Final killer tierlist

Config Member Posts: 306
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

(Ps: spirit is above artist)

Best add-ons (mdr, pink finger, alchemist ring, range, iri seal, original pain, etc), strongest perks, the most meaningful strategy u can make on each killer (tunell with ph, protect a area/hooked survivor with hag, 3 gening as Wesker, tunelling someone with original pain, etc) all this is taken into account when making the tierlist + considering u mastered the killer.



  • I think you've overrated Demo and Wraith, and underrated Pinhead and Nemesis by a little bit.

    Also I really don't see Spirit as being that strong anymore unless you're always using Mother Daughter Ring and the Yakuyoke Amulet.

    She used to be one of the most bitched about killers of all time, and now you don't hear anyone so much as mentioning her at all.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Oh look. Someone over-rating Pyramid Head, the most over-hyped killer in the game.

    What a shock.

  • Config
    Config Member Posts: 306

    Hey, well I can completely understand, but spirit still having one of the strongest add-on selection in the game, she's S tier material with the better ones, if not she's a A tier killer. Wraith wasn't even a B tier killer to me before 6.2.0, but after the patch, with gen kicking being so strong, i definitely think he's way better and he has a pretty good addon selection, i find pinhead to be hard to rank, before I would say he's B tier, but with the deep wound change, he can tunell really ez and counter dh super well, although he's a solo q stomper, he suffers to strong teams, Nemi has the drawback of needing to hit 3 times, if it wasn't by this he could be even higher.

  • Config
    Config Member Posts: 306

    Hi, I have almost 3000 hours on the game, I play comp and I can tell u, pH is not overrated, after his nerf I thought he would be a lot weaker but he's still super strong, just harder, his anti loop is great, but that's not the major issue, he can tunell without worrying of any perk, or basekit bt. U can get someone out of the game in 2 minutes if u play correctly, but i respect ur pov

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Clown too high, Twins too low. Pretty good overall though.

  • Config
    Config Member Posts: 306

    Clown is pretty weak indeed, but with pink finger it can be quite strong, u have a ton of lethality if combined with the add-ons that allow u to carry + 2 bottles. twins are extremely strong killer, but they get kinda hurt by the endurance meta and the medikit + boon meta, if wasn't by that I would definitely rank them on the top of A.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 625

    Personally, I think Dredge is overrated. Outside of map traversal (and even then it's heavily RNG dependent), he doesn't really have many strengths elsewhere. His chase ability is easily negated by simply holding W which means against good players he gets looped hard not to mention is heavily reliant on addons that make his nightfall activate faster.

    Legion on the other hand I feel like is underrated. With his recent buffs, he's actually a pretty decent Killer who can spread pressure really easily. I'd put him in B tier above Doctor.

    Demo and PHead are a bit overrated imo but other than that I agree with the rest of the list.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Recent changes havent been kind to Hag, she is no longer A tier yet alone A+ imo

  • Config
    Config Member Posts: 306

    Hey, ya I can see why, boons and reassurance kind hurted her a lot, but she's still tremendously strong. If u are saying this based on otz video, otz was basing his self on the pth reassurance, even tough reassurance is extremely strong hag can still defend the perimeter for 30 extra seconds, I've playing hag since pH releases and not very much has changed, yes boons hurted her a lot, but even then people used medikits, and franklins is extra good on hag. Consider giving her another change and u will see why she's still so strong :)

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370
    edited October 2022

    Dunno about Otz vids, i was mainly saying this because of base kit BT. Somebody who gets unhooked can tear through your web around the hook and there is 0 things you can do about it. And they changed her so slugged people can trigger traps which is simply god awful. Dunno if they reverted that last change because i immediately dropped her at that point.

    Oh and OTR which hurts her kinda hard. And yea reassurance as well but thats not really meta so thats fine.

  • Config
    Config Member Posts: 306

    Hmmm, god point, at the same time, if u can hit them while they have otr, they will lose it, and if they step in a trap again they are dead, ds is not used anymore, it does bring big problems to hag, but i can be risky to do so

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    His torment trails are 100% in the hands of the survivors. If you tunnel with PH, it is because the survivors let you, because they walked into it.

    Ergo: they are bad survivors. If they walk into that within 2 minutes, they are VERY bad survivors.

  • Config
    Config Member Posts: 306

    Assuming they dodge every trail, then it means that u have the strongest anti loop in the game. By simply puting ur sword in the ground for 1 second in each loop u completely eliminates the loop.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Trapper in his own tier at the bottom? He's weak but I don't think the weakest

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Spirit is still very strong even without add ons, she just requires a different mindset than before.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    i dont agree spirit with no addons is counterable by hearing, if she brings the dumbo carry addons liek the mothers dwelling ring and the flower then is easy because u literally have adodns playing the game fot u, but with average addons she is not as strong as used to be.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    She can use survivors hearing her to her advantage at times, like making them think she’s going one way but goes the other.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    Especially not with his strongest addons, which the Original Post suggests are included.

    Double Iri Trapper is no joke.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,246

    I dont agree with your list.


    Mrs Bird is way to high, Hag is too high, Wesker is too high

    Wraith is too low, Nemi is too low, Trapper is way too low, Bubba, Ghostie and Myers are too low

  • Silasy
    Silasy Member Posts: 228
    edited October 2022

    Billy and Wraith way too high imo. They should be in the C.

  • Kirahie
    Kirahie Member Posts: 354

    Artist Is top 3 if played optimally. Cross map harassment and one of the best anti loop powers in the game is no joke.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    If addons are in play, I don't think Trapper is worse than Onryo. His gimmick seems more consistent and less of a slog to pull off. Instead of going for Sadakos condemn strategy I'd honestly rather pick Trapper and bring a Basement Offering with Lethal Pursuer +basement build and look for an immediate down.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Freddy is exactly where he belongs...

    it hurts my eyes and heart, but its the truth.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Here is my tierlist. B-Tier-Killers are close to each other, Piggys "new" RNG with more searches necessary than complete random is a huge deal. Myers is Top D-Tier because his variety and fun-factor. Sadako suffers the same like Wraith to Boons and Medkits etc. a lot without having a chase-power.

    My Freddy has lost almost every perk "designed for his kit". His main ability is teleporting to GENS, so his main perks are always GEN-Perks. With that being said, I just have to name them and u know how he suffers: Ruin, Pop, Undying, Tinkerer, (new) Dead Mans Switch. On Top of that, a lot of Perks are unusable, because they are Terror-Radius-based... and he has NO Terror-Radius in Dream... Issues over issues

    Trapper is last place, he should have Trapper-Sack Basekit, being also able to pick these up.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,549

    Apart from Wraith being stronger than Billy, Nemi and Doctor I think overall this is pretty accurate. Although Myers can really only be considered this strong if he uses Tombstone Piece, else he crumbles. The thing about Wraith is that he has no qualities that are absolutely insane. He has a bit of map mobility but it's no match for Billy, his anti-loop is basically non-existent and his increased kicking and vaulting speed while cloaked don't make much of a difference. Not to mention 2.5% of gen regression for a kick is not that big of a deal. The 3 killers below him all excel in one aspect to a point where they can compensate for their weaknesses. I don't see that for Wraith.