I'm having trouble playing ghostface

honestly, I have 3000 hours but never like in this period I feel weak and powerless to use this killer, stealth against capable people is almost useless, I literally can't keep up with surv during the game, which obviously in this meta, they use to genrush more than ever, and it is useless to use gen defence perks with him because with ghostface I can not make many hooks against capable people.
The only solution is to go with noed and hope to recover in endgame.
Any killer who can be robbed of their power is bad in my opinion. It's one of the reasons I don't like playing him.
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Recent killers can perform somewhat of a SLOW DOWN by giving survivors additional challenges.
Ghost and Michael are weak in part because they have no additional challenges at all.
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I'm finding him pretty decent. He has a bonkers OP purple and tons of lethality. I run Discordance, LP, BBQ and Surge and do really well with him. Info is absolutely king, as you want to find people who won't know you are coming and can't easily be told where you are coming from. LP gives you massive early stalks too - 99% people, then pop them mid chase.
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Run Lethal Pursuer
Ghostface needs a good start and you can use Lethal to get early stalks in on oppertune targets. 99ing multiple people is what Ghostfaces need to do so they have pressure on survivors even when they aren't being chased
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Yeah this. LP on Ghosty and Myers is as essential as CI is on Hag and Trapper.
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I will try it
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Ghost face doesn't really get robbed of his power though. Unless you are getting revealed 32 meters away. Because if you get revealed up close then you got value out of the power because you sneaked up to them. Can also be used for information. There's also two add-ons that inflict oblivious and exhausted and with the matchbook or wallet the power cooldown is short.
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High ground is your friend with Ghostface if the map has it. 99 people and leave them if they spot you. He doesn't exert pressure in a linear manner like other killers. His games kind of ebb and flow as you stalk people up, one shot them, and then stalk people up again.
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I find one of Ghostface's biggest strengths is survivors making plays while lacking the information that they are 99'd.
Survivors see a ghostface and they're like "lol he's a m1 killer, even if he hits me here i'm fine" then you enter night shroud and insta-down them.
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It's best when they try to take a protection hit without realizing they're 99'd
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i love his ebb and flow gameplay. I wish more killers had unique play-styles that required mastery to do well with them. its too bad that SWF destroys ghostface really badly making him not viable for top-level. I wonder what could make ghostface more viable at the higher level without changing too much about him. Its little sad that the dev couldn't improve him in any meaningful way to make him more effective vs stronger players.
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I've scrimmed with him before and the big thing with M1 killers at a really high level is that you need to get downs to exert pressure. That seems obvious, but people new to comp tend to load up on slowdown on M1 killers and then they don't down anyone so the slowdown does nothing.
Even just saying high MMR as a catch-all, one or two chase perks are needed because the return on slowdowns diminishes if you aren't downing anyone. In general, the M1 killer mechanics have to be spotless on Ghostface and get 3-4 downs with his power. Usually means stalking and 99ing from very far away. Forced Penance also works wonders on him because coordinated teams tend to body block for exposed players.
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There's something funky about the reveals, which is the issue. I'm not sure whether it's a validation thing, but I'll get revealed by a survivor who I LOS'd two seconds ago, through a solid wall. Or sometimes seemingly by fresh air (the reveal comes out of nowhere, with no culprit apparent because they are in an entirely different buildings).
This is key, and I've actually been leaning towards more lethality/info on almost all my killers.
With gen speeds changed and kicks buffed, I'm often finding it better to get more chases/downs or even easier approaches than hard regression. Lethal Pursuer has joined Discordance on my 'equipped on basically every killer that isn't Hag, Dredge or Trapper' baseline.
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SWF counters him very hard.
He need alot of prepartio and planning which led to high failure rate
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All about striking a good balance between slowdown/info/lethality on killers that need help in all 3 areas like D/C/B/A tier. Part of what makes Nurse and Blight so strong is that they lose nothing by forgoing chase perks.
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i recommend watching esskay (twitch)
jaee (youtube), and spookyloopz ( twitch+yt)
very good ghostface players you can learn a lot from them
however I'll say that since his update that was supposed to buff him ghostface became a lot weaker than before cuz revealing him became much easier so addons are definitely a must especially philly and matchbook.
general tips:- focus on 99 survivors whenever you can even if you're not gonna chase that survivor you're stalking this will help a lot especially if they try to bodyblock
2- brutal, enduring, stbfl, bamboozle are recommend on ghosty
3- try to crouch and find cover if possible when a survivor is trying to reveal you (kinda obvious)
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I found this out pretty quick. That's why I almost never play him.
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I have never understood the obsession with forced penance as a perk because it does not prevent the survivors from bodyblocking. All it does is prevent same person from cycling bodyblocking but I feel that you can just cycle the broken status effect such that the status effect loses meaning. I think for the perk to punish bodyblocking, it would have to instant down the survivor if the hit was protection hit or something, so I find it a waste of perk slot.
