"He's just trying to get Evil Incarnate why locker deny him?"
'Cause it worked.
We had to avenge those two poor fellas somehow.
Blame the game not the player. It's the achievements fault for expecting a random group of players to play in an awfully convenient way for the killer.
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I thought you were better than that gramps, I used to respect you
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if he wasn't as "selfish" as he was
he wouldn't of been able to make this post >:(
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Why has this all of a sudden become such a hot topic?
I swear we'd see one of these threads in a blue moon as someone tried to get the achievement and got frustrated by locker hopping but I swear this last week we've had (at least) one of these threads every day...
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First rule of war, son: Never get in a land war in Asia.
Second rule of war: Any time a bunch of animals are together in one place, it's called a Zhu.
Third rule of war: Lockers are fair game against Tombstones.
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That achievement needs to be gutted and thrown in a ditch somewhere. Worthless thing.
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It's such a poorly designed achievement.
Unfun to play against and an actual nightmare to get. Glad I did it, oh god, almost FOUR years ago.
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Not that it matters, but I like your perk build.
Ideal Bill.
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We just need to give Myers a Kill mori for the Locker when he is in T3.
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Boo, that Meyer's perks don't go with those add ons! I see why you escaped
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When I was going for the achievement, I didn't have a problem with someone jumping into a locker -- that's just a smart play to keep from being Moried, and there's nothing wrong with that. Good play on your part to survive the Tombstone and live to tell the tale.
What I DID have an issue when I was going for the achievement were the survivors who DC'ed once they knew what I was doing. While they didn't know I was trying for the achievement, rage-quitting because of a Tombstone still seemed petty and childish.
When I was going for it, I brought BPS or cakes into the matches as an incentive to keep people from hitting the "leave match" button, but it took a couple of attempts before I got a group that played it out to the end. They were either all crossplay, or had their messages off, or I would have heartily thanked them for being good sports (and sparing me the endless de-pips I would have had to eat if it had taken me longer to get it).
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It should be like how Michael killed Bob in the first movie.
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That would be amazing.
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Just remove all counterplay to the Tombstone. That's a great idea.
Honestly I wouldn't be against it if the Tombstone Piece got deleted.
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I mean, if he just decided "screw it" and started hooking, we'd have been boned without a prayer. The other two died at 2 gens.
He just absolutely, 100%, completely refused to hook until the gates were almost open.
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Facecamping been around much longer than 2016 it seems...
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Hiding in a locker is not counterplay. He can still just throw you on the hook.
Counterplay is not feeding him THAT much succ.
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If he's in tier 3 and moving slower than normal, then hiding in a locker is counterplay. Especially if you are not dead on hook and even then it wastes his time.
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It is most definitely counterplay. Insta kill vs a hook state.
"Just don't feed him" it's usually the person who feeds him very little or none that gets mori first.
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Genuinely did not expect you to be exactly as advertised in game.
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grab...drag them to deadzone, Juggle Drop, chase down, repeat.
Hope this helps. Its done me fairly well when using TS for challenges.
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When I was going for the achievement, I only got annoyed when the very last survivor did the locker thing after I already had 3 Tombstone kills. At that point, I think they're just being petty to deny the achievement. They're dead either way, locker or Tombstone, it makes no difference
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I’m gonna get a lot of heat for this probably, but denying Myers achievement by jumping in lockers is kinda fun I won’t even lie.
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Yeah its fair. The only time it becomes petty is the first time i went for it i got the first 3. Dragged the survivor far enough away with 3 pwyf stacks so they had no way to get back. So they insta dced. "No achivement for you :)". Brings out the worst in some people.
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Yeah. That's dumb. No bloodpoints! T3 is fun but can't just stock down and mori at endgame. Might get the 4k on a good map but still earn less than 10k blood points. Not a good win.
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Perks matter for this achievement and you can get this done if you are patient enough to carry them far from the lockers.
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Its toxic if youre the last survivor in EGC with hatch closed and youre constantly just getting into a locker. Like dude youre gonna lose no matter what you do, might as well give the poor guy his achievement. Chances are hes on his 5th attempt or so
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Hiding in a locker is the exact counterplay to Tombstone Myers, he will pull you out but he has to hook you instead of instantly kill you, in one situation you can be unhooked on the other you are just out of the game.
