Killers acting weird today.

Idk if it's something in the air or what but had 3 games so far today, one huntress hard tunnelled me off hook twice, got about 5k points yay. Then my next 2 games had a trickster and a myers just wander round the map, basically ignoring survivors and not playing the game. ######### is going on? Lol
Have you been living under a rock? Killers have been hard tunneling off hook and camping non stop ever since 6.1.0. came out. There's a reason the BP bonus is always on surv lol.
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I do actually play the game. I see killers tunnel but this was extreme, like hung around the hook and hard zoned in on me straight off the hook. Didn't help one of my rando teammates seemed determined to unhook both times regardless of the killer being on top of us.
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Sounds normal to me
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Yeah, because its a 1v4-game.
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Myers and Trickster probably tanking MMR or on psychedelics
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Tunneling sounds normal, especially from Huntress.
Other two sound like doing random tome challenge like "find the purple glyph" or just hoping to tank MMR.
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I think he was saying the wandering around randomly ignoring everybody of the last two matches was weird.
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Just a normal dbd experience.
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I guess those games where I lost because I didn't camp or tunnel just didn't happen.
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Past couple daysIve seen lots of 100% and 50% killer. Usually those matches came with super high prestige survivors too.
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Yeah, recency bias is a thing.
I don't get tunneled or camped much if any more now than I did in 2019, 2020, or 2021. It's just an unfortunate constant.
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It's possible the wandering killers were looking for glyphs. Other than that, who knows.
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Is it just me, or did most people just read the first sentence?
Yeah, the wandering around while ignoring survivors sounds weird. Did the first 2 gens go very quickly? Maybe they decided its not worth the effort.
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I did a match as Demopuppy and when I got to a Gen I started smacking it like I was trying to repair it. A few Survivors saw me realized what I was doing and preceded to give me pointers how to repair Gens.....that was a fun laid back match for all.
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You're honestly lucky if people read beyond your title here
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I don't see Myers that often in my games but when I do, it's almost always some weird build (or both red addons trying to instakill everyone)
The last one I played against had a permanent Tier 1 addon and NOED.
Never seen them just do nothing though. But I had a Pinhead doing something like that recently, just trying to hit me with his power again and again hardly ever trying to get closer or M1.
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Oh thats nice when survivors actually recognize what you´re trying. But sometime you get survivors that... well... don´t recognize anything and just proceed to run away.
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Awhile ago I was playing Vommy Mommy and was looking around for the Survivors that 3 brought in flashlights.
I saw them shining the lights in the sky and spinning around, when I got there they clicked at me then spun around again. I figured they wanted to farm so I looked up and we'll spewed into the sky spinning around. They began crouching and clicking as we farmed each other for the rest of the match.....I had to kill the 4th survivor because they were trying to escape the match and end it too soon.
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Yeah meme matches are best made as full teams. I remember some cult of dwight matches. Where they ran to the basement and circled the basement hooks.
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a huntress that is extremely annoyed
2 other kills that just had about enough and just want to lower their MMR