So if moris are now more cinematic...

Kinda had an epiphany a few moments ago during my regularly scheduled pacing around my house and I came to this conclusion. If moris are planned to be specific to endgame as a final cinematic experience, does this mean they can start reworking and fleshing out the mori animations without fear of time constraints and balancing? I'd like to see more graphic and lengthy moris since it won't necessarily get in the way of gameplay. I see some heavy potential to add some pure artistic talent to the animations.
They can also start by giving the killers (who have first person Mori) the third person view to make it more cinematic.
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truth...current moris like billy and wraith seem kinda lackluster when viewed from the killer angle
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I would love to see better moris especially for some of the killers (trapper for example).
However I would hate to see longer mori's. I hate this new change where I'm forced to mori the last survivor as it is just unwanted additional time in the game. As a killer i wanna hook, kill, go next. I don't wanna sit thru a 30 second mori every single game.
yeah mori's are cool but if you see the same thing every single game its gonna get boring
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Yeah, if we're gonna make them a cinematic showpiece, they should be spiced up. And a number of them will absolutely need to be totally overhauled/replaced, because they suuuuuccck.
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Huntress' mori is so much better from the first person, though.
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Not really, it just highlights how ugly the survivors' models currently are.
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No, this change is probably just so they can sell alternate moris taken from DBD mobile and actually turn a profit as moris are now required and mandatory.
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I just want trapper and wraith to get new ones. Theirs are so bad
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Yeah, what is up with that? Everyone's faces look like they've been put through some sort of Salvador Dali filter.
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I want this post to get more attention. I support this because nothing beats earning that sick, cinematic more. Also some early moris suck and should be reworked - a position that I believe we all agree on.
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This would be a really good opportunity to replace some mori animation with the mobile phone version. Trapper and Wraith have some really good mori kills.
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I really hope they dont make the mori change in endgame - ruins the whole endgame standoff. Agree that some killers need improved mori animations though.
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I'd love to see multiple moris possible for the killers. I have a feeling though the reason they don't do it is probably that animations are kind of time intensive.
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Nurse mori is good from both 1st and 3rd person. Dare I say the best mori?