People going for the achievement just have to adapt.
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This is still hands down the worst designed achievement in the game, and the Devs should still be embarrassed that they allow it to persist.
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I got that achievement on my second try. 😎
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Horrible achievement. Never got it, prolly never will. Immediately after the first one is killed off all the others locker up or DC.
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I still think Left For Dead is worse designed ever since the Endgame Collapse. That, and Outbreak Breakout which is just asking for a lot.
Speaking of some tough achievements, the Devs changed the hatch achievements after keys were nerfed, and probably will if the Endgame Mori goes lives. I wonder if they'll ever nerf tombstone and what Evil Incarnate would be replaced by.
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Half the team were potatoes so...
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Adapt HOW? Be forced to run Agitation and run for the corner and hope RNG lets you run him down before he either finds the hatch or a new locker?
No. Locker boi should just die.
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I got Evil Incarnate on my 2nd attempt back in 2019.
Meanwhile almost half-a-decade later since I first started playing and I still haven't gotten Left For Dead nor will i probably ever.
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Left 4 Dead you can get simply by being patient and running perks. Evil Incarnate is an achievement where the other team, upon knowing exactly what you're running after the first survivors death gives it away, can literally make the achievement impossible for you.
You got extremely lucky, but Left 4 Dead's difficulty can be reduced by skill and ingenuity. Evil Incarnate's difficulty can be reduced only by finding an SWF streaming and asking them to help you out.
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It's a challenge, it's meant to be... Challenging
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Refer to earlier comments where I described, in detail, why it's horribly designed.
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I know for a fact you're not to argue that Left For Dead is easier to get than Evil Incarnate. Or that it somehow requires less luck.
L4D requires you to let your entire team die while hoping that your last teammate happens to die at 1 gen left with the last gen being at least 70-90% done, finishing said gen before killer finds and closes hatch, and then the exit gates have to be far enough apart for you to even have a chance of getting out (and if it's a high mobility killer like Blight, Spirit, Wraith etc then it just ain't gonna happen unless your on Mother's Dwelling with Wake Up and both gates being on completely opposite ends)
Even if you get lucky enough with those first couple circumstances most of the time it simply will boil down to whether or not the killer is sweaty for their invisible trophy. The only way Left For Dead can become remotely tolerable trying to get is if you're in a 4-man SWF on voice comms and you and your friends get yourselves to 1 gen left and then 99% all three of the last remaining gens AND THEN your three friends throw themselves at the killer and purposely get themselves killed so you can go for the achievement. Then and only MAYBE then could I possibly see if taking only 2-3 attempts. And still yet again you'd have to keep doing that until you get lucky with exit gate spawns.
As for Evil Incarnate, honestly if you're REALLY having a tough time getting that achievement, then you wanna know the best/easiest solution i have? Start playing baseline Myers (don't waste any of your pink add-ons yet, save those) and just play a bunch of normal games, get as much hooks and points as you can, but no matter what do NOT kill any of the survivors. Keep letting all 4 survivors escape every game and eventually you'll get to a point after a handful of games where your MMR will get so low that you'll start coming across literal baby survivors that have no clue what is even going on half the time. Then when you're ready just slap on those Iri add-ons and BAM! EZ cheevo poppin'. I know that may seem rather evil to do, but heh, it's literally in the achievement name.
It's what I've been doing with a lot of my adept killer achievements lately. I'll put on the adept build for the killer I'm playing and start playing matches with them, and whenever a match gets to a point where I know I'm in an unwinnable situation, I just spend the rest of the match going for as many hooks and points as I possibly can while purposely letting all the survivors live so that my MMR will gradually go down and I get slightly easier opponents each match until I get a match where halfway through it looks like I'm on track to actually winning with a Merciless Victory then I start actually going for kills at the end and get my achievement. I know people will think I'm a scumbag for using this tactic but hey, not my fault the devs made adept achievements for killer extremely lousy to get especially compared to the survivor adepts.
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I mean he can just slug you. And with the UB changes you get the choice to get up and be mori'd or wait several minutes
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Adapt to what.
