Don't you feel like your BP is devalued?

Since BW was updated, it feels like BP has become less valuable.
In that way, I think the joy of collecting BP has also decreased.
i liked the previous version better
What about you?
I like it bette now. It was really frustrating going through survivor games winning barely enough for a few nodes. It feels much better in my opinion to be able to prestige my characters without having to spend so much time mindlessly grinding.
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It's become less valuable because the grind is decreased. And items/add-ons/perks/offerings cost less
That's not a bad thing at all in my book
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I prefer it now
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The only thing I dislike is how long and tedious is to spend bps.
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Especially when you have all the perks on some chairs.
Why there's no Spend All or speed up option yet is a mystery.
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true BPs are really easy to earn now and that's a good thing I guess plus the grind has been reduced add-ons perks etc costs less BPs.
one thing that annoys me is how it takes years to do a full bloodweb spending your BPs on a certain character that you want to prestige asap takes wayyy too long and feels like a chore.
desperately need a way to buy whole bloodwebs with just a "purchase all" option or smth like that where the entity will still eat some parts of the bloodweb.
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Currently bringing the Projekt W characters to P9 and.. mostly I am annoyed by how much time I spend in the bloodwebs and how many (useless) items/addons/offerings I am collecting which I will never use.
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While it is true that many Items, Add Ons and Offerings are just useless, you only spend so much time in the Bloodweb because you can now actually afford more things.
Before, when playing Survivor, you had one game and were able to get like 2-5 Bloodweb-Items.
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Yeah I know that. But it’s accumulating faster now and since I got everyone on P9 xcept the new chars I guess I just get annoyed more by the stuff on them right now.
a way to progress quicker through bloodwebs as well as some kind of trading owned stuff that you don’t use would be nice and had been requested by the community for a while now. It was also asked about in their latest surveys iirc
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Honestly, I find myself feeling the exact opposite. My BP spend further now, so I actually care about getting smaller amounts from things like challenges and dailies and codes, and so I feel that they're more valuable than they were before.
My only bloodpoint-related complaint is how long you still spend levelling up in the bloodweb.
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Not at all. I just wish we didn't have to hold to confirm on the bloodweb, takes forever.
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Now that everything is cheaper, and Survivor gains 100% almost all the time, I'm seeing more and more item use from everyone. Although it makes my Killer games more frustrating, at least Survivors are using more of the tools available to them closing the gap between stacked and unstacked teams. It's a good change because it'll bring to light potential balance issues and now that items are being used more they'll actually hopefully fix some of the useless addons in time.
Post edited by Juicyman on2 -
I feel exactly the opposite. Our bloodpoints are worth more because, WGLF, BBQ and Chili, and Matchmaking Incentives notwithstanding, we're making the same amount of Bloodpoints we were before but now can buy more with them than we could previously.
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Getting more Bloodpoints and having to spend less bloodpoints for thing was a needed change when we get new perks and characters every 3 months.
The only complaint is that buying out a bloodweb takes too long.
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It feels better than before. In the past you could play a perfect match and not even get 1 whole Bloodweb out of it.
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I dont and I dont understand why someone would want the older system unless they are very new to the game.
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Increase BP earn and item/addon cost less make the item/addon/offering you use will never deplete your earning. Which there is no reason for survivor not bringing full loadout (killer always bring full loadout already).
Though you can only get Purple/Red addon at high blood web, where it keep getting prestige. And it only stop at Prestige 100.
Which is, once you prestige 100, you can only buy purple/red addon/item and not care about BP at all.
At long run, when everyone has their characters at prestige 100. The match will only have Purple/Red item/addon.
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I prefer this new Bloodpoint Grind, it's less frustrating to prestige the characters and unlock the perks for the others.
When it comes to the items, I think they should just make the iridescent and purple items or add-ons a bit more rare but not like impossible to get.
I was always scared to use Bloodpoints before and carefully used them to unlock specific perks, I got burned out from grinding and not getting enough bloodpoints so I mainly played during Bloodhunts, it's much better now.
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I like it. Being able to level up a couple times lets me better guess which parts of the blood web the entity will take and I can more quickly play around it if I'm trying to blood rush a character to prestige for a perk.
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No? My BP has increased in value. I can buy more with it. It's great.
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For sure, BP go further now than ever.
Absolutely. My TV actually goes into low power/burn in prevention mode a lot when I am spending my BP, it takes so long.
I don't think there should be a "buy all" but maybe a mechanic where you pick one of the outer nodes and it buys the ones directly in between, or something similar.