Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

So It's Been About 1 Year Now...

Boss Member Posts: 13,616
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

Just curious if you think it's worth it to come back to play.

I mainly played Killer and sometimes solo Survivor.

EDIT: I should also add i give 0 fricks about competitive, it's all about just having fun for me: Whether that's doing certain builds, messing around or whatever.

I know, i know: I wil ultimately decide if i will play again, but i'd like some insider info from y'all on how the game currently plays and how it is compared to 1 year ago, if you can still remember that.

Pour your heart out here all you want, i promise you that i will read it all!

'Kay, looking forward to many replies!


  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    I have been having a lot of fun. I primarily play killer, and play survivor when my buddies are on. Killer can still get stressful when playing against a coordinated team (if you care about winning). The skill ceiling I would say has gone up from a year ago.

    Survivor as solo can definitely be rough, hence why I only play SWF.

    I would overall recommend coming back and giving it a try. :)

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    No the game is the same as when you left

    Second Chance VS Gen regression (using different perks for the same end goal)

    Some of the new Killers do look cool but I haven't played in like 8-9 months

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386
    edited October 2022

    The new survivor meta is kind of fun. Lots of variety and fun builds to try.

    The tunneling has somehow gotten worse,with the DS butchery.

    The new killer meta is actually EXTREMELY less fun if you're playing solo queue as 3-gen eruption gaming is impossible to counter if you're in a solo team. Expect to see tons of 3 gens.

    Playing Killer feels kind of easy,rarely losing to high caliber players in good maps with strong items.

    Would I come back if I were you? Nah,you're not missing much. Somehow this game gotten substantially more stale than before the shake up. Also they buffed Nurse multiple times now with a minor range addon nerf. So that makes sense.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    Cause I can put logic onto whatever is being discussed... can you?

    Yea there was a lot of changes but did it help the game... from what I have seen no...

    6.1.0 only changed what perk you used... not the strats used (for the most part)

    And now they are on a slippery slope by adding in basekit BT...

    If it's "looking good" then why are there players complaining about camping and tunneling still... complaining about Nurse and Blight still

    Some of those changes only made camping and tunneling better... so where are those changes... what about maps (or the lack of them)

    I may have stopped playing but I didn't stop looking at what other people do and say...

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634
    edited October 2022

    Progression is much, much better and there's been a slight change to the meta in terms of perks, but generally the game plays the same as it did a year ago besides the fact that slugging and tunneling are both realistically far less desirable methods of pressure building (despite this, both of these seem to be more prevalent than before). It's not in some brand new state never heard of before; you'll play for a few hours, learn the new content and basic gamplay mechanics, then continue playing like you always did once you know how they work.

    It's in a better state than it was before balance wise, not playerbase wise. Except devour hope doesn't allow you to mori anyone anymore. That sucks.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited October 2022

    I wouldn't. Personally I Uninstalled to make room on my ps4 for fall guys. It's not fun anymore

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Honestly, from what I've seen, the experience will vary wildly depending on mmr, region, platform, crossplay usage, regular time and day of play, and what you want out of the game. Best thing to do is to read up on the past few patches and hop in and see what it's like for you.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Oh right, i DID read up on Devour Hope.

    Big yikes, the fun for me was getting to kill, not to get the Entity to kill.

  • entertainment720
    entertainment720 Member Posts: 246

    I didn't think I'd say this, but I play more killer than I did before! The Dredge is my new main, and also the perk changes revitalized the game in interesting ways. I think you should give it a shot!

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Ehh, Wraith doesn't seem to have gained any new cosmetics either.

  • Havocus
    Havocus Member Posts: 29

    I quit when MMR released, just came back to play recently. I started playing DBD as a killer main, played 500hours of killer before a single survivor match, now I have 2k hours and I would guess it's 50/50 play time between killer survivor. I'm rank 1 killer and survivor (don't think that really matters).

