Basekit Unbreakable will most likely not impact matches too harshly.

I've seen people freaking out about this, but as an experienced killer main I can promise you this change isn't going to lead to a free win for survivors. You will have to play differently, that is true. But 45 seconds is a LOT of down-time and most of the time you aren't going to want to slug for that long.
This has only killed long term slugging for things such as a 4k. It only really removes the ability to drag the match out for longer than it has to be. Plus, mori's will actually be a base kit feature which is nice. I think a lot of people overlook the amount of pressure this puts on the survivors as well. If you aren't careful the match can end in literal seconds.
But you're also rarely going to be able to get a 4 man slug. Even with Oni. You probably can with Nurse but lets be real, it's Nurse.
If anything this punishes greed on BOTH sides. If the killer tries to go for the insta 4k, but ends up taking too long with the last survivor. Or the survivors get too greedy for lets say a gen, it has an impact. And I think this is good. It means you actually take a risk when slugging in certain scenarios that would be safe at the moment.
If anything, I don't think Unbreakable should allow you to pick yourself up in 22 seconds with unlimited use. Because slugging does have its purposes. Maybe it has diminishing returns with every pick up? Anyways, the main counter for this is going to be not to slug a bunch and be smart about when you do.
If you do slug to get another down, hurry up back to the first guy if you can and hook him. That's what you should be doing right now anyways. Slugging has always been a way to juggle survivors and really this update doesn't change that fundamental. It only allows survivors to put pressure on the killer to make a move.
You can say that currently the pressure survivors have in this situation is letting a team mate pick up the survivor, robbing the killer of a hook. But as I said 45 seconds of someone doing absolutely nothing is a huge time loss. They could leave the slug there to finish a gen, but then the killer can go to that gen and potentially down that person as well. Leading to another slug or hook, and now we're back where we started.
"But what if they have an anti-slug build?"
That's easy. Don't slug them. Now they have no perks. There isn't always a tell for this, and I think that is something that should be fixed eventually. But there are ways to tell if they do by their behavior. Like if they're a little too eager to take a punch to the face while injured, they probably have unbreakable and expect you to leave them on the ground. Survivors will constantly give away what perks they have, you just have to pay attention to the signs of said perk.
These updates are encouraging killers to be more aggressive and constantly on the move. That is good. It leads to actual gameplay instead of "me stand in front of hook and now u die :)". It means people are actually playing and interacting with each other. We need more of this. So even if this update seems uncertain and odd for the future, I'm ready for it.
Literally the only situation i see drastically changing is this:
Survivor is downed at a pallet, another healthy survivor is there. If the healthy survivor stalls for long enough the downed survivor gets up
If the killer gives into the UB pressure the healthy survivor will smash the pallet down on them
of course without having UB actually equipped the healthy survivor will need to stall for 45 seconds instead of half that, which should be enough time for the killer to chase them off.
Similar situations can arise with a flashlight, but are far less forced.
5 -
I don't see this affecting my regular killer gameplay, but I'm highly concerned about what's going to happen when I encounter anti-hook SWFs - sabo/oak, breakout, boil over with map offerings, flashlights, mass bodyblocking, pallet swarming. Slugging was previously the only real counter to any of this, and that's dead now, especially with the upcoming super-Unbreakable you know those teams will bring.
Mostly I do not think this change was well thought out. Nor did I think slugging was a major issue compared to tunneling and facecamping. There were less disruptive ways to fix griefers bleeding people out for no reason - and that wasn't even the purpose of this change. As for 4-man-slugging Nurses and their obnoxious games, they're more bolstered by these changes than anything.
21 -
Okay, i think it's funny when you tell people that they freak out too much and then say yourself that UB shouldn't let survivor pick themselves up in 23 second because THATS THE POINT PEOPLE ARE FREAKING OUT ABOUT.
Not the 45 seconds Version of base ub which would end up with max 5 uses but the 23 second version with 10 tries coupled with intentionally going down at a pallet or near teammates with flashlights.
That's the problem. Even slight coordination will have an enormous impact on hook denial if the change goes though like that.
