With phase 2 of the prestige catch-up mechanic will there be compensation for people who prestiged

kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710
edited September 2022 in General Discussions
  • Phase 2 of our Prestige Catchup mechanic: Characters which were level 50 prior to the 6.1.0 update will receive 2 Prestige levels, as if they had been prestiged before the update.

Not sure which mod to tag to try to get an answer on this.

So prior to the patch I among others prestiged a bunch of characters to get them to be boosted to tier 3 in the patch, 25 in my case, at least half of which i took from level 1 to 50 and prestiged.

In this process I lost millions of BP worth of items, offerings, and add-ons, had i known about this second stage I probably wouldnt have bothered and just waited it out on most of them.

So my question is will there be compensation for players who prestiged pre patch and lost out on a bunch of stuff?

Not making any demand but maybe the 2 bonus prestiges could apply to people who prestiged in the month before the patch or something.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • fengminenjoyer
    fengminenjoyer Member Posts: 62

    The fact that we got a portrait that only we can see the very first time was a joke. Dont expect anything this time around either lol

    At least being given something that other players can see would have meant something for those who care about bragging rights but not even that.

  • oporopolist
    oporopolist Member Posts: 69
    edited September 2022

    "They even SPECIFICALLY left out people who had their character to P3 level 50."

    You are missing the point I think. Why would their be a boost for P3L50? You already got P9 for them. The whole point was +2 bonus P for each of the *****old 3 levels***** of prestige!

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    The maximum level of prestige is 100 though, why wouldn't I like to have a boost like everyone else?

    What's the point of NOT giving the bonus level to people who were P3?

  • d3vi1
    d3vi1 Member Posts: 60

    Personally I like this prestige catchup. I checked on PTB and I've got +1/2 prestiges on many killers and making my goal to get all killers to at least P3 way easier.

  • oporopolist
    oporopolist Member Posts: 69

    You did get the bonus for being P3. The maximum prestige before the update was 3. If you were P3L50 before the update, you got the bonus for each of your prestige levels, 1, 2 and 3. There wasn't a bonus for being P4 - there wasn't a P4 before the update. So it doesn't make sense why you would get a retroactive extra bonus now, for being P3 LVL50. ie. nearly P4 before the update. There was no P4 before the update, and no bonus for being P4!

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170
    edited September 2022

    And people who were P1 level 50 already got their 2 bonus prestige levels when the update dropped.

    Why would they get 2 more now? They didn't prestige before the update losing all the items, addons and perks in the process. That's what the bonus levels were for.

    Don't argue that the update treaded people who were P3 level 50 correctly, because it did nothing BUT that. I can list you the reasons if you want, this add only salts to the pre-existing wound.

  • oporopolist
    oporopolist Member Posts: 69

    The point I am making is that it was never advertised that you would get anything beyond a bonus for P1, P2, and P3. (Plus the other bonuses for perks.)

    I prestiged a bunch of characters the night before 6.1.0. With the benefit of hindsight I should have left them at P0L50. Am I going to get retroactively compensated for the perks/add-ons/items I lost.... It appears if I had waited, I could have had my cake and eaten it.

    The whole point of getting a bonus for each level of prestige obtained prior to 6.1.0, was to compensate for the loss of blood points (add-ons/items/perks) you lost by prestiging. Wasn't it the case that prior to 6.1.0, anyone on P3L50, was forever on a level 50 blood web. there was no loss to be compensated for, because there wasn't a P4, and there wasn't a loss of add-ons/items/perks, by prestiging from P3 to P4. Anyone on P3L50 received a bonus for their P1,P2, and P3.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    When this presitage catch up is coming? I had all my character level 50 at least before the update but I have prestigated now basically all my killers to at least P3. But many survivors are still P1.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    Countless flans and cakes were sacrifieced to get +2 bonus levels to get all perks unlocked and here we are with +2 levels anyway. I can't understand why didn't they warn us about that. I know I made a decigion to sacrifice those offerings and items but if I could get SAME result without doing so why would I prestige and sacrifice?

    You know what's more interesting? My P3-50 Felix got +2 levels too. He's 17 prestige live and 19 prestige PTB. I thought it may be intended as compensation for promised P11, but now I understand it's bug and will be fixed, lol.

    Before the update we were promised to get bonus for being P3 AND having perk tiers. Then they removed part of those bonuses by capping prestiges on level 9 and lowered this reward even more by making every prestige counts as two. So there was no difference betwen P3-lvl1 and P3-lvl50-plus-all-possible-perks although you can see the difference in spent time and BPs clearly.

    I have only one super-main survivor, Felix was only one P3-lvl-50 with all perks but after the update he wasn't any different from any other survivour even though I spent much more BPs into him. If there was no cap will all same rules, P3-lvl1 would be P9 and P3-all-perks would be P15 (P3 into P9 and all perks into additional 6 prestiges).

    Yes, there wasn't P4, but yes, it would be good to get a proper prestige equivalent for this "level of dedication" or whatever they call it. It's kinda sad they ignore "true" dedication. P15 is nice reward for P3-all-perks, even despite the fact I, for example, spent millions BPs above perks limit. And it's not THAT high, 15/100 is super low number still. But nope. All of us with P3-50 mains were scratched out once before with P9 cap and again with no additional levels of prestige. I'm not super angry but looks kinda crappy and not so "catch-y up" as they claimed, if you ask me :/

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170


    100% this

    Let's do some math

    People who had a Character P0 level 50 (all perks) before the update:

    0 bonus prestige levels because they were P0

    6 bonus prestige levels because they had all perks

    Prestige level after update: 6

    Prestige level after the second catch-up mechanic: P8

    People who had a Character to P1 level 50 (all perks) before the update:

    2 bonus prestige levels because they were P1

    6 bonus prestige levels because they had all perks

    Prestige level after update: 9

    Prestige level after the second catch-up mechanic: P11

    People who had a Character to P2 level 50 (all perks) before the update:

    4 bonus prestige levels because they were P2

    6 bonus prestige levels because they had all perks

    Prestige level after update: 9 (prestige was capped to 9 for some reason, so 3 prestige levels were ignored here)

    Prestige level after the second catch-up mechanic: P11

    People who had a Character to P3 level 50 (all perks) before the update:

    6 bonus prestige levels because they were P2

    6 bonus prestige levels because they had all perks

    Prestige level after update: 9 (prestige was capped to 9 for some reason, so 6 prestige levels were ignored here)

    Prestige level after the second catch-up mechanic: P9

    In conclusion:

    P0 level 50 all perks? Prestige 8

    P1 level 50 all perks? Prestige 11

    P2 level 50 all perks? Prestige 11

    P3 level 50 all perks? Prestige 9

    Nothing wrong here, right?

  • fcb
    fcb Member Posts: 159

    will the killers get P3 if I update them to P1, now?

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580
    edited September 2022

    >> Anyone on P3L50 received a bonus for their P1,P2, and P3.

    Fix: anyone on P3LVL1 received a bonus for their P1, P2 and P3. P3lvl50 and P3lvl50+whatever-you-spent-above get nothing.

    There was a whole page of thoghts and math but @Lycidas did it faster and shorter. I just want to add couple things:

    1) You can't say "there was no P4". There was no P4, but P0-all-perks were lifted to P6. They got 6 levels even though P3 was max, based on their perks only. P1-all-perks got 7. Now it's 8 and 9. Obviously P3max wasn't the case here.

    2) The whole point of catch up mechanic was to adjust your characters and grant them with proper prestige levels based on spent time and BPs, isn't that right? But somehow people with more investments get less compensation because their compensation for loosing 70 tiers of perks (by prestige) somehow negotiates the fact they've spent millions BPs to get another 320 later. Somehow 320 perk tiers on P0 is more valuable than prestige+prestige+320 perk tiers. You can't say they got their compensation for prestiges, P1lvl1 into P3lvl1, and P3lvl1 into P9lvl1 was the compensation for prestiging. But P1 got their compensation for perks and P3 - not. Why?..

    If there wasn't cath up thing based on perks, I wouldn't ask anything because only prestiges would metter. But perks WERE matter as we can see, just somehow they are less valuable when you hit P3 even though you clearly invested more.

    EDITED: Like, yes, p3 can't get reward for not prestiging because they can't prestige anyway. But the question is: why does this mechanic work this way in the first place? Why is it so illogical. If they compensate those who prestige - they don't. If they compensate those who chose not to prestige - they don't either, because P1 get much more value than p0 and p3. Why they reward people who decided not to prestige prior update? Yes, they decided to stack their items and didn't get prestiges, but what about all those people who sacrificed items to get those bonus prestiges? Both get same reward after all, what about lost items and offerings? Maybe, they reward people for not being care about update rewards? Well, I prestiged my Felix months ago, why isn't that rewarded too then? Isn't that kinda unfair too? That's why I ask why there were p9 cap, and why didn't they warn people about second catch up (I wouldn't prestige ANY on my survivors), and why this second catch up based on "not prestiging" hence includes only p0, p1 and p2.

    Again: why?..

    Post edited by hastarkis on
  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    This new catch up uses information from the old patch release. You can't affect it now, it's too late.

    If your killers were P0lvl50, P1lvl0 or P2lvl0 when prestige update were released they'll get +2 prestiges in next update. If your killers weren't lvl50 at that time - nothing will happen.

  • fcb
    fcb Member Posts: 159

    thanks I was about to play this game nonstop to P1 all my killers.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580
    edited September 2022

    You can't get those 2 levels now, you already got it when prestige update were released, you know? And those who got it earlier payed the price in offerings, addons and items.

    The problem is not you can't get those level or someone get it and you not. The problem is you got those levels with a price (sometimes pretty high) and now it's free, and you weren't warned it will be free later. Some people made pretty tough decision prestiging their p0 characters with tons of flans to save their time later, and they'd possibly prefer to wait two months and get those 2 levels without losing anything.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I prestige three level fifty’d every single killer. Unlocked every single tier three perk on every single killer.

    P3’d every single survivor. Unlocked every perk on fifteen of them.

    Now they are all P9L50 with red portraits. And to be frank, I do not really care that someone else is getting another prestige catch up.

    Just noticed this opinion was missing from this thread. Carry on.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Sure, but before they changed it, my p3lvl50 characters with all perks would be prestige 15-ish, and my character that was p0lvl50 would be about prestige 2.

    So yeah, they specifically left them out

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    Just noticed that people in that thread don't really care about "someone else", they puzzled about lack of logic behind all this system. This isn't another catch up, it's the same catch up. With different conditions. Opposite conditions, to be clear. All those who was trying to get max benefit out of new update were kinda missinformed and lost items they could save instead and get the very same result.

    Missinformation and lack of logic. That's the problem. Not someon else's levels.

    BTW, congrats with your achievent. I'd be glad you get P15 for your dedication but whatever.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Not really because I'm playing killer with no add ons or offerings to level up other killers to get their perks unlocked

  • BassGuitarRox
    BassGuitarRox Member Posts: 57

    This is what I found deflating too. I had Steve, Claudette and Dwight all completely maxed out with all the perks available at the time. When the prestige update dropped, they went to prestige 9 - the same as all my other survivors that I got to prestige 3 then never touched again once I got their bloody cosmetics. Felt really shortchanged by that. Definitely not a fair trade for the time and bloodpoints invested.