    You probably played when ruin/undying was in it's prime and busted. There is a combination of perks now that surpass even that level of broken gen regression. People that use these perks and guard a 3 gen make the game unwinnable for survivors, especially if they will not commit to a chase. I have experienced more hostage 3 gen matches in the last couple of weeks than I ever have in all my 2k hours of playing. Nurses are running rampant with Starstruck, major gen regression, hook camping, tunneling--and your team dcs or suicides on first hook the majority of these matchups. Blights doing the same thing, because "hur dur tunneling is efficient". I guess summarized, a fun match as a survivor has been rare. And just to clarify, fun doesn't only mean escaping or "winning". Give me some fun chases, some gen points etc and I'm happy to die idgaf.

    As a killer I have had no issues. I stopped playing nurse as I realized it was zero fun for people to play against (they have too much ptsd from other nurses and don't know that I'm only using bbq/shadowborn and no addons--and I don't tunnel or camp). I'm a huntress main (certainly not the best but I'm above average I'd say), even vs a SWF with prove thyself, hyperfocus, BNP, I usually still get a 2k and without tunneling or hook camping. I haven't had NEARLY the terrible experience that I've had in solo Q survivor. That being said, survivor mains are experiencing what I mentioned above, therefore they are mostly on guard and cranking out those gens. So you may play, see this happen and walk away from it thinking "oh man this game is so survivor sided". Not knowing that there are some boring a f human beings who don't give a f about healthy gameplay that these survivors are having to deal with every match.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,755

    I haven’t been playing DBD as much as I used too. I can only play a few matches then get bored and stop playing. But obviously other people are still having fun on the game so you might too.. why not comeback and give it a try??

  • entertainment720
    entertainment720 Member Posts: 246

    Hey, thanks! 🤩 Right back at you!

    Agreed--nothing to lose, for sure!

    Everyone has different tastes and preferences as well. Maybe you'll find something that sparks that joy for you. No way to know until you see!

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,556

    I think the game is in it's least fun state that it's been since I've played.

    Just one dude's opinion.

  • Droneinthrwind
    Droneinthrwind Member Posts: 108

    I can give you my experience:

    After just 6.1 dropped solo Q was HELL. Literally the least fun I had with dbd. Stopped playing till Wesker dropped.

    Now I'm actually having quite a bit of fun. Killers stopped with hard-core tunneling every game, even took of off the record because it almost never gets used and I can actually try some funny builds instead of fully running unti tunnel/camping builds. Solo Q is still mostly played by braindead people tho.... So where is a bit if frustration where.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    My collector brain is also not liking the fact that there's 213 Perks now.

    I think i'll stay out of this game for a while longer, thanks for the replies!

  • Carmina_is_cute
    Carmina_is_cute Member Posts: 94

    Minor correction: Devour Hope still allows you to mori people. The mori rework has not gone live and will not go live in the next update.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,969

    I mean there will always be a meta, but you see A LOT more diversity in perks nowadays for the Survivor side

    Killers on the other hand is still the same old #########, at least now the killer has to go out of their way to get the effects of the perks tho. Unlike Pop or Ruin which were pretty much passive effects.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,858

    Haven’t read others posts here but giving my 2 cents:

    the big perk overhaul made things more interesting imo, especially perk variety on survivor side is greater.

    on the killer side I think the gen time got a little bit less pressuring though I still need one to two gen protection perks (but I am pretty bad so..)

    soloq still needs improvements and accessibility can always be better. Cheating is a problem but for casual players not as big as some make it out and apparently bhvr is actively doing stuff in this regard.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,969

    At least its not Dead Hard on every Survivor every game, its also not as strong as before

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 674

    Sincerely? I want to love this game

    I was pulled into the game by the sleeve when it was free on the epic, friends wanted to play with me, so much so that today, I look at all the changelogs, I make a summary of them and I talk about it with this group

    We are not competitive, we play above all for fun, to have fun... But when I have the misfortune to play, whether it is survivor with others, or killers... We very often find ourselves faced with unfair elements, or cheating, and it totally cuts me off, so much so that we take a lot of fun playing in a custom game

    The saddest part is that, when faced with killers who camp, who tunnel, or slugg, etc... Or when faced with survivors who body block, who always have fun silently following you when you chase someone for save flashlight, or who manages to blind you for ten minutes... Your game no longer becomes fun, and you go into the "tryhard mode", and it's not fun anymore, you don't take the time to enjoy the game, you don't play a game for the fun

    And the influx of cheaters lately have completely cut off my desire to play the game..

