What is the worst SoloQ Teammate you have had?

I had a match yesterday where I had this. I had an Ada who came with a key. Was she doing gens, unhooking, or keeping the Killer occupied? Nope, she was sneaking around waiting for the hatch to appear, the entire game (was able to see her with Bond). We escaped after I did 4 gens myself.


  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 938
    edited October 2022

    Had two Fengs in my match, this was like last year, but they both went on the same generator as me, and they both used Technician and purposely missed skill-checks to regress my generator down to 0%. Then they both sandbagged me during my chase and got me killed, never in my life I had felt such hatred for Fengs in my life.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Fortunately haven't run across malicious Survivors. I'd remember that for an entire year as well.

  • Jangles
    Jangles Member Posts: 377
    edited October 2022

    Had to remove the screen cause there was names on it sadge.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2022

    I only hate those who want to finish their "sabo X hooks" or open "X chests" in one game and they do it mindlessly. Like for example yesterday, we were working on last gen almost 90% and that jake decided all of a sudden to leave it and go sabo a hook, ended up killer pushing us away and snowballing.

    You can still finish your challenges but you don't need to commit in one game and ruin your team's game.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,846

    We'll let you pick. Was it:

    • The one who immediately went to the killer to die cause they didnt wana play against them? (Legion, Artist, Freddy last month)
    • The one who kept hidding in lockers and corners, never doing a thing? (Was first hook, DIED on first hook, spectated to specifically watch the dweet die)
    • The one who consistently lead the killer to me to lose chase? (Had both windows and bond and happened often enough in the middle of nowhere that its a reasonable guess that it was intentional)

    Vote today~

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Probably the duos who both get at stage 2 when we've only done 2 gens and they never do gens.

    The others one was a Leon who was blocking a doorway in RPD that led to the exit gate and we'd finished all gens. Annoys me to this day.

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    had a identical looking dwight duo yesterday who somehow were master loopers but then they use every opportunity to miss skillchecks. They also had cross plattform icon both and appeard pretty close to each other in the lobby. (only a few seconds between them spawning in) so im assuiming they were a duo swf trying to troll.

    Also had a trio swf a week ago or something, running around the killer trying to troll them, expecting me to do 5 gens by my own. After i told them how bad they played they said "doing gens is boring" wow... then dont play survivor x.x

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    i vote for number 3. Having teammates not doing anything is one thing but the accidently getting the killer towards you is worse.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 902
    edited October 2022

    Recently, had a Nea with a flashlight throwing the game at 2 gens left. We had a teammate dead. I was playing with my friend and they were running the killer. As I did a gen from 0-90 seconds all during their run, the Nea ran behind them the entire time waiting for them to go down so she could get a flashlight save. When my friend finally went down-I was working on the last gen Nea could have finished- the Nea missed the flashlight save and went down shortly after the attempt. My friend died, Nea died and I got hatch.

    I honestly don't know how teammates who don't do gens expect to make it out of the match. If that Nea had just done a gen we all could have made it out.

    Worse things teammates do:

    -Not doing gens

    -Hiding and not doing gens

    -Booning and not doing gens

    -In a locker and not doing gens

    -Going through chests when we are pressured and not doing gens

    -Going for all the saves and not doing gens

    -Following a survivor in chase around with a flashlight and not doing gens

    You get my drift.

    Post edited by feechima on
  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Too many to choose unfortunately. But just had one game lasting very long as my teammates just crouched on corner or something and didn't do gens agains't vad huntress. Well as I was effient ok gens and chase 2 of my teammates managed to escape the ones who hide the most and were not even hooked once.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,212

    Hard to single any particular teammate out. They fall into categories: weak link, intentionally throwing, etc. Matchmaking is what it is at this point. I don't think they're ever going to sacrifice queue times for match quality. So we're always going to have games where some teammates just aren't quite up to par through no fault of their own. It's easy to get mad in the moment, and I certainly do, but they're probably trying their best and the matchmaking algorithm just wanted to get a game together because queue times exceeded 4 seconds.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    First would be the ones that give up the instant something doesn't go their way, second would be myself.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    The ones who give up and refuse to improve. I consider them worse than any urban evader or self carer who is just doin their best, and I only hope they see their teammates play well and learn from it.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,860

    She was probably trying to do that annoying hatch challenge. I just got it this morning after DAYS of no luck. But she’s still a jerk for not participating. Even the times I brought keys and hatch offerings I still played normally so as not to screw my team over. My challenge was secondary.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Man, vindictive or mean spirited people who have Bond. I had one who literally just her purpose was to follow me around with Bond and make noise basically. XD

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    A Rebecca who kept body blocking windows and doors so I couldn't get away from the killer. She was specifically targeting me too, because she would follow me around the whole.match and do that. But she got her karma because the killer went after her and gave me hatch.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Man, you're asking me to sift through a hell of a list.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    Solo queues that have been matched with survivors who tell us why the kill rate is so high are bitterly disappointed.

  • fengminenjoyer
    fengminenjoyer Member Posts: 62

    I get awful teammates in general but some that stick out recently for intentionally throwing the match would be the worst.

