Why some gen perks have cooldown and the other ones don't?

vBlossom_ Member Posts: 567
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

I still don't understand why Surge or Overcharge don't have a cooldown.

On the other hand Oppresion or Dragon's Grip or Eruption have cooldown.

It is inconsistent that some generator regression perks have cooldown and some do not.

Besides, why continue to be able to overlap multiple perks that have the same effects? Why can a killer kick a generator with Call of Brine and Overcharge and the regression overlaps?

Why does the penalty for knocking down a survivor with Surge and Eruption regression adds to each other?


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Cause Oppression effects multiple Gens

    Dragon's Grip gives Survivors exposed

    Both effects are strong in their own right

    Jolt can effect multiple Gens but the Killer needs to be nearby and a Survivor to be downed but countering it is as simple as not being chased where Gens are (go toward completed Gens... if there any)

    Overcharge still has that stupid skillcheck but messing with the regression rate isn't all that good (for the most part) and countering it is a Gen tap away

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,963

    Jolt had a cooldown. It was excessively long.

    Oppression needs its cooldown removed, not the other way round. Or at the very least, significantly reduce the cooldown.

    Dragon’s Grip’s cooldown I can understand, but it’s still too long for when it doesn’t trigger at all.

    I’m indifferent towards Eruption’s cooldown.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    No cool down on Oppression... so Ruin but requiring the occasional kick and no hex to destroy it? Don’t think so.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,963

    That’s fair, actually. I just think the cooldown it has currently is way too long.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,613

    I would give overcharge a cooldown to remove overspam. But other than that everything else seems pretty logical why it does.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    I can see it being lowered to 60 seconds.. 45 or 40 might be pushing it. Nothing lower than that.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Im not advocating for a Surge nerf but wouldn't it be in the exact same positioin as Oppression for effecting multiple Gens?

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Oppression with no cooldown would be pretty overtuned, especially in a 3 or 4 gen situation.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,215

    I do think Overcharge could use a cooldown.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Oh no I feel that... Don't get me wrong

    Oppression effects random Gens (up to 3)... so you could Kick a Gen on one side of the map and a Gen on the other side of the map could be effected by Oppression... you can't get that with Jolt which only effects Gens in 32M (or TR... can't remember)

    And it's not like Jolt cause it doesn't increase Gen regression (by a %)... but leaves it at .25C/S but with Jolt there's (I'm not sure of it) 5% of progress lost

    Can you imagine if Oppression lost it's cooldown... Kicking Gens would be the way to go (especially with Overcharge, Call Of Brine and Eruption being what they are)

  • cluxdx
    cluxdx Member Posts: 168

    Some regression perks have differing cooldowns and some have none at all because that helps differentiate them, and they all have different values and activation conditions.

    Eruption has no cooldown because you have to kick every gen you want to use it on, and when you use it it deactivates on all of those gens, forcing you to again kick them. Jolt/Surge had its cooldown removed because it's already dependent on Terror Radius and your ability to down survivors. Call of Brine and Overcharge also are dependent on a gen being left unattended for relatively long periods of time and again require a kick to work.

    Stacking conditions on conditions is what restricts a lot of perks to being bad, like Furtive Chase and old Dead Man's Switch.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Yes I guess when people run triple slowdowns it could be oppressive in that scenario. I have never run that much slowdown but I guess some people do and I suppose I can understand it on weaker killers.

    But for my 2 cents, Overcharge is a terrible perk that only affects new survivors who may get caught out. Jolt (Surge) is often situational for me, some matches I do get value from it but many the value is limited at best and adding a cooldown would make it useless a lot of the time.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    Jolt - You need to get multiple downs in order for this to work. Plus it used to have a cooldown

    Overcharge- It doesnt immediately give you value (as a matter of fact it actually starts with a debuff). Plus it can easily be removed

    Eruption- Removes 10% on multiple gens with a very basic condition and makes survivors useless for 25 seconds

    Dragons grip - Can potentially win you the entire game if you get a lucky insta down

    Oppression - Tbf the cooldown on this perk is absurd but i can see why its there. You can make up to 3 gens regress. If the survivors need to heal, unhook, do your devour hope (basically you have a ton of pressure on them) then this perk can be really damaging

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,719

    Surge already multiple conditions; You have to get a down, it has to be within 32m, and it has to be an M1. A cooldown feels pretty redundant.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,215
  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,613

