Catchup mechanic

Hey, I've seen that we got 2 extra prestiges on every character, wasn't it supposed to be only on the 11th? Did everyone get it? I wasn't counting on it beeing today and I prestiged every character, was only missing,4 killers to prestige, this sucks so much.


  • LiaLight
    LiaLight Member Posts: 75

    Yes, I just checked and you are right. I also got the extra prestige levels already today.

    I think it only counted for the characters who were 50/0/1/2 before 6.1.0 came out. So I think any prestiges done now wouldn't have counted anyways.

    "Inclusion of Stage 2 of our Prestige Catch-Up. Characters which were level 50 and prestige 0, 1, or 2 as of the 6.1.0 release will receive 2 bonus prestige levels, as if they had been prestiged."