Which Killer do you think needs a REALM of their own, or needs more than one REALM?

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 406

This includes Killers that were given only one map, or Killers that weren't given one due to the Beyond The Realm map reworks.

This also includes Killers that have a map, but it shares the realm of a different killer.

For example, The Plague is given the Temple map that belongs in the same realm as Mother's Dwelling, given to the Huntress, both set in the Red Forest.

And the Clown was given a Chaple/Fun Fair map that belongs in the same realm as the Disturbed Ward, a map given to the Nurse, both set in the Crotus Prenn Asylum.

Although, I guess it would be a cool concept if there was Killers that lived in the same realm, but never had contact with each other, they have their own stories of how they ended up in that realm.

There were two killers that were connected to each other in one realm, and Killers that were connected in two completely different realms.

Which Killer do you think needs a REALM of their own, or needs more than one REALM? 34 votes

The Trickster - The Mightee One Entertainment Studio, with maybe an outside area?
SpacingLlamas[Deleted User]MrPenguinTatariuFilthyLegionMainFFirebranddkDarkoFobboNoOneKnowsNovaAnnoyingNarratorVenusaGRIG0FBD_WalterClements71BothSidesEnjoyerINoLuvK139K05KroseHexanqnyun 19 votes
The Deathslinger - Maybe the Prison got sent to could work.
Donleov 1 vote
The Blight - I can imagine it being some kind of Mansion, but with the Blighted stuff and pustula flowers everywhere.
Smoexni6_ 2 votes
The Dredge - Not sure about what it would be, maybe a
The Twins - It could be set in some kind of Village in France.
Alex_BlueMittenstliff 3 votes
The Doctor - It could some different location in the Institute, maybe a secret underground lab?
The Legion - It be a town with the Video Store where Jeff worked at.
Albert Wesker - Either the Spencer Mansion, the Umbrella Laboratory underneath RPD, or the Alleyways from RE3 outside RPD.
musstang62IlliterateGenocideNumberedglint51 3 votes
The Clown - Ever wanted to play as Mikasa in a Circus map, against Freddy?
AurelleOdawg241 2 votes
The Plague - Some kind of Castle in Antient Babylon.
HellDescentGhouled_MojodarkcloudlinkChiky 4 votes


  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    The Clown - Ever wanted to play as Mikasa in a Circus map, against Freddy?

    I just want a circus themed map :-(

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,009
    Albert Wesker - Either the Spencer Mansion, the Umbrella Laboratory underneath RPD, or the Alleyways from RE3 outside RPD.

    Super disappointed Albert did not come with a map, i get they wanted to fix there past mistakes with RPD(made it worse tbh) but it felt like we go punished for there bad calls.

    if they didnt mess up with RPD we would of probs got a second map

    also a RE5 map would of been nice

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Its strange to have a circus with a chapel in the same map. There could be a Father killer.

    Clown could use the Crotus realm, just need a circus as main building instead.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785
    The Trickster - The Mightee One Entertainment Studio, with maybe an outside area?

    I want a really flashy bright cool looking map, one that seems almost futuristic in a sense.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    The Trickster - The Mightee One Entertainment Studio, with maybe an outside area?

    Trickster really should've gotten a map. Even just the lobby screens during All Kill were fantastic. A whole map in that style would have been amazing.

  • IGOTYA117
    IGOTYA117 Member Posts: 2

    I would love to see pinhead have his own map since he’s an OG character since 1987

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464
    The Trickster - The Mightee One Entertainment Studio, with maybe an outside area?

    Trickster would be great.

  • Hexan
    Hexan Member Posts: 71
    The Trickster - The Mightee One Entertainment Studio, with maybe an outside area?

    I could see three kind of map ideas, 1: is a korean shopping strette with a allyway network and shop posters with LED/Neon light, 2: A consert/Music festival theme map with light and even a large screen that show does who aura is shown for a short time, 3: The music studio that the trickster work for and have poster for consert and album on the wall.

  • Pearlfect01
    Pearlfect01 Member Posts: 7

    Not trying to sound rude, but don't Doctor, Deathslinger and Dredge have a map of their own already? Doctor has Lérys memorial institute, Deathslinger has Dead Dawg saloon and Dredge has Garden of joy? Technically all of those are their own realms too

  • Hexan
    Hexan Member Posts: 71
    The Trickster - The Mightee One Entertainment Studio, with maybe an outside area?

    so does plauge and legion