It will leave the majority of m1 killer with two lose options:
A)just try to pick up
-> get pallet stunned/beamed
B) chase the other survivor off
-> getting value out of chasing the other survivor will take long enough for the slugged to get back up and bring you back to square one with another survivor in chase and only a lost health state to show for it, meanwhile 2 other survivor have been doing gens for 30+ seconds unimpeded
-> scare the survivor away only for them to follow you back to the slug and you are only left with hoping that the survivor makes a mistake in the ensuing back and forth and that the slug doesn't get back up in an unfavorable moment
This scenario isn't hard to reproduce even with duo swf. And it doesn't even take the other recovery related perks into consideration.
And I am really curious how this fast unlimited unbreakable will interact with flip-flop coupled with power struggle. If they synergize it would mean that the killer doesn't even have 7 seconds to resolve that situation before the pickup inevitably ends up in a pallet stun.
11 -
I don't multi slug unless I am against a swf in end game. At that point I am doing everything I can to bait their altruism. Went against a 4 man comp team with 4 unbreakable's today. Got a 3 man slug, but it didn't matter. Even though only two were moderately good in chase, I still got tons of salt. Comp teams really can't fathom losing.
0 -
Why? Why do survivors need MORE? There have been plenty of times where THEY have stopped powerful killer tools from coming to fruition. Original reworked Hangman's, original buffed Overcharge, survivor animations that hopefully would have fixed 360s, killer builds that encouraged leaving hook, killer builds that rewarded getting many hooks. All gone. So we're gonna fight this tooth and nail. This is ridiculous!
14 -
Tooth is here, where is Nail?
3 -
I haven't been freaking out, because I don't expect to be playing DBD when it goes live, but...there definitely is cause for concern.
This proposed change could create MORE problems, even if they manage to solve the ones we have now. Furthermore, these changes appear to benefit the players who need the least help.
This game's balance issues have continuously been bottlenecked by SWF, Nurse, and map design. The update they proposed is one in a long line of changes that don't appear to even try and address this bottlenecking. People are understandably upset, as a result.
8 -
This change is basically makes Twins unplayable. If someone has Unbreakable on to reduce the self pickup time to 22.5 seconds you basically can't get a pickup with Charlette if you down someone with Victor outside a 40 meter range of her, regardless if you were trying to slug or not.
12 -
Even if it doesn't, it's a massive over-reaction survivor buff that is being made specifically to counter an edge-case scenario that MIGHT happen as a result of the End Game Mori change - a change that nobody wanted, pleases nobody, and has as close to zero effect on actual gameplay as any aspect of the game.
It's basically twisting the game left right and center to try to deal with a problem that THEY MANUFACTURED, that nobody wanted, is super unlikely to actually happen, and can already be done right now.
They brought rabbits to Australia and to try to deal with all the rabbits, they're bringing a load of crocodiles to eat up all the rabbits. Like, how about you just don't bring rabbits? That's always been an option. It's a dumb change and it feels like it was snuck in by somebody who either doesn't actually have the best interest of the game at heart or doesn't actually understand what they're doing.
13 -
Survivors don't control the strength of perks. Ptb overcharge basically over shadowed call of brine and it was changed. Hangman's simply didn't do what the devs intended for the perk usage to be, although I would have loved to see it. And I don't know what you're getting at with killer builds that encouraged leaving the hook, as a majority of the good combinations we see now encourage staying mobile and keeping pressure. Especially newer released perks like Gift of pain, Pain resonance, Eruption, Call of Brine, all of those only get value through chases, patrols and downs. All of them are frequently used as well. 360's literally aren't a problem unless you're brand new lol.
2 -
That is actually a fair point. It's going to be much harder to deal with them. Hopefully that's addressed, but really it's the only thing I can see being worried about.
0 -
This one perk that we haven't even tested out with this new mechanic doesn't mean all hope is lost. You also should remember the part where I said it should have diminishing returns. The scenario you're creating is actually pretty bad for the team, as you'll have multiple people in one area trying to take hits around a singular pallet. You can force the pallet within 20 seconds easily. One person can't stall for much time without dropping the pallet in the first place. They're either trading a down and a couple health states or getting nothing at all. And even though health states aren't as impactful as a down, you're in a position to snowball now. Powerstruggle and Flip Flop would be a million times better than any of this. This is also assuming they don't fall for the pick up fake or anything like that. It's not as helpless as you're making it out to be.