    Its like old ruin but you can just kick over and over to make stuff hell.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,215

    For your sake, I am glad you don't have my Survivor games.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,215


    It hugely punishes players who can't hit the skill check but it does nothing to people who can.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    Yeah, on its own it's not really oppressive. It's just like a lot of things. Balanced in a vacuum and broken in synergy. I've had quite a few games since 6.1 went live where the killer loaded in only to kick 3 or 4 gens with CoB/Overcharge/Eruption and would not commit to anything outside of that gen stack. People will say "just break the 3 gen 4head", but Eruption inevitably puts you in timeout by the time you have 50% on one. And then it's 20+ minutes of that attrition style "gameplay".

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    gen kicking perks are total waste of time for the killer because of 4vs1 nature of the game. spending 10-15 second to walk to a gen and kick it is 10-15 seconds that everyone else can work on generator because the killer is not generating kill-pressure. in my opinion, gen-kicking regression type perks are made for 3 gen's. adding cooldown to call of brine and overcharge would entirely defeat purpose of those perks.

    I think only way for killer get rewards from gen-kicking perks would be to allow killer to kick mutiple generators from 1 generator kick. I think oppression 80 second cooldown would make way more sense if it applied all perks to all 4 generators. For example, if a killer has pop+eruption+dragon grip, it applies pop+eruption+dragon grip on all 4 generators. kicking gens is too time-consuming for to little reward compare to chasing survivors.

    its big reason why hex:ruin was popular perk because killer want game-delay but they do not want spent time doing side-objectives to get it because it defeats purpose of game-delay. your adding game-delay to yourself to game-delay opponent. its not worth it at that point.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,123

    Surge\Jolt was changed to have no cooldown to discourage survivors from being careless and putting themselves at unnecessary risk while rushing the killer. Essentially, it punishes squads who just flood to the killer to do bodyblocking. With no cooldown, now they have to be more considerate about where they are throwing all their people at. If the killer is running jolt\surge, then it actually hitting multiple times is entirely on the survivor team.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited October 2022

    That's kind of the point though. If survivors play a 3 gen correctly to the point that it takes the killer 20+ minutes to resolve it because survivors keep running to the correct area and don't die in the 3 gen, the killer probably shouldn't win that game. And they've won because the perks are overtuned and they're getting too much regression out of them. There has to be some expectation for level of play at some point. Multiple Eruption regressions+25 second Incapacitated on a single down is ridiculous.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    You could make it exactly as you described and still nobody would run it. Just like nobody runs ruin. Base regression is garbage and the niche scenario of needing info/getting value out of some gen regressing and somehow no one tapping it is so niche there are far better perks to run.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    its problem with having continuous over-time effects instead of burst impact. that's why i like scourage hook pain res and old thanotophobia because these two perks strikes good balance between feeling like passive ability for the killer without taking too much agency away from survivor such as gen-blocking perks(corrupt, deadlock, dead man switch) and eruption(you standing at gen like a dummy for 25 seconds). Then there is people that use surge and your playing survivor, the perk hit your gen and you finish gen while killer is carrying a survivor to the hook. The reward just feels so low, That perk feels like it was designed to get regression for slugging but it has basic attack condition. ~shrug~

    The 3 gen is another killer vs survivor dug of war mechanic that is related to map size. Survivors want big maps sizes because it neuters 3 gen gameplay while killer want small map sizes because it makes it easy to 3 gen. killer complain that they cannot pressure generators when map size is big while survivor complain that the killer is making the game last forever from 3 gens. The survivors are able to use health-states as a weapon to get generator progression because killer cannot regress generator effectively once they have been progressed. for a normal killer, base-game, 3 gen is ineffective for the killer because the killer will lose from war of attrition. A large amount of over-time regression allow killer to compete with war of attrition while instant downs/low recovery allows killer to progressively get hooks in a 3 gen.

    Ideally I think 3 gens shouldn't work because the map should be big enough that all generator combination are spread out. The killer shouldn't rely on cheesy strategies to win. they should be winning from successful chases but bvhr tends to make a lot of killer weak at chasing with how most maps are if the survivor is good at looping. as a result, killer 3 gen because they're not confident in being able to win chases before all 5 generator pop. its another indirect form camping. hook camping replaced with gen camping.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Should be reworked rather than nerf lol

    oh wait, this perk has just been reworked recently...