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why is tombstone myers still a thing

got 1 gen done and next thing i knew Myers was on me, I was caught in a dead zone and was instantly dead...not even a few minutes into the game lol.


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,581

    Because Myers hasn't had an update yet.

    Just out of interest, who were you playing and what map was it on?

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    i was playing Claudette and it was one of the Autohaven maps.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,581

    Wasn't me then. I got a Nancy and a Feng on Wretched Shop.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    I mean, yeah I know, but really is a team problem, you always have that one guy in the corner who runs up to Mickey and just tbags up and down so he can get easy stalk to kill the team

    I will HEAVILY agree though that he is VERY outdated, and needs something else, ANYTHING ELSE to his kit then "haha boo"

  • Config
    Config Member Posts: 306

    Bnps, syringes, commodious toolboxes, green medikits, and let's remember u are complaining about one of the worst killers in the game, that is only slightly viable when using his best add-ons. That's the biggest skill issue possible.

  • Config
    Config Member Posts: 306

    Oh yeah, 4 people with 4 medikits capable to deny any killer pressure is not a good advantage, the m1 killer that need his best add-ons is a lot stronger. Survivors if well coordinated don't need add-ons, Myers is a joke on torment stands, and survivors have limited resources. Myers is in general just a big joke as a killer, in the majority of tierlists his on the very bottom.

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    yeah all these things are running under the assumption that ur in a highly coordinated swf. so...yeah, base level, there are no add-ons on survivor side that compare to Tombstone Myers lol.

  • Pumpkinbros
    Pumpkinbros Member Posts: 425

    I always think he's fun

  • Config
    Config Member Posts: 306

    All I'saying is: Myers need his best add-ons to not be the worst killer in the game. While survivor often don't need any kind of items of add-ons to perform well.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,967

    Myers is a weak killer who is only really fun when using Tombstone or Scratched Mirror (I actually think the latter is about the most fun for both sides you can have in the game).

    But the Tombstone Piece does feel unfair sometimes, though it is fun to use. It often feels cheap to use as a killer, but it's hilarious when a surv is BMing right at the start and you just murder them.

    As solo surv, I almost always just assume the TP is in play with a Myers, especially if the lead up to tier 3 seems to take a while. Of course that can also go quickly if he gets fed right off the bat, but really the approach against him shouldn't be all the different regardless; try not to feed him stalk, mind your sightlines. When he is in Tier 3 and it seems you're going to take a hit, jump in a locker if you can. It's not as if he can sneak up and Tombstone you.

    He definitely needs an overhaul, and I personally would gladly let the Tombstone Piece go, so long as we can keep the Scratched Mirror. That said, I don't think you can take anything from him until he gets a total rework, because his basekit is weak af.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Because the devs refuse to buff Myers, and everyone but survivor-only players would laugh at them if they giga-nerfed what is already debatably the worst killer in game.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    Judith's Tombstone should stay but get rid of Tombstone Piece. It is like the ultimate shortcut in DBD.

  • Superbeasto1974
    Superbeasto1974 Member Posts: 141

    Let's also not forget: it takes an INSANE amount of stalking to get to that lethal tier 3. At minimum, you're looking at a 200% increase in stalking. Then there's the map to deal with. Indoor maps and busy outdoor maps make it difficult to maintain an unobstructed view. I haven't run Tombstone Myers much, but I typically lose 2 gens before hitting tier 3, making the rest of the match a sweat-fest trying to chase down all the survivors. It's far from being an easy 4k.

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 262

    Yes myers is obviously overpowered and needs nerfs.

  • ImNotBobDylan
    ImNotBobDylan Member Posts: 221

    As normally a survivor main, I've played ~20 games with Tombstone Myers and 4K'd all of them, the vast majority of these games went the exact same way: first I would stalk 2 survivors and get tier 3 at 99%, ideally the obsession to gather PWYF stacks, then depending on whether the first 2 survivors I stalked were good in chase, I would drop the chase to find one of the 2 remaining, unsuspecting survivors at 2-3 gens. Most of the time they are totally unsuspecting and with PWYF tokens I would get a kill in 15 sec. Then it's easy to win 1v3.

    I'm guessing the way to counter Tombstone on survivor side is to 1) have the obsession hide from Myers at all costs and 2) people need to pre-emptively jump into lockers when they suspect Myers has tier 3 at 99%. But that's a very hard thing to do in solo queue, especially doing 2) when you have no way to know how much % of stalk your teammates have given Myers.

    Out of all of the games I played I can recall only 1 where somebody went into a locker right as I triggered tier 3, and I was still able to kill one of their teammates before Tier 3 expired.

    I do think tombstone Myers is indeed broken and saying he's the worst killer is extremely misleading. He might be the worst killer against SWFs at Otz' level but not for most of the playerbase, the level of counterplay that is needed on the survivor side requires way more work than what the killer has to do. The killrates right now are above 50% for every killer including Myers, and there are several OP killers like Nurse, Spirit etc. maybe yes Myers is not as strong as those but it does not mean he's weak, Tombstone Myers is also multiple tiers higher than addonless Myers so it's hard to tier list Myers when his potential depends so much on one specific add-on.

    On the other hand I agree that Tombstone is a fun addon and rarely seen (probably because of the BP cost) so I wouldn't mind if that stayed in the game. But saying that it's a skill issue is totally wrong and misleading. I am very confident I would beat the persons in this thread who call Myers 'weak', would you play solo queue and face me. Maybe you think you're good and know how to counter Myers, does not mean your solo Q teammates will know how to.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Honestly, not too bad. It's a fun scare, and it doesn't happen often. I would cry if the add on was more common..... Although one Tombstone, I legit just walked out and didn't feel like fighting it. I just let him get me to get the match over with lol!

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Iri head huntress is a lot worse imo

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    What they could do with tombstone piece though is give you a notification when he reaches tier 3 . Iridescent one is fine though. If you let him chub-up that's on you, since you should be able to tell he has it

  • ImNotBobDylan
    ImNotBobDylan Member Posts: 221

    Completely useless as Myers can and should keep tier 3 at 99%