    I'm coming back here little by little, after a little break of two or three months... But I still have the fear of falling back against them, these survivors who run practically as fast as the killer, the killers who pass through the pallets or who only take two or three seconds to catch you up after having passed the same window as you, or after you had dropped a god palette, which had knocked them out...

    In this kind of case, you don't have fun anymore

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited October 2022

    First of all: Welcome back! Haven't seen you in a while and I'm glad to do so again ^^

    As for the topic at hand:

    A lot has changed in the game recently. The 6.1.0 patch in particular came with an immense meta shakeup for both sides and overall was a very good patch IMO, giving Killers some much needed basekit buffs.

    Another thing is SBMM with its MMR system - this too has been undergoing significant changes throughout its existance. We're at the point right now where it is basically just the same as the rank based matchmaking for high MMR players, whereas lower level players get some more accurate matches. Also a positive change IMO, as "competetive DbD" is just a terrible experience all around. Oh and MMR decay isn't a thing so you're gonna be matched on the same level you were on when you quit.

    Of course we also had our fair share of Killer additions and updates, so to break the most important ones down:

    1. The Mastermind is widely considered the most fun Killer in the game right now.
    2. The Dredge is an extremely unique Killer both design and gameplay wise, I find it to be very fun.
    3. The Deathslinger is basically dead, they removed his ability to quickscope and increased his TR to 32m - terrible changes IMO, but it's BHVR's game and if they wanna ruin a character then go for it I guess.
    4. Spirit received major changes to give her more counterplay - it's pretty hit or miss whether you like it or not, I find her more boring nowadays but I've seen a lot liking the changes.
    5. A Twins rework has been announced.

    Outside of that the basic gameplay loop is the same as it has always been, some additions have been made here or there (Scourge Hooks for Killers that reward focussing specific hooks over others and Boon Totems for Survivors that reward them for wasting some time setting them up and can be snuffed out by Killers), but overall the core game hasn't changed much.

    Killer is probaply in the best state it has ever been in, whereas solo Survivor is still just painful. The recent Killer buffs have not helped that fact, sadly (but they were needed nontheless). SWF hasn't changed a whole lot, it's still by far the best way to enjoy Survivor gameplay.

    And I think that's all - might have missed some things here or there, but I'm sure you'll hear them from others nontheless.

    EDIT: yup, I completely forgot to mention the whole progression changes... well in short Bloodwebs are a lot better now and prestige got completely reworked. It's much easier to level up your characters now, which is great!

    Have a good time in the fog ^^

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,969

    Yeah I see Dead Hard pretty much every game too, but Im actually getting some perk variety now

    Power Struggle is something I actually have to worry about now, Lightweight can actually make me lose some one, I saw a Lithe/DWM combo the other day, something I havent seen in years. There are just so many perks being ran now that I actually have no idea what some one is running when chasing them. Its not just DH/DS/Unbreakable/BT, and maybe an Adrenaline or Prove Thyself if theyre feeling quirky.

    Killers got more diversity as well but for the most part its still stacking gen regression. Only difference is you have to some what go out of your way to get it activated now (Eruption, CoB, Overcharge and Pain Res)

    Over all the game is a lot more enjoyable, just Solo Q that needs some attention

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,481

    @Boss good to see you!

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    if you think DH is bad now it used to be a million times worse

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,015

    Welcome back, @Boss! Happy to see you around here again!

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    Thanks @Seth__ for the back up

    But then again yes the game has changed... but it's Gen Regression VS. Gen progression and Second Chances

    With other Perks being used for one reason or another

    It does pay to be attentive with things... doesn't

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
    edited October 2022

    try one game for yourself, then decide on that

    personally I've been having fun with both sides most of the time, but hey maybe I'm unconsciously a masochist

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    The game is very competitive right now and it's difficult to have "fun" anymore. Killer is much easier and solo survivor is extremely difficult. My only advice is try it out and find out for yourself. I played for a bit recently and had to quit immediately because of how sweaty games get as solo survivor and how easy/boring killer is now.