0 -
It definitely will against swfs and certain killers that rely on slugging such as twins or oni.
7 -
You would say that about movement exploits.
But no, survivor mains do more than just play survivor. They get on here and say X killer is broken, X killer perk is broken, and that the game is killer sided when it's clear as day that it's not. They influence balance, and the devs are gonna give them what they want because they always have. Anytime an interesting killer perk comes out, its numbers are too safe, or it gets nerfed into safe numbers, with "safe" being the survivors' definition of it. Ruin/Undying gone, Pain Res/DMS gone, Pain Res/Pop gone. Hit and run was gone when they put CoH in, and slugging is soon to be dead despite perks being made around it. This is all observable. Any time the killer has something decent, it's gone in a jiffy, because survivors deem it "broken" whether it is or not.
4 -
Probably it WOULD impact the games, but most likely it will not actually go live in it's current form. It's still just an idea, not even due to be released even on PTB any time soon at all. They will figure it out eventually. I'm not worried about it because I will simply give it time when something like this gets released, and even if it would be released, it would be nerfed quite soon, so why even bother reacting to this?
2 -
You give the forums way too much credit by saying that survivor mains can somehow move mountains by complaining. You've created this "they" that you villify to make yourself more righteous. Survivor mains don't control ######### and when you can accept that we can have a constructive conversation.
If survivor mains control everything, why hasn't Dead Hard been reverted to it's old state? Why have gen times been increased? Why have we seen killer buffs all around the board? Just because Overcharge isn't a 400% regression or Hangman's doesn't give you a map wide scan of survivor locations doesn't mean they favor survivors. It means they aren't stupid enough to roll out over tuned perks. That is a good thing whether you agree or not.
The only "nerfs" we have seen are one's to bring killers more in line with each other. Literally the only objectively bad one was Billy's and that's largely because the way his change was implemented was done in the wrong way.
3 -
That is true that SWF squads will find a way to abuse this, but I think it's not too out there to assume these sorts of things will be lined out as time goes on. This change is going to take adjustments for a little bit, but it will be fine in the end. Twins, yea they get screwed pretty hard, but their rework is supposedly coming very soon and I'm sure that their power has been made to fit this. Oni doesn't get screwed too hard I don't believe. You only really get around 45 seconds of power and you don't want to use up ALL of your gauge every-time you use it. So largely this will only punish him for making bad decisions.
0 -
They said that twins is getting a rework for a pretty long time. Also you literally won't be able to slug 1 person as oni cause if you down someone and go after another then the slugged can get up because of the increased recovery from unbreakable. If you can't go down even 2 people with oni's power you literally are better off using cannibal or billy.
7 -
Oni's strength isn't just his insta-down but his lethality. He has an insane chase tool and that's where most of his strength comes from. More often than not you aren't going to get multiple downs, and that's fine. He makes up for it with his short chases. You will be able to slug more than 1 person regardless. You might not get the hook, but it's a lot of down time on a survivor. So really if you get one down then hook another person you have only half of the team able to do anything. That's massive for slowdown.
To put that in perspective, 2 people can't do anything for about a minute and another one has to go for the save. Only 1 person can be working on gens. Even then that's risky. Because now I can most likely come back to that slug and pick them up if they have been recovering. If that person crawled away that's even more time bought for me. If 1 person keeps working on gens their efficiency is still taking a blow and putting them in potentially even more danger by not supporting the team altruistically. Because now I can intercept that survivor and make the save even harder. Yes, that slug will get up in due time. But it wasn't a total loss for me. Because now I'm guaranteed the team has to heal at least 2 people back to healthy and make sure they're safe the whole time.
As for Twins, this should be around the time for their updates to roll out. And I highly doubt bhvr would make this change and leave them in the dust. After all this update is part of the updates they're doing to make the game more enjoyable. It doesn't make sense to have a slugging killer still around when you're trying to remove slugging.
People will have to adapt their playstyles for sure, but I don't think this is going to kill the game.
0 -
I'm on console. If it were not for that, I probably wouldn't complain as much about survivors moving like they're on ice around me, because I'd actually have precise/sensitive enough controls to hit them consistently.