    Got a Sheva yesterday who wasn't doing gens, only ran around and did gestures to the killer so he could find us. I figure she was friends with the killer cause he never chased her even if she was on his face and then they fooled around together in end game.

    A couple days ago i had a Jonah that just spent the entire match hiding and throwing ALL the pallets to let us all die so he could get hatch (which he didn't luckily).

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699
    edited October 2022

    I brought a BNP Toolbox into a trial, because I knew I'd be wasting a lot of time doing my Archive challenge (probably totem related, i dont remember). I set the BNP down in front of a single-person gen, so that whoever did it could get it done in reasonable time.

    David picked up the BNP, never used it, then lost the entire toolbox to Franklin's AFTER losing his own beemer to Franklin's.

    He then killed himself on first hook.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited October 2022

    Me when I find out whose been ruining my games

  • pocajohnny
    pocajohnny Member Posts: 219

    Too many to count my guy.... Mostly on console.. Also a few on PC surprisingly..

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    When three gens were left this guy was bodyblocking a one man gen just t-bagging the rest of us, leaving two gens close to each other on other side of map. That guy got hatch also so working with the killer, not nice. Players AFK all game is better teammates than that.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Does it count if they were friends with the killer on Steam, blocked me in a corner the first time they got a chance, then tbagged by the hook until I died? I mean they denied being caught in 4K as friends on Steam and even deleted eachother temporarily when called out, surely they wouldn't lie on the internet, that'd be crazy!

    Special shoutout to the person that brought a white ward and just locker hopped in the basement/shack until I died to snatch my event flashlight one time too. Like I gotta hand it to them that's kinda clever in a really garbage way but damn 😄

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    The ones who work with the killer to kill other survivors.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Mm last night, had a feng min who 2 gens and one hook into the game, (wasnt even her who was hooked) decided to deliberately get herself hooked in basement and suicide on hook. After being asked why they did that and told that it's a pretty scummy move, recieved a tirade about how we're all noobs and don't know how to play the game. Gotta love toxic teammates.

  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233

    Playing in a 3 man with some friends who were still new to the game, had a random Jake and went against a Clown. I get camped on hook, and see the Jake's Aura just crouching around while my friends try to get to me. Clown is camping also, and tunneled immediately after I got off hook.

    I swap POVs after dying to see that Jake is not doing gens at all. He's legit just crouching around back and forth next to my friend who was working on a gen! He had a toolbox and perks equipped for saving/sabotaging hooks too (We'll Make It and Saboteur iirc for two of his perks). Of course Jake ends up being the last one standing, and doesn't save either of my pals; they didn't even make an attempt to search for Hatch either, just sat and hid in a bush until Clown found it. Was right next to an Exit Gate, didn't touch it or dare go near it. Gets hooked in the end, thankfully. And Jake had all tier 3 perks too, so he's been playing for a while at least... The weird icing on the cake too is the Clown we're 100% sure was a bot because they were pretty blind for hooks and finding Survivors, and bottle aiming was weird.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I won't count any cheater/working with killer teammate because it's too obvious in my opinion.

    Frankly pretty much every Leon I get paired with against Plague will : unhook me -> get sick -> go cleanse -> come on the gen I'm (sick) working on -> get sick -> get cleansed -> go unhook the other sick person -> get sick -> get cleansed -> go back on a gen with a sick person, etc.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2022

    This one:

    I am Dwight and at this point nobody was coming to help me so I tried to trade hooks to save Quentin, but Wesker was console and I got grabbed. Rebecca FINALLY comes in for the save... or does she? 🤡

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    1) 3 swf committed to gens while I was facecamped by Doctor (looped him for two first gens and was the very first hook in the game). They didn't even try to exchange, repaired all three left gens (together with Proof) right by the time I died and then died too because of no way out and noed. At least I saw them unhooking each other, I was worried they don't know they can.

    2) Two randoms in The Game map were repairing gen in bathroom while I was hooked right under them in the basement. My swf friend were chased on the other side of the map, and those two goofed around this gen constantly changing repairing spots while I was dying below them. My friend was able to break the chase and save me after I hit second stage.

    3) Two shirtless Davids did nothing. They walked together, t-bagged in basement (saw them via Kindred), blocked me in the basement after I brought white glyph there, didn't repair. Killer didn't kill them because saw they do nothing, instead hooked them twice and let them be. They weren't trying to farm or give out positions of others and killer wasn't trying to farm either, it was just miserable and pointless game 2v3. Killer just killed two others (me and my friend) and proceed to farm points on Davids (or maybe even let them repair 4 gens and let them escape, I wasn't in the mood to spectate them so long). I don't know what were their intentions but... well.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Number two has happened to me too. People duo-ing a gen and another one chased and one of the duo only comes after I hit stage two or never.

    Another annoying part is when someone has no hooks and they never go for the save or trade healthstate but play all stealthy, when we could have saved someone that way and then they leave first once exits are opened or die on first hook lol.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 349

    me. im the worst solo q teammate ive ever had.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Outside of the pure malicious ones I would say the teammates that intentionally throw. The ones that urban evade around too scared to try for a save so I hit second stage or die I get frustrated by but they're new so I get over it. The teammates that DC or try to die on first hook, though, are just as bad as the actively malicious ones.