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I love playing Ghostface and it is kinda hard to explain how to play him. For one, think of DBD as a real time strategy game. You aren't making units for an army, but you are strategically planning out maneuvers and executing them. A mindgame at a loop is one such execution of strategy, as well as which gens to defend, where to hook people, when to drop a chase, and more.
With Ghostface the 4d Chess levels of strategy are put on full blast, and that macro strategy of thinking multiple steps ahead are your main method of winning. Often times it helps to get partial stalks and move on to the next person, chipping away a stalk percentage bit by bit. You also have to be very emotionally stable. If you get flustered or annoyed easily you will lose track of your strategy. It doesn't matter 3 gens popped, it doesn't matter the clicky clicky tbag, it doesn't matter they popped the gen in your face. You must be stoic and unwavering. Honestly he is a difficult Killer to just play over and over again due to continually planning your moves and everyone else's at the same time. The mental fatigue can build up quite quickly. Be sure to play a brainless/autopilot Bubba or Blight game where you just run people down without much thought if in between Ghostie matches you want to still play and are feeling the fatigue.
Aura and intel perks are what make him shine. If you know where everyone is, you know their most likely moves, and can make your moves around them. This can also corral the opposition where they shouldn't be going. Sometimes you want to pop a mark on someone when you don't even plan on downing, just to send them away from a gen/hook and force someone else to respond. The oblivious when marked add-on can also help in getting 45-60s downs on the mark, as they don't expect you to come from a strange angle that late in the mark, and most weaker Ghosties go straight after those they mark, tunnel visioned on getting the down.
Also the only genrush perk, Stakeout, requires a terror radius, so you hard counter it unless you misplay. Prove Thyself is actually a Killer perk, since it convinces Survivors the worst thing they can do isn't that bad. When multiple people are on a gen that is a massive boon for most Killers, and even moreso for Ghostie. This gives you the chance to stalk multiple people at once, as he doesn't have Myers' same limitation of one fixed stalk rate.
Often times you have to take what, for other Killers, would be dumb moves, like approaching from the edge of the map instead of the center. Other Killers like to corral to corners, whereas Ghostie likes to sneak up and instadown from those corners. You also need to be very non-commital to chases. Just because you find someone you don't have to chase them, even if they are marked. Don't fall prey to the sunk cost fallacy when you Mark someone. Sometimes you have to let them go. It is best to take a pallet or injury and move on in some of those cases.
His main strength lies in having as short of chases as possible, preferably hitting people the second after you marked them. His main weakness lies in his time usage. Other Killers might have more time to dink around kicking gens, but since you need to approach from odd angles that is almost throwing to do so as Ghostie. You need pressure from hooks and disrupting rescues, not from slowing gens. You never want to camp them, since the remaining Survivors will pop those gens so quick you won't be able to respond.
One side note is he is one of the few Killers where you can pay to win. Some skins can obfuscate powers, like Plague's blighted skin, some Oni skins, short haired Spirit skins, Hunk, among others. Ghostface is purely about his own stealth, and the Classic skin removes those bothersome cloth strands. Some people claim the red mask is best for stealth, but I don't think it is significant enough compared to a proper lean.
You may notice I haven't explained many of the stalking or crouching intricacies. That is because... they don't really matter. Beyond leaning to stalk, those are style points that can only marginally improve your effectiveness, but not nearly as much as proper planning and strategy. You can also watch nearly any Ghostface Guide video to get those simplistic tips and tricks. The only one of value imo is how to crouch in a moonwalk properly. Sometimes you hard crouch moonwalk, and sometimes you fake a couple back and forths before committing. That is similar to the stand-still mindgame at LT walls that most other Killers can use, and when you force the Survivor to look left right left right that might give you the edge on the side that you approach from. Also sometimes you can use your Shroud to help your mindgames, since it hard blocks your red light. Some of those loops it is strictly better to approach from one angle. If the Survivors catch on, then you can start to approach from the bad angle to throw them off.
As far as perks go I have 2 favorite builds. One is the Shaman build, which is 4 hexes: Devour Hope, Undying, Haunted Ground, and Retribution. This is very feast or famine, and it requires people to fall prey to "it glows it goes". It can work when they don't fall to that also if you can reach 3 DH stacks, then you can ignore stalking entirely and approach with stealth alone. It is much easier though to snowball from an early HG into Undying HG. The best add-ons for this are 1 of the 3 recharge add-ons (time/pallet/down), and whatever else you like.
The second build is what I call the wallhacks build. There are variations but the core is Lethal Pursuer, and Scourge Floods of Rage. Scourge Pain Res can help slow things down a bit since you are already going for scourge hooks, and the last perk is something that feels good. I personally like Bamboozle for those especially troublesome main building windows, but Darkness Revealed, BBQ, or Thrilling Tremors are all also decent. My favorite add-ons are the yellow oblivious when marked, and the iri camera, which gives 7s of aura read on all Survs when you down a Marked Survivor.