I call it as I see it. Every little killer thing survivors can complain about, they have. But the devs, in their ineptitude, are partially reasonable. That's why Spirit hasn't been nerfed again, or why Balanced hasn't been reverted to its original state. But that doesn't mean that they haven't enacted ridiculous, nonsensical changes based on complaining survivors' whims. The new animations, which took time and resources to make, were cancelled because they affected survivor, but the Hillbilly nerf that also took time and resources has stayed because its a killer issue. And when it comes to killer perks and abilities, the devs have always played safe with their numbers, not even allowing them to hit live in their prime so that real players can test them out. Let them roll out allegedly over tuned killer perks, since they won't hesitate to do the same for survivor perks.
I don't want to be righteous, but I do want to get to the truth, and I do a lot of that by commenting on what I see. I've tried to have constructive conversations, but I'm constantly arguing with people whose opinions are just too far out there and aren't really based on anything. They honestly think that if Freddy had his nerfs reverted, that he would still be S tier in today's meta, an M1 killer. They think that Deathslinger's nerf took him from S tier to A tier, and that fundamentally his chase game is uncounterable. They think that pre-nerf Pop and Pain Res were overtuned, but good killers were getting 7 and 8 hooks in a game and still lost all the gens like clockwork. They think that killers tunnel, camp, and slug because their own skill is insufficient to get them the win, not realizing that killers are trying to argue exactly that. I can't even get them to agree that toxicity is based on intention, not something that, for example, is inherent in camping and tunneling.
How does one "work with" that? There's nothing there!
5 -
Yes oni could make it so that you can essentially make half of the survivors unable to do anything but oni also literally has nothing when he doesn't have blood fury ready. He is an m1 killer and as we both know, an m1 killer isn't exactly threatening. So if he can only get 2 people down and can only hook 1, then that won't be really wort that it could take an oni a long time to get his power on almost every map and maybe 3 gens at most will pop before then.
They also said that they're gonna optimize consoles for a few years now and uh.... yeah. I hope Twins's rework isn't lame and they actually are fun as opposed to what is now.
I also don't think it's gonna kill the game but it definitely will cause problems specifically cause of the killers mentioned and swfs.
4 -
Usually i don't get slugged for long. Most slugging happens in 1v2 situations, where killer wants to 4k at all cost and im 100% sure devs are aiming to eliminate those situations.
Some killers do prioritize playing slug games, like Oni, Nurse, Twins (out of necessity)
0 -
That's the point - this change won't affect most of the matches but it will make annoying matches more annoying and increase the amount of those. That's not the way I would like to see this game evolving.
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the sheer idea of UB infinite basekit is so mind boggling that i cannot trust the devs to even have thought this throw. Hence the possibillity to it being released like that isnt too far away, anything is possible now, thats why people freak out. And they see it and still wait for the PTB to get the same answer, just because people say no it doesnt mean they gonna change anything or still try to push it trhough because the reality is and i might get banned for it.
one of the developers has felt personally offended by mori offerings ("out of spite"), they want hardcore UB so they give it as an excuse for the slugging issiue that could come with the new mori system. The animation team obviously doesnt want their work to be destroyed by just removing moris, but that couldve been done with the simple basekit yellow mori, no need to bring in a toxic system and counter it with an toxic basekit mechanic. It seems like they dont want to have casuals playing their game for fun.
2 -
For console, I do feel for you. But it's still something you can avoid. Albeit a little harder.
I don't know what you mean by the animations being scrapped? They're the exact same as they were when they changed.
As for killer nerfs, most of them haven't been nerfed again because they've been made fair. Spirit has legitimate counter-play that isn't "just guess bro lmao". It was the same situation with Deathslinger. Their entire chase was just a guessing game and relying on the opponent to play bad. There wasn't really any skill involved for either side. You either died or you didn't. I suck at Spirit so I won't pretend that I know everything about her. But from a gameplay perspective her changes were very much needed. I don't think being able to stand still and win literally just because there's no information for the other side can be considered good game mechanics. As for Deathslinger he is mechanically the exact same. His wind up time is really not that long but it does take adjusting if you're used to his quick scope. But most of his power is still in tact. You can still pull survivors out of position and reel them around pallets for quick and easy downs. He's easily a solid B. Not every killer has to be S tier to be playable.
