All of you crying about the Survivor experience. (specifically VS Killer)

Please stop being bad at the game. I get you somehow think you are super cool and great at the game because you have a flashlight, but that flashlight doesn't give you much of a benefit. I mean, I can literally still hear you running away, I just follow the sounds. That sweet flashlight blind is doing you pretty much zip, you'd be better off trying to gain ground.

I am serious, I don't know whats wrong with you people. I am literally playing Hillbilly on Lery's, the game is already in your favor just based on RNG. Just stay away from me. DON'T come and crowd up around him trying to go for the flashlight save. Don't bodyblock and take hits. Super cool dude! You guys took 2 hits and the dude got off my shoulder, guess what? You just took 2 downs and 2 hooks gaining that save, you didn't do jack.

I think I've finally figured out why everyone cries so much about the Survivor experience. It's literally because you suck at this game. STOP. GETTING. CAUGHT. It's literally the name of the game. You wanna loop me? Great, do that, WHEN I CATCH YOU. Loop me for 5 gens, AFTER I catch you. Until that time, hide, sneak, and stay hidden. Getting caught, ESPECIALLY when I have an insta-down power.

I will NEVER listen to another whiny Survivor cry about how unfair this is, as long as I have idiots running right into me when I'm holding a chainsaw. I won't. Cry me more rivers to float down.