Now with all that said the main weakness to Ghostie is SWF. If you think they are a SWF you have to make even stranger plays when you know they have eyes on you. They will call out you approaching X area, so to counter that you have to fake going one direction and sneak around their LOS to go in a different one. That is not possible on most maps, so there really is no working around that.
One final thing is Ghostie is very map reliant. The sweatlord maps of choice are basically the worst Ghostie maps. Most Macmillan and Autohaven maps are super bad when it comes to LOS blockers and methods of approach. Normal chases are fine there, but map traversal is a nightmare. If you want to experience Hell as Ghostface, play Blood Lodge. Even The Game is a better map since they often can't reach a pallet if you marked them correctly.
That is all I can think of. As I said, Ghostface requires an almost entirely different playstyle despite being dressed up as a normal M1 Killer. It requires far more skill, patience, and tactics to effectively pull off Ghostie plays than to do the same with Nurse or Blight. Where most Killers are designed to be good in different ways in chase, Ghostie is designed to be good when never in chase. Most other Killers have that transferable knowledge, and when that transfers over to Ghostie you are sabotaged with substandard results when trying to blindly play that way.
Another thought that just jumped in my mind is another secret strength of Ghostie. The power of memes is a tool for many Killers, but especially so for Ghostface. The tbag is a forbidden art utilized by those filthy Survivors, and you can pretend to join in on the fun. Many Survivors can fall prey to your tricks, and give you value when they think you are just goofing around. When a Survivor reveals you, just stand and look at them disappointed, maybe a shake of the head, and walk off. When they tbag at a pallet, tbag back before kicking it (if they weren't Marked in a position for you to chase). You have the unique position of better pretending to be their friend, and betraying them when they least expect it. Just make sure to give Hatch to the last Survivor so those memes can still work in future games. If you don't, you risk poisoning the well of Survivor trust, and removing memes from your playbook entirely. It is a long con, and will pay dividends if utilized appropriately.
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Ghostface is a deceivingly hard killer.
You want to be very careful with his power. Only stalk people when you have a clear view of them and an object to lean on. When a survivor starts revealing you try to crouch behind something. The mistake i see a lot of ghostface players make is immediately panic and turn to the survivor thats revealing them. I also recommend bringing perks like lethal and discordance to get the jump on survivors at the start of the match which is (at least for ghostface) the most crucial part of the match. And one last thing, watch ghostface players like esskay and kotzwurst and maybe you can learn a thing or two. Im assuming you know the basic stuff like 99'ing people
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Personally I think Ghostface is really underrated.
My current build is STBFL, Corrupt, Jolt, Discordance. His best add ons are his brown ones - the one that reduces the recovery by 6 seconds and the one that increases stalk speed by 25%.
Corrupt is really good as it pushes survivors into a certain side of the map to help you track survivors and slows the game down a bit so gens don’t fly while you are setting up 99s. If the map has some high ground (such as the main buildings) head there first and try to stalk them from above.
Don’t try and play him like a normal M1 killer. Instead try to 99 people as much as possible and then ambush them when they are in a bad spot. Don’t spend too long chasing someone, either get a hit in to build up STBFL stacks or stalk them to 99 and then go find someone else. For example if someone is running somewhere you don’t want to be (such as the end of the map with no gens, or somewhere you know you can’t get a quick down), stalk them as much as possible and then go find someone else. With the add ons I mentioned, you should be able to get them at least 75% before they reveal you and you power should be recovered by the time you find someone and can then expose them if you had them 99.
Basically play him like a hit and run killer, but more so as a “stalk and run” killer. Bounce back and forth stalking/injuring survivors until one of them makes a misplay and then you can snowball from there.
When you do find someone who is 99, get as close as possible before you expose them otherwise they will make a ton of distance or if you decide you can’t chase them you can still expose them later.
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But it does give you the equivalent of one shot potential on your next patrol/chase because that player can't heal in the meantime. 80 seconds is a *long* time to be Broken.
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Well I know, i do all this stuff and thats litterally my build on him, but still...
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Driver's License and Drop-Leg Knife Sheath REALLY are not as insane as you think, he requires a massive amount of skill to make up for being revealed every 12 seconds.
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Discordance is good too since Prove Thyself is so popular. It makes it really easy to be able to fully Mark two survivors simultaneously right away.
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then perhaps you would have more luck with a killer that isn't as underwhelming as ghostface.
he requires a ton of work to make up for how awful his power is, that's the disappointing truth.
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To add to this, another good channel to watch for Ghostface is King Ping on YouTube.
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I main ghostface. Do you have discord? Happy to have to sit in on a few matches to give some tips.
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Yes I have discordance and Gearhead now
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No. I mean discord. Its a chat program.
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Here's a huge tip: don't use your Stealth Mode to sneak up on gens, INSTEAD use it mid chase to finish off 99'd Survivors!