Chapter Concept: Alien
With Dead By Daylight being six years old now, close to seven now, it surprises me that Alien and Predator haven't made an appearance in the game yet. This concept would be cool, but likely not what we get, but we'll see. Here we go.
New Map: Nostromo
A commercial starship and resource transport, the Nostromo was once home to a crew of seven. However, an ill-fated landing on a distant planet, led to one of the crew bringing back on board a horror that had never been seen before. Now, this ghost ship has been brought into the Entity's realm, where the Survivors can live through its horror first-hand.
New Map: Hadley's Hope
Home to 158 colonists, Hadley's Hope was a "Shake 'n Bake" colony formed by the mega corporation Weyland-Yutani on the colony world LV-426. However, all 158 colonists quietly disappeared, seemingly overnight. Now that the Entity has pulled the colony into its realm, it is clear that their disappearance was anything but quiet.
New Killer: The Xenomorph
A creature with unmatched hostility and no remorse, The Xenomorph is regarded as the perfect organism by those who revere it's killing instinct. It's no wonder then, that The Entity brought one into its realm to hunt down and kill anything that moves.
The Xenomorph's power is: Lethal Hunter
Every part of The Xenomorph is deadly. Even its blood.
Special Attack: Pounce
The Xenomorph is incredibly strong and agile, and can leap forward great distances.
Press the Power Button to charge the power meter, and when fully charged, press the Attack Button to lunge forward. Hitting a Survivor with Pounce when they are uninjured will injure them and inflict the Deep Wound status effect.
If a Survivor is already in the Injured State, landing Pounce on them will immediately allow The Xenomorph to pick them up and carry them to a hook.
Special Environmental: Vents
Dotted across the map are vents that The Xenomorph can traverse through, potentially surprising Survivors nearby.
Press Ability Button 1 when near a vent to enter it, then press Ability Button 2 to travel to another vent while also gaining the Undetectable status until you exit a vent.
Survivors can temporarily block off vents, preventing The Xenomorph from using it for 15 seconds until it is repaired.
If a Survivor is within 5 meters of a vent The Xenomorph is in and they have been hooked twice, press the Attack Button to drag your unfortunate victim into the vent, killing them.
Vents are highlighted in a white aura for The Xenomorph
Special Enemy: Facehuggers
The Survivors have more to worry about than just The Xenomorph.
Scattered across the map are 3 Xenomorph Eggs that are highlighted in a green aura for The Xenomorph. These Eggs are dormant for 10 seconds after the trial starts. When they become active, any Survivor that gets within five meters of an Egg will cause it to hatch, which causes a Facehugger to pounce out of it and attempt to latch onto a Survivor's face. A new Egg will spawn every 10 seconds after one has been triggered, but are dormant for 10 seconds.
If a Facehugger latches onto a Survivor, they scream, revealing their location to both The Xenomorph and other Survivors. After 10 seconds, the Facehugger will detach from the Survivor, however it has implanted an embryo inside them, afflicting them with the new Infested status effect. Survivors afflicted with the Infested status effect are now living on borrowed time, and must find a way to remove the embryo inside of them, before the end of a 60 second inubation period.
Survivors can find Operating Tables around the map, but using it requires two Survivors. One to operate, and one to have an embryo removed. Operating Tables are highlighted in a white aura to Infested Survivors.
At the end of 60 seconds, if a Survivor hasn't removed the embryo, a Chestburster emerges from them, killing them.
The Xenomorph comes with three Perks.
It's first Perk is called: Rapid Infestation
Your species expands rapidly once you've infested enough hosts.
For each Survivor afflicted with a status ailment, such as Deep Wound, Mangled, Hemorrhage, etc., this perk gains a Token up to maximum of 3/4/5.
For each Token this Perk has, Survivors healing, cleansing, or repairing generators suffer from these reductions.
1 Token: Repair, healing and cleansing speed are reduced by 5%
2 Tokens: Repair, healing and cleansing speed are reduced by 10%.
3 Tokens: Repair, healing and cleansing speed are reduced by 15%. Opening an exit gate takes 5 seconds longer.
4 Tokens: Repair, healing and cleansing speed are reduced by 20%. Opening and exit gate takes 5 seconds longer. Unhooked Survivors suffer from the Oblivious status effect until healed.