There's nothing you can do except hope they let you get the achievement.
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As a solo survivor, you have a lot of agency in dictating how fast the generators go based on your involvement, or lack thereof. You can bring perks that almost guarantee you'll slammajam that last Gen and win the exit gate tussle.
As Myers, the survivors have TOTAL agency of whether or not you'll complete the challenge. The only thing they need to have is knowledge that the achievement exists. Suggesting you tank your MMR to the point of absurdity still does not guarantee you can get the achievement. Again, knowledge is the ONLY thing a survivor needs. There is nothing you can do to stop them from just sitting in lockers. They have to -let- you.
I'm not struggling with Evil Incarnate, I finished it a long time ago. It is still a horrendous achievement and absolutely more difficult than Left 4 dead.
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As a killer I have offered a lot of last survivors the opportunity to finish the last gen in lieu with the hatch, some took it, some didn't, but I got half a dozen confirmations that they got the Left4Dead achievement and many thanks in post game chat.
With Evil Incarnate I have wave to quite a lot of Myers and let them kill me, but spectating got bored to the "clever" locker play of the last two survivors.
One achievemen is much easier to get with help from the other side, because it needs just one empathic soul, the other achievement would need four of those in one game.
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Sadly, even the Left for Dead achievement is left untouched by the developers on the grounds that it is not physically impossible to achieve.
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I feel like a lot of people who get the Evil Incarnate achievement get it when they start playing Michael as they face less organized groups in low mmr and less people who know about the locker counter.
As for Left for Dead, I think the only practical way it can happen is if you're spared by killer at 1 gen left and if you communicate that you want to finish it.
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Its the only real counterplay to Tombstone, it has to stay or its a free win.
A slug can still be picked up and keep progressing the gens, its up to Myers to either hook you to put pressure or to try his luck with a slug.
If you change the Locker+Tombstone interaction then the Survivors have nothing to do either, once he gets EW3 they may aswell stand still and let themselves get killed, does it seem fair something like that?
Tombstone is an extremely powerful addon and winning a game with it is really easy, especially if paired with PWYF, it lets you bypass the Killer objective entirely, it has to have some kind of counterplay so people can avoid instant dead, getting in a locker forces Myers to not bypass said objective and its the only way to play against that addon. Having an extremely obnoxious achievement attached to it is no reason to make the addon even more busted, if you want the achievement so bad either try until you get it or ask BHVR to change it to something less demanding.
And this comes from someone who mains Myers.
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I actually quite like it as an acheivement, because it really is that an acheivement. Same with left 4 dead, although that one feels harder to get. I got my EI acheivement on my second try, the first match I had gotten 3 but the last guy just kept jumping in a locker in shack. To put pressure on him I opened a nearby gate to start egc. Eventually he dc'd just before egc ended, one of the other survs had spectated and even messaged after to say he thought it was pretty pathetic of the locker jumping idiot. I don't mind doing whatever to deny the kill if you're going to make some kind of play to escape, but just wasting time like that is just so dull.
Second match I got a swf who got WAY too cocky, I just played "baby myers" and kept walking into pallet stuns and chasing the tbaggers. They just kept feeding my stalk, then when t3 popped nea was still tbagging in my face, until she wasnt 😎. Tbf the last guy left this time didn't run for lockers, he was looking for hatch.
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It's a "free" win?
Man has to game throw for five minutes while hunting down every single Survivor for maximum stalk drain, and you are out here throwing around the word "free".
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If the killer really wanted to get Evil Incarnate achievement, his build was not optimal for it. There's now Play with your food, a must have for trying Evil Incarnate, and Thrilling Tremors makes no sense, since you will killer survs on the spot, without picking anyone up. Together with Rancor and a yellow mori, it looks more like a general kill by hands build, since mori does not count towards the achievement. Maybe the killer did not know that, though.
Imo the best build for tackling this achievement is:
Corrupt + Deadlock for getting enough time to tier up. PWYF for increasing movement speed (since you don't lose any stack when killing a surv by tombstone), 4th perk either information (for finding survs to stalk or kill) or chase (although with 3 stacks you are fast enough to not really need more chase power),