How Are We Feeling About The State Of The Game?

The community is normally pretty outspoken about how they feel about the game, but I think it would be nice to have an area where people can better collect and express their thoughts.

How do I feel about the game? It's okay, but it could be way better, there are obviously issues in regards to game health. Here are some stuff I want to fix/introduce it:

  • better Anti-Cheat developments (in the works)
  • more server-side checks to reduce the effectiveness of lag switching as well as reducing how much power the client has over server information (might be in the works, not too sure)
  • BP incentives for killer/survivor to promote more unique character selection
  • SoloQ QoL
  • more perk buffs/reworks, rebalancing over-tuned perks on both sides
  • item reworks and killer power reworks (looking at you Twins)
  • map reworks to make things more fair on both sides (Eyrie of Crows, Garden of Joy, The Game etc)
  • increased Iridescent Shard rates (IS grind increases whenever new stuff are introduced, I feel as if this is being slept on)
  • redoing some map tiles (off-brand TL walls should not count as if they have pallets in the game's code, give them a pallet or remove the part where it counts as a tile with a pallet)
  • cross-progression/save for all platforms
  • account merging for existing platforms (limited time after cross-progression/save comes out)


  • FentV1rus
    FentV1rus Member Posts: 112

    Currently, my only issue is ragequitting/DCing. I mainly play killer, and I'm pretty good at it. The amount of DCing just gets overly boring. Every 3 to 4 games I have one to two DCs, often times I have them more frequent than that. It is almost always the first person to go down that DCs, and it's usually people who seemingly have a lot of hours in the game (if I'm able to view their profile).

    The few times I do play survivor, having a random teammate DC is even more frustrating because it pretty much puts you in an unwinnable situation if the killer is even halfway decent.

    Sadly, I don't know what BHVR can really do to solve this issue penalty wise. The only thing I see coming from harsher penalties, is people who have a true disconnect suffering because of other salty players.

  • Flawless_
    Flawless_ Member Posts: 323

    All the crap you mention is insignificant and not worth allocating resources to cause nobody cares. Really skilled players can adapt instead of whining. What players REALLY want is Moris, Moris every game in the same, predetermined location each time. Only one per match though. Nerf Pig plz.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    Better than ever and it will continue to improve. I'm really looking forward to the roadmap for next year.

  • Odawg241
    Odawg241 Member Posts: 65

    Most others have already said everything that's wrong with actual gameplay, I'm a little irked and worried about the crossovers recently and how they seem to be trying to distance themselves from horror.

    I'm fine with some non-horror stuff getting cosmetics, but full chapters is too much and I can't in good conscience pay for it. I just feel like dbd is the first horror-only playground, action characters get featured in a ton and horror deserves it's moment. I'll get off my soapbox

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Gens are flying faster than ever and SWFs still dominate. The last update did very little for high MMR killers. Maps need to be nerfed, WoO needs to be nerfed, spine chill needs to not work on undetectable, Dead Hard needs to be changed, they need to stop giving survivors meta perks basekit

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    SoloQ survivor has never been worse and is functionally unplayable. I started playing in 2022 but this is the first time I actually reroll my dailies for survivors hoping that I get a killer based one instead.

    Killer is pretty good actually. Obviously, bad maps, busted tools, the OP nature of SWFs are all still issues, but I've had the least stress playing killer in all these years.

    I am however very concerned about this whole basekit unbreakable and mori change direction. Nobody asked for the stupid last man standing mechanic and they are wasting their time on that as opposed to making the SoloQ improvements, reworking maps, fixing bugs, balancing killers etc.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    A lot of people say that solo q is “unplayable”. I don’t find this to be true at all. I play both killer and survivor (usually whichever role has bonus BP), and I have fun in most of my solo q matches. I’m an average player - not terrible, not great. Yes there are some bad matches where two teammates will go almost immediately or nobody will do gens. Suck it up and move onto the next one. Most people who are complaining about solo q won’t be happy unless they can get easy escapes and tbag the killer at the exit gate every match.

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386
    edited October 2022

    I've been kind of disappointed by everything post 6.1.0 so far to be honest. Game has been way less fun. I don't think Killers needed those buffs.

    They should have checked items, maps and certain killers instead.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m onboard with most of what Laluzi said, other than I’m actually looking forward to the new mori and slugging system. I think it will be a nice speed up to the cleanup phase of the endgame in most matches where you no longer have to walk around just hooking the last one or two downed people. The Unbreakable speed might be a touch too fast but otherwise it seems like a good system.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,234
    edited October 2022

    The good: DH for distance was nerfed. I feel like I have a bit more perk viability and variety on both sides

    The bad: I think a lot of killers are punching way above their weight class right now. 6.1 nerfed some slowdowns but severely overtuned others to compensate. Killers are capable of way too much slowdown at the moment. You can't considerably lower the killer skill floor and also leave matchmaking like it is on the survivor side. I see killers get led on these ridiculous chases and it just doesn't matter because they have 4 slowdowns to make up for it. You shouldn't be able to fail and win in a PVP game.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Yeah good point perks shouldnt be that much of a crutch

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited October 2022

    What you just said doesn't even make any sense. The toxicity displayed by survivor mains, including streamers and YouTubers, astronomically dwarfs toxicity shown by killers so saying "wanting to play a serial killer attracts deranged people" is way off the mark. Most of the stuff that survivors call toxic from the killers isn't even done personally, it's to give them a chance to win the game in the face horribly unbalanced game mechanics like maps, SWF, and gen speed.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,573

    The game itself? Better than ever.

    It's the whole "I don't care about your fun" crowd and its various branches that spoil the experience.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    That's kind of tasteless, don't you think? Like I was following you at first, but there's a pretty massive leap from pissy kids and internet trolls to literal serial killers.

  • KreeG
    KreeG Member Posts: 11

    I love playing this game, I main survivor, primarily solo queue but I also duo with my girlfriend quite a bit, and also recently started playing more killer games(which are much harder than people give it credit for especially as I've started to rank up).

    These forums/reddit/twitter I've found are just a cesspool of negative people that want the game catered specifically to/for them. This game is never going to be perfectly balanced, sure I do think there are flaws to the game that could be ironed out, but it's an asymmetrical horror/survival game, not some major e-sport. You are getting exactly what you signed up for when you play this game.

    So yeah, I have a positive experience when I play this game otherwise I would not continue to play every day, and I'd highly recommend this game to my friends/anyone I talk to that seems curious/interested in this game.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I feel the game is more dull as survivor, Noed nerf and not reliable Hex placement make me ignore Totem, since killer barely use Hex; and that 50sec added just force me to rush Gen instead.

  • Dem34888
    Dem34888 Member Posts: 56

    I see people that DC only when killers playing with "strategy" named tunneling / facecamping / slugging (or it's Nurse)

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    Game is not in a good state, playercount continues to rapidly decline. The double BP event of July didnt even register on the charts, the RE2 release hype lasted less than 2 weeks. The game is bleeding players, the matchmaking is awful. The bonus BP per role seems completely random. We still cant see our MMR and the map pool does not feel random as some maps seem to appear way more than others.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    they basically did everything to make the game unfun for 80 percent of the people in the match, so it’s to be expected the game is in a free fall. I don’t even consider playing it anymore just because it’s obvious there is a lack of understanding what is really going on. But that’s what happens when you base your decisions off of statistics and not listen to people who play.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    6.1 ruined the game and all updates after 6.1 are extremely disappointing, let's not even talk about 6.3 PTB, huge disconnect between devs and players imo, it was fun while it lasted but right now playing anything else is a lot more fun than dbd