5 Tokens: You can kill the last Survivor by your own hand.
It's second Perk is called: Game Over
When the last generator is repaired, this Perk activates.
Survivors opening an exit gate suffer from the Exposed status effect for as long as they are opening it. The Survivor remains Exposed for 6/9/12 seconds whenever they stop opening the exit gate.
"Well that's it! Game over, man! Game over!"-Hudson.
It's final Perk is: Scourge Hook: Acid Burn
Start the trial with 1/2/3 Scourge Hooks. Scourge Hooks are highlighted in a white aura for the Killer.
When a Survivor rescues a Survivor from a Scourge Hook, that Survivor loses a health state and suffers from the Broken status effect for 10/20/30 seconds.
"Haven't seen anything to that except... molecular acid."-Captain Dallas.
New Survivor: Ellen Ripley
The only survivor of the Nostromo crew, 3rd Officer Ellen Ripley emerged from that hell a different woman. Emerging from cryosleep 60 years later, Ripley was sent to Hadley's Hope as a consultant, but soon found herself facing the very terrors she barely escaped last time.
As she moved through the colony, Ripley was suddenly enveloped by a thick Black Fog, and soon found herself back on the Nostromo. But she knew full well that the silence was a prelude, and a familiar hiss confirmed her suspicions.
The ship was dead, but she was far from alone.
Ripley comes with three Perks.
Her first Perk is called: Last Survivor
You're used to being the last one standing. It's no different here.
When a Survivor is hooked by the Killer for the first time, this Perk gains a Token up to a maximum of 3.
When you are the last Survivor alive, consume all Tokens, spawn the Hatch in the main building, if the map has a main building.
Her second Perk is called: Firebomb
Using what's available to you is what's kept you alive, and here it's more important than ever.
After repairing a generator 70%/60%/50% of its progress this Perk activates.
Press Active Ability Button 2 while being chased by the Killer to drop a firebomb behind you, which creates of wall of fire that can block off the Killer stopping them from chasing you.
Once used, this Perk deactivates.
Her final Perk is called: Access Denied
No one is expendable.
When you or a Survivor is put into the Dying State, call upon The Entity to block off the 2/3/4 closest Hooks where you or a Survivor was downed for 25 seconds.
Access Denied has a cooldown of 80/70/60 seconds.
The Xenomorph impales the downed Survivor with its tail, before raising them up from the ground. It hisses at them before head biting the Survivor and tossing their body to the ground.
Vent Kill.
The Xenomorph grabs the death hooked Survivor's leg, pulling them off their feet and dragging them into the vent screaming.
Chestburster Kill.
The Survivor groans in pain while clutching their chest, falling to their knees before screaming when the Chestburster break out of them. It leaves and they fall to the ground dead.
Attack animation.
The Xenomorph's basic attack is with its bladed tail.
Speed: 4.6 mps.
Terror Radius: 24 meters.
Size: Large.
Skins: Praetorian. Runner. Predalien.
Ripley Skins: Amanda Ripley. Resurrection. Prisoner.
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NO. Let that meme die.
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Are you?
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The Xenomorph's base properties are already a bit rocky. Full movement speed but a 24 meter terror radius? With a pounce that likely rivals Demo or Wesker in range, such a low terror radius could cause problems. If this version of the Xenomorph was stealth related, it could work, but it isn't, so I'd say it should stick to the standard 32 meter terror radius.
While the power combines basically every possible ability for the Xenomorph (except its wall climbing or tracking abilities) into one power, I wouldn't say it's for the benefit of the concept. The pounce is effectively identical to Wesker's first dash, it seems, even down to picking up a downed Survivor. This isn't a flaw by itself, however it could severely hamper the Xenomorph's identity.
The vent system works well, although it has shades of the Dredge and a few of the specific numbers for it are off. I do think the "vent kill" is thematic and a nice inclusion, however.
The real meat comes with the face hugger ability. This ability has been made multiple different ways on these forums, and while I personally have no problem with the constant use of it due to how ingrained it is with the Xenomorph, I tend to not enjoy the concepts that use it and I am incredibly iffy on this one in particular.