Hillbilly's nerf's ironically were for the sake of other killers believe it or not. It brought him more in line with other mobility killers so he didn't just outclass them in every way. Now I want to clarify I am not saying his rework was well done. It punishes you more for using your saw rather than messing up with it. Still he's not impossible to play. But personally I think his staggered strength doesn't warrant the time and dedication he takes to master anymore. I really hope they revisit him.
As for Freddy that's largely nostalgia for a different era of dbd. And his power being far more creative than a clown and trapper love child abomination. He was definitely not S tier, but I do agree that if his power was reworked with the original concept it'd be more interesting and fun to use.
And yes, those perks were over-tuned. But you're also leaving out that this was a time where gen control was basically done completely with perks. In a way it evened out. But now we have base regression buffs, gen speed increases that add up to nearly a minute, and new perk combos. Now you have to dedicate your build to gen control if you want that. Or you could run a chase orientated build and make up for gen control with fast downs. There's actual variety in killer builds at the moment. What you choose legitimately matters and isn't the same rehash of the last 4 games of Ruin+Undying+Tinkerer+Pop Blight. Even now you can run an aura reading build and still be successful. There's far more life in the game than there was before. Survivors don't get a million second chances for screwing up because they brought the same 4 perks everyone else does.
Lots of people get mad at tunneling because the killer is legitimately singling you out for an easy kill. It is a real strategy, but more often than not it's done to bring games to a stand-still very early on and punish teams who have to no way to deal with it. The game is moving away from that playstyle and making pressuring the team more rewarding. You have to remember that even though you don't kill the survivors as fast, the game still drags out because of that. If you focus one guy and he loops you forever, of course you're going to see gens fly. Because you're only pestering one guy instead of the other 3 on gens.
Yes, 8 hook games happen. But a majority of the time they result in no kills because of killer mistakes. You're not going to win 100% of the time and that's okay. This game is complete rng from the start. You could get a shelter woods with 6 pallets as a Bubba or you could garden of joy as Trapper. Sometimes survivors are just better and sometimes they just brought better stuff. But that happens to survivors as well. Really if you have the best builds you don't have to even be good at the game. You just have to be decent. This has been something EVERYONE has dealt with.
I've had a pre-nerf Spirit with Ruin+Undying chase a guy for 5 gens getting juiced then get a 3k with NOED and Bloodwarden at the end who called us genrushers and BM'ed as much as they could in chat and to the people she hooked.
I've also had 4 man swf's bring me to pre rework haddonfield with old balanced landing and t-bag the ######### out of me the whole time.
What I'm trying to say with this is, sometimes you're just going to lose and people are going to be ######### about it. No matter how cheap they played. And you're just going to have to deal with it. It's annoying but that's what they're trying to do. But not every loss you get is because you went against a swf, or because they brought certain things. A majority of everyone's losses are because they made some major mistake. The swf you're facing most likely isn't playing it like a tournament.
If you want to win easily as killer you can do 2 builds that require the bare minimum from you. Alch Ring and Blighted Crow Blight + Engineers Fang and Impaling Wire Pinhead. You will have constant chase pressure and easily injure the team in seconds. An added bonus is Pin Head literally has built in game delay. These aren't the only one's out there, but they are by far the easiest one's to do.
If you look for something you're going to find it. Survivors aren't the only one's who complain and throw fits about game decisions. And they're not the only one's who can play on easy mode. If you aren't having fun and the match is stressful, just disconnect. Turn your messages to friends only, play something else and calm down. It's something I've done a lot and there's no shame in it. It's better than getting pissed off and being mad for a while. I understand dealing with those types of people multiple times a day gets annoying. But if you're having those matches constantly and they're really bothering you just wait until tomorrow or another time of day to play it.
These forums are an echo chamber for killers. The truth you're being sold is not the reality.
2 -
And that's why you manage your power meter. Like I said you don't want to always run dry. A lot of times a quick down will set you up for more than a slug will. As someone who plays oni quite a bit, the power denial isn't really hard if you're smart in the early game and take chases you know people aren't going to hold you forever on. But then other times you get The Game and play pallet breaking simulator. Or RPD where you have to make impossible turns. Still these few maps don't make him a bad killer.
Also the twins update doesn't come in this mid chapter, which is an odd choice. My condolences to all 3 twins mains out there. They've had it rough.
