This achievement took so long to get done. This took me 14 straight hours of grinding Trapper matches to get this done. I went from the lowest possible Grade to Iridescent 4 from how long this took.
For context: You need to grab survivors from Bear Traps to progress this challenge. Survivor being hit with a Basic Attack or running into a Bear Trap does not progress this challenge.
A lot of RNG is involved with this, because even with addons to make it difficult for survivor to get out of the Bear Traps, I would have survivors often get out of it on their first attempt or right before I could pick them up.
Weird. On the Epic Store version it only ask me for 10 survivors instead of 100.
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Achievements are different across different platforms. For EGS and Console, you only need 10 survivors. For Steam, you need 100 survivors.
Another example I can think of is Skilled Huntress, on Steam is required you to down 20 survivors from 24 meters away with a Hatchet. On EGS and Console it requires 100 survivors, making it WAY more difficult.
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I was only missing 5 achievements on Console, but for me I dont mind restarting, especially knowing that the ones I needed on Console are way easier for Steam.
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Actually the number of downs needed for skilled huntress is still only 20 on Xbox at least. Still a difficult achievement with the less precision controllers offer
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On PS4/5 it was 100, BHVR is very weird when determining what to do on each platform.
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Luckily I started off as a Trapper main, and the early days made catching people in bear traps MUCH easier because you were able to shove them in terrain a lot more than you could now. It also helped that the old grass covered them up pretty well
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Hearing that sound of a survivor getting trapped in a bear trap is still one of the most satisfying and funniest moments in game, in my opinion!
Congrats on getting the achievement! 🤩
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It was originally 100 sony is super strict on changing trophies, they only allow it if its 100% impossible.
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Me thinking about this and crying at the fact that I've done it 32 times on Playstation and how if I did it on steam, I'd be done already. Almost 2 times over also.
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Ohhhh i was wondering why mine hadn't gone up as much as it should've done. Doesn't specify in the achievement you have to instagrab them out of a trap.
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As someone who only needs the 3 blink gen grab as Nurse, the Racoon City escape achievement that's one of the new ones, and the Huntress one to have all of the achievements, I can sadly confirm that the Huntress one is still 100 downs from that long-distance range on PS5. Since I'm not a Huntress main, and I'm only a decent Huntress, that achievement seems completely out of reach, and it should have been changed on PS4/5 a long time ago.
ETA: Congrats to the OP on getting that achievement!
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Oh ffs, this achievement has been gaslighting me for so long - I have a pathetically low number when I've had a ton of trapped survivors before, but yeah I just hit them with my weapon.
The more you know
I also have the achievement on ps4 🤔 I guess I used to pick them up directly more often