The face huggers can spawn anywhere without the Xenomorph needing to do anything to spawn them, they offer map knowledge (not only through the screen but also through how the new eggs spawn or what eggs are open), they disrupt gameplay extremely effectively at practically at random due to rng spawns, and my least favorite part of them: They kill you, instantly, in 1 minute.
There's no mention of the timer pausing while hooked or on the ground, there's no telling how long it could even take to have a SWF remove one of these due to how hectic matches of Dead By Daylight can get, if 2 or more Survivors are afflicted at once then 1 of them is almost guaranteed to die as well. This power does everything for the Xenomorph, while not requiring setup. Getting the eggs to activate could be a pain, but rng dictates some of them will spawn in the middle of shack, or in the middle of a hallway.
How would I fix that? I'd personally start with maybe removing the pounce and focusing more on the eggs. The pounce is done by many other killers and concepts, and a trapping Killer with mobility via vents would give the Xenomorph a unique playstyle. Second, the Xenomorph needs to work to set eggs up, as them spawning by themselves is simply too strong. Third, they should absolutely have side effects, but that side effect shouldn't be immediate death.
The Pig has Jigsaw Boxes, which give you multiple minutes to remove them without consequence and the Pig only gets 4 of them. Side effects could be blindness, obliviousness, having reduced action speeds without doing an extended action to remove the embryo (the tables can persist for this purpose), etc. There's plenty of opportunities, even down to just having the face hugger deal 1 health state of damage but be able to chase Survivors to distinguish eggs from the Trapper's traps.
Onto the perks;
I really don't know what to think about Rapid Infestation. It does a lot, but all of its values are too low to realistically mean anything. The way it gains tokens is really interesting, but I think finding a specific effect to work on for it, or otherwise streamlining the design could do wonders for it. Thinking more Save the Best For Last and less Devour Hope, which seems to have been the inspiration here.
A possible change could be changing it to extend the duration of negative status effects and reduce the duration of positive ones?
Game Over faces exceptionally stiff competition from NOED and No Way Out, both amazing end game perks that do what it does better. Game Over could be a hook based perk instead, or if you like the idea of it being an endgame perk, be more focused on tracking the remaining Survivors than killing or trapping them, which are NOED's and No Way Out's specialties, respectively?
Acid Burn is a bit messy. For one, it is standard for there to be 4 Scourge Hooks generated by a Scourge Hook perk (if you run multiple you still only get 4, but 4 remains the standard). Acid Burn having less causes some odd questions, such as which Scourge Hook trait takes precedent? The higher number, the lower number, do they add together? Standardizing this part of the perk would make it more consistent with other Scourge Hook perks, and cause less complicated questions.
Onto the effect itself; I can see why Acid Burn has less Scourge Hooks than other Scourge Hook perks. What happens if the unhooker is injured, are they downed? This perk has potential in concept I think, but the specific idea isn't working well for me. Mayhaps if it instead burnt away items? Like, Survivors unhooking another Survivor from a Scourge Hook have a massive reduction in charges their items have? It'd be niche but would still be thematic without being so incredibly powerful.
I'd love to read through the Ripley perks, but unfortunately I am ridiculously tired and need rest, so I'll get to them tomorrow in an edit.
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Aliens awesome.
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Thanks for the feedback. Sorry for not specifying the timer being paused, but if you're being chased, or if you're downed or hooked, then yeah the timer's paused. As for the Pounce, it's something the Xenomorphs do a lot in the movies, to both knock down their prey and drag them back to the Hive to infest them.
As for the Eggs, they respawn after ten seconds, but do so dormant, so it takes about twenty seconds for a new Egg to be ready.
For Acid Burn, no a Survivor who's already injured doesn't go down, but is still given the Broken Status Effect.
For Rapid Infestation, I actually drew inspiration from Hex: Pentimento in terms of how it works. I do however, like your idea of extending the duration of status ailments, but maybe not reducing the duration of status buffs. I can see that encouraging tunneling since that would give the unhooked Survivor less protection time.
I also like your idea for Game Over being more for tracking down the Survivors. It's pretty good, I'll admit.
All in all, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Let me know what you think of Ripley's perks. I'd like to hear what you think of them.