My last few matches as pig have me wondering, does she need a nerf
Nerf being a meme comment.
Seriously though is she just really annoying to verse as a survivor?
I have been getting destroyed on most killers, got her as a daily and have noticed people play very different vs her compared to others.
Is playing lesser used killers a good idea because survivors dont know what to do as much, or is it something else?
Match was one after another ( same map - no offerings ! )
Is this something else entirely and people are trying to play around perks, and that is messing them up? What a meta shakeup that would be haha
Pig is really good at stomping casual players.
The head traps can really slow them down and if you get bad RNG, they can kill you through little fault of your own.
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I'm not a fan of her kit overall (her Ambush is mostly useless outside of her mediocre Iri) and requires too many addons to be relevant.
Her traps...ugh. I hate 'RNG'd to death' mechanics, especially when they are an instant mori.
That said, no, she absolutely does not need a nerf. I'd like a rework, to shift more of her power into her Ambush and away from traps, but balance wise - she's completely fine.
Pig, plus longer search time, plus tampered timer is genuinely evil. I'd say I get at least 1 head pop a game running these, and I never hassle people on boxes.
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the build that you described is dangerous ONLY if you let her to catch you.. In a certain sense it works like oni: don't get injured and he won't be able to use his power (in that case don't get downed). Regarding the chase aspect her power is awfully weak and need to be buffed properly
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...we cant tell if these are serious posts anymore
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Yeah really can't tell if this is bait or not. Her slowdown is decent with her extremely boring rng traps and her chase isn't a thing. So no.
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I find that if you trap the same survivor twice that has a 50/50 chance of resulting in a DC...
I really enjoy playing Pig and it is great her hats are a built in slowdown (that is often ruined with unfortunate RNG) but at the end of the day she is just an M1 killer that will eat many pallets and run many loops against moderately decent survivors.
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Even on a pure M1 killer, that build is a touch of death sometimes. 'Don't get hit' isn't realistic, as - especially now - she is going to catch you eventually.
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sure... once all gens are done... let be realistic here, with all the maps that are safe m1 killers are almost useless... use windows of opportunity and see how many pallets and windows are present in the map, after that take into account that they are also close to each other and can be chained easily to create semi infinites and you get the idea why i said that those addons are worthless aganist decent people
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Not at all. Go watch Otz's video on that one.
Pig can struggle initially, but it's a battle of attrition. Once they burn through resources, you'll start smacking them and then it's fun times at Shenanigans.
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Pig just preys on casual players exceptionally well since she has her traps and her stealth.
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If you can get traps on people, you might have pressure. But if you're understandably struggling to get a down, and they're showing no signs of stopping on the gens, it's over.
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She's good against solo's but terrible against SWF
It all depends on how quickly you can down, Trap and hook
If you can get it before the first Gen gets done... good job you've stalled the first Gen but sped up the second through the fifth
But if you don't get the down before the first Gen is done then it's going to be a short game with not a lot of slowdown due to traps not being on the Survivors and the RNG of taking it off
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I've had a lot of success on her recently running 6 traps, Plaything, Retribution, Pentimento and Discordance. Once you get rid of some pallets and start getting downs, you just overwhelm people with side objectives and they crumble.
Discordance allows you to get some awesome Ambushes off too.
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I vehemently dislike RNG outcomes in a PVP game, and her entire power spike is built around it. I think she's problematic when Crate of Gears/Tampered Timer is involved, because there can be scenarios on a few maps where a survivor can't even search 80% of the boxes before the timer runs out if they're interrupted even a little bit. And it's so blatantly anti-competitive to have a game come down to "should have had better RNG on box searches".
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What happens when they don't cleanse hexes, and split up on gens?
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pig is like garen in league of legends. she gets drastically worse the higher your mmr gets.
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If someone gets ambushed, they clearly will get clapped by any killer in the game, pig is a joke if the survivors are semi-decent, now most survivors somehow still go down to m1 killers without wasting at least 2 gens worth of time, so that might create the ilusion that pig is better than she really is.
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Pig gets hate because lots of bad people like Pig; Amanda's chasing trapped survivors isnt just a meme because the beeping is an indication saying "Tunnel me! Tunnel me!"
Luckily I think the average tunneller has moved on to Wesker
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Pig is one of the last killers that needs a nerf. The stalk and lunge power is nearly useless. The only thing she has are traps, which aren’t that difficult to deal with unless you have very unlucky RNG
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Honestly since they reworked traps so the fourth is guaranteed the only way you can die to the hats are if she uses tampered timer and the boxes are far apart or she harasses you off them.
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you know that Otz usually get bad survivors in his matches, right? Just because someone win/lose a match doesn't mean that said killer is strong/weak. The most significative example is the nurse: at low levels it's impossible to find a competent nurse, while in high mmr she's a nightmare to go against... tbh even if i consider otz a good streamer, i'm not always agreeing with his words...