0 -
45 seconds is a long time, 11-22 seconds is not. If they leave it as is it will very much make life a lot harder for some of the weaker killers without affecting the strong ones nearly as much.
4 -
I agree with this.
I think they do need to fix hooks before basekit anti-slug is brought in. Fix rng that has been complained about for awhile now and make it so hooks broken from sacrifice come back after 3 minutes (faster if using Hangmans Trick so that perk is worth running) so killers aren't in lose/lose situation with permanent dead zones.
I think basekit 45 seconds is fine, it's the perks that could use tweaking if survivors are getting up too fast.
1 -
It kinda ruins my playstyle, cause I'll usually down a survivor, and if I hooked them recently, I'll just leave them cause ik that'll get someone off a gen, but now it's just a survivor out of commission for 45 seconds, which I mean I guess isn't terrible, but I feel like the before situation is better pressure
1 -
It is overall better to have someone occupied picking up their team-mate. But you also have the ability to end the match instantly at any point. I don't think going for the 4 man slug is going to be the strategy most of the time. Mostly it will make hooking and keeping mobile stronger by incapacitating survivors.
1 -
This is a problem. I think UB should have its 100% increase the first pick up, then 50% the second, and 0 for every time after that. It still remains a powerful counter with some usage, but it's not a mistake eraser. The first pick up would be 22 seconds, second pick up would be around 30 something and then 45.
5 -
If managing your power is getting 1 down then you literally are better off with leatherface or billy. I know you don't want to use up all your meter but getting 1 down with your power consistently would literally mean you are a worse billy. I feel like the argument of knowing which people aren't gonna loop for a long time doesn't really work considering that all 4 can be good and then what? You don't get your power for a long time. This isn't every game but logically if this can happen it means that it's a skill issue on the survivors part.
I don't think oni is bad, but I do think that most maps are not fair for killer at all except nurse. Blood lodge? Strong tiles everywhere. Fractured cowshed? Strong tiles everywhere. The Game? Like you said pallet simulator. I feel like it's not a few maps that oni can struggle in. It's more probably half the maps maybe even more.
0 -
Basekit Unbreakable = Gen Speed-Up.
1 on the ground slugged, another one in the chase (why the killer slugged Nr. 1 - its called pressure).
At the moment, Survivor Nr. 3 has to come to pick Nr. 1 up and has to leave his gen.
With the changes, Survivor Nr. 3 can just continue working, because the slugged Nr. 1 dont need him. This results without a doubt in faster gen-speeds, the 10sec extra time was nice, but its already eaten up by the devs withr the release of Hyperfocus. Instead of increasing the gen-time, they should nerf Toolboxes and Medkits btw.
Its 1. faster Gens and 2. more a 1v1+1+1+1 game then a 1v4 game. Teamwork is almost unnecessary anymore.
Well, at least SoloQ gets some helps with this, I guess.
4 -
I agree: the unbreakable change is actually fine overall. It's practically never happened for me to leave a survivor for long on the ground, and it does prevent a very boring part of the game. Besides, even 22.5 seconds is okay for me if they use the perk Unbreakable, as again they aren't often down that long.
What causes the issue is the Mori change which actually encourages slugging to get the win. What seems to happen is the game turns into a trial of being knocked down, then getting up after 45 seconds, only to be knocked down again as the killer continues the slog for the win. The game becomes the same as before, but just more frustrating.
Basically, I like the unbreakable changes, but the Mori idea has got to be removed - it's way too problematic and causes many more issues than it solves, and personally it's not solving anything important anyway.
1 -
It may not impact too much, but it is too much to be added in. I could say 45 seconds after the person recovers to the point where they need help (that would let UB remain the same at least).
That is obviously my biggest nuisance that it's just 45 second after being downed.
0 -
Ok hear me out..... flashlights and sabo gets the biggest buff ever with this update.
Flashlights threaten killer and make it so they cant pick up... solution: slug the survivor.
Sabotages cause a denial of a rightly earned hook state.... solution slug the survivor till the hook returns. At that point the survivors can use flashlights to help make sure you cant pick up.
