a 30 min match want to make every effort to slow the game down that much more. Meanwhile survivors now have to enter super sweat mode to have a chance thus they too focused on gen-specific load outs.
With each lobby being a gamble in terms of what perks or killer and their playstyle you will be met with, that is the RNG piece that I am referring to that basically throws the balance off and why gens or the game for that matter, will never be balanced.
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I think gen speed/slowdown should be capped, or just remove every gen augmenting perk(since they'll always be the best perks) and add basekit measures to make them fair for both sides.
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This, they've already added caps on other features in the game, so I would see no problem with them adding caps on gen speed related perks, if it gets to the point where both sides cancel each other out, then the gen speed would remain normal
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Personally i dont think any perks should ever be basekit in general especially since most of the time people argue for perks that the player has to run to get value. However i still agree that gen speed and slowdown should be capped or make it so that perks wont stack with eachother or toolboxes.
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You just ignored what he said. If both sides slowdown/speedup get nerfed then there will be less reliance and more variation without too much change in the equivalent power. It causes bad killers to beat survivors way above their pay grade and vice versa.
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Gen regression doesn't really work that way anymore. Any of the decent slow takes game sense and some skil to use. Sure you can run aroundkick every gens but your going to lose the game. Scourge hooks you need to get a down which is a skill play.
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I'm all for scrapping gen defence and gen speed-up entirely. Then we'll really be able to see SWF gen speed vs solo.
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I don't really see the problem with strong gen perks for killers or survivors. It's the asymmetry that is part of the fun. One game a speed perk is great, another game a second chance perk would've helped more, etc. If you nerf everything the replay disappears because the perks and items change the game less and less.
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I'm all for increasing base Gen regression... and bring Gens back to 80 charges
Then re-working all of the Regression perks while looking at progression perks
And FYI regression takes even longer then repairing 3 Gens
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Gens nees to not be affected by perks, at all. Have them auto regress. Have them unable to be kicked. Nice consistent system that's far easier to balance. Also frees up perk slots to use more fun an interesting perks over mandatory gen control perks.
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Okay and gen repairs shouldn't be affected by toolboxes and perks, same way healing speeds shouldn't be affected by perks at all either then. Not gonna happen really
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I didn't. I responded coherently and to the subject at hand.
There is always going to be the RNG aspect that will heavily apply to EVERY single match. Because it isn't just gen times, it's also MAPS, it's also Killers with mobility Etc etc . There are things within the game that have literally zero effect on a match (like BNPs) that when those things take place do VERY little.
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I may have misunderstood what you said. Did you just say BNP's have zero effect on a match? True and eruption really doesn't do much either.
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That's what I'm saying on gens. Perks shouldn't decrease them nor change repair speeds. Both sides. As for healing, no, as that doesn't relate to the actual objectives which currently are a chaotic element.
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Everything is related to time. Faster healing speeds means also less time healing and more time fixing gens, so if you would want to remove it (we are just imagining it here because it will not happen most likely) you need to remove also the speed changes related to healing, recovering from dying state, so on. So no more gen regress speed changes also means no more gen repair speed changes (goodbye perks and toolboxes), and also means no more healing speed changes (goodbye perks and medkits).
Of course none of this is a good idea in my opinion, but if you want some flat speeds on everything, that's the way.
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I mean, killers only started bringing the crazy slowdown as a direct counter to the survivors running pure gen rushing. Maybe remove the 45 second gens and you will see some variety.
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I said WHEN THOSE RNG THINGS ARE IN PLACE...things LIKE a BNP have 0 effect on a match. Here I'll list them:
- Small maps with no notable worthy pallet as resources.
- Killer is a comp Nurse/Blight with strongest add ons.
- Killer has complete blown out gen regression load out. (Including those that could easily UNDO what you just contributed to with a BNP)
- Killer Camps/Tunnels every single hook.
You really think your BNP is going to compete with all that? I'd like to see it.
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So you seem to be comparing killer to survivor so you should be saying "Is 4 BNPs equal to Blank". Can 4 BNP's with good perks beat a good blight? All but the top few % yes. People really give survivor too little credit. Comp means nothing. Especially on survivor side, just means you pre throw and hold w/ work efficiently on gens. In fact I went against a full meta comp team today and only one of them was a good looper but even then he still held w and pre threw. Plus infinite salt in the end game chat. BNP will always have an affect no matter how small you think 25% of gen in what 10s is.
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Agree to disagree. Because I don't think you are capable of understanding what I am putting down. I am not comparing killer to survivor at all. I am comparing RNG on survivor side VS RNG on killer side.
The question isn't about 4 BNPs, the question is does a BNP makes that much of a difference under the circumstances I listed. No it does not.