Ive gone against bully squads many times. Ive won against bully squads many times. Ill tell you. I have never been more frusturated in this game than when ive played against bully squads (and thats saying a lot because this game is very frustrating at many points)
I get it... nobody wants to slug for 4 minutes across the map. Thats why the devs should be working on improving information across all survivors. Let all survivors know what the other survivors are doing. Maybe add a way to ping your indended objective (like if your running to a slug or a hook you can ping the aura so people know you are on your way to it.) Once solo survivors are on the same playing field as swf then we can balance things better. Changes like this however are sure to help solo-q a little and SWFs a lot. These changes will also bring a greater rift between balance at high and low mmr. With such a rift, people at low mmr will believe the killer is too op while at higher mmr with more competitive players the killer barely has a chance. These are problems that need solved first. Its easier to balance a scale than it is to balance a circular see-saw.
Once the balance between solo-Q and Swf AND balance between high mmr and low mmr is achieved THEN we should start the balance between killers and survivors. If you balance everything on a moving scale the balance will never be good enough.
1 -
Its the fact that A survivors get a free super strong perk as it is for free and B bringing the perk will make it even stronger,, if UB recovery speed gets nerfed to be 10 20 30 or even 40 % its gonna be much more bearable,, i dont wanna play vs a competent sabo squad with 4 UB
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I think twins will be better if take away the time from going from victor to Charlotte. It takes like 5 seconds to recover from downing someone, then transfer to charlotte. Takes forever.
2 -
Well you also have to consider there will be opportunities to get more than a single down. I'm just saying that his anti-loop is insane and having one hook with half of your gauge is still a really good position to be in for the future. Especially when the chase only lasts around 10 seconds. Bubba and Billy still don't have nearly as good mobility nor chase that Oni has in his power as well. Considering you aren't stunned if you collide with objects. Only if you miss or get pallet stunned, which isn't really longer than 3 seconds.
Map design is more of its pretty bad, yeah. I wish these map reworks would've addressed the problems with their spawns. Blood-lodge usually isn't too terrible for me from my experience but I've also seen it get pretty bad.
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Honestly this would probably be the better route. Seeing all of this update in action I don't really feel so good about it anymore. It feels kinda hastily made. But it's only a test so I don't think it's going to roll out to live very soon. Hopefully not in the state it is now.
The strongest killers just got stronger. Way stronger. But so did certain survivor strategies.
I don't think survivors being able to deny a hook state is a big problem itself. But as a lot of people have mentioned it wont be hard for 4 man sabo squads to put on anti-slug perks and basically make it impossible for you to kill them. Flashlights aren't so hard to deal with most of the time, but if these situations become common, Lightborn might actually become more than a trolling perk.
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The fact that people are focusing on Unbreakable instead of the new Last Standing mechanic is really mindboggling to me...
Enjoy your 2min games on PTB xD
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Yea idk why they made it even easier to kick Victor. This was a nerf in a lot of ways and I really hope the twins update comes sooner.
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Hex: Blood Favour can help with that.
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Okay i have to admit, i completely forgot about that perk.
But we both know how viable and "long living" hex perks are nowadays.
Also we look at a niche hex perk vs a potentially always viable deny load out.
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Yeah, I wasn't being sarcastic about it. I totally forgot about it, I'm not even sure why it's a hex perk. It should just be a general perk.
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I think with the unbreakable changes killer adepts will be more difficult. Like a 100% hatch chance.
And the snitching teammates in the endgame can just crawl to you and stand up whenever they want.
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I’m not disputing Charlotte’s window to get there is smaller, but It doesn’t take 20 seconds to switch to Charlotte and walk across the map even from end to end.
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Yes, you should freak out.
DS, SG, UB the new build. Slug me for the 4k.
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Actually, it's longer.. Remember, it's about 8 seconds from when you hit the switch from Victor to when Charlotte actually starts moving. And don't forget multi-level maps that make things even worse for Twins in particular.
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To be fair, this is what most of the negative reaction has been to.
- 22s is ridiculous. I can already see situations where you'd down someone as Twins and they'd be back up before you reach them, so we're basically back to dribbling.
- Sabo/Oak/UB squads stalling games out as badly as prenerf Boil Over squads did, especially on maps where 1-2 sabos can render huge chunks of the map unhookable.
UB needs to be reworked into something else, I think